21 S, 240, 253, 256, 258, 262,
285, 295, 298, 310, 315, 322,
328, 335, 343, 349, 355, 356,
357, 374, 507, 512, 526;
American, 112, 160, 324; Con-
tinental, 138; French, 324;
German, vii, viii, 20, 122, 132,
181, 295; Maryland, vii, 372,
381; Naval, 320, 337, 374, 438,
4531 Commissary of, 188, 192,
241, 245, 368; Exchange of,
188, 192, 195, 196, 241, 245,
347; guard for, 102, 103, 192,
241, 283, 326; Intendant of,
336, 368; maintenance of, 21 ;
officers' debts, 327; paroled,
245, 334, 343; privates, 196;
provisions for, 310, 347; see
also British.
Prisons, see Tails.
Pritchett, Elizabeth, 331.
Privateer Sloop, see Vessels.
Prizes, 158, 213, 361, 377, 387,
Proclamation of Peace, 398ff.,
401, 407.
Procter, Ann, 475; Thomas,
Proctor, Henry, 10.
Pronso, Jacob, 176.
Property, 222, 226, 366; confis-
cated, 206, 222, 250, 308; de-
struction of, 5, 6, 117, 125,
366; see also British.
Prosecutor of Criminal pleas,
Protector, see Vessels.
Prothero, Sylvanus (Silvanus),
525, 544-
Providence (R. I.), 510.
Provision returns, 365, 433.
Provisions and supplies, passim.
Prunall, Thomas, 504.
Pry, Peter, 7.
Public: Accounts, 192; claims,
362; credit, 22, 362, 369; credi-
tors, IOI, 220, 221, 222, 224,
362, 407; magazine, 272; med-
icine, 448; officers, 430; pa-
pers, 292; records, 26, 160;
see also Money, public.
Pugh, Humphry, 6, 478.
Purdy, John, 54; Thomas, 96,
Purnell (Purnall), Benjamin,
416; John Selby, 282;
Thomas, 27, 46, 190, 318, 488;
William, 190, 282.
Pursel, John, 439.
Purviance, Robert, 324, 491 ;
Samuel, 113, 324, 367, 491.
Quarter masters, 14, 33, 73, 139,
Quarters, 116, 150, 218, 265, 340,
392; for French army, 217,
218; see also Barracks.
Queen, Richard, 264.
Queen Anne's County, 7, 10, 17,
26, 28, 45, 51, 126, 286, 312,
336, 341, 342, 365, 415, 5i6,
Quemy, Le Chevalier De, 332.
Quinner, John, 486.
Quinton, Philip, 190, 416, 504.
Quough, William, 51, 104.
Quynn, —— , 5, 340, 349; Allen,
27, 44, 68, 70, 82, 83, 84, 91,
92, 93, 104, in, 120, 130, 132,
150, 164, 184, 190, 219, 245,
249, 273, 314, 323, 345, 354,
392, 398, 403, 405, 4i6, 428,
436, 438, 448, 485, 495, 506,
Raffling, 465.
Ragan, Elie, 139; Joshua, 202.
Raimer, Michael, 380.
Raitt, George, loo.
Rammer for cannon, 151.
Ramsburgh, Elias, 153; John,
252; Stephen, 153; Ursula,
Ramsey, Col., 75; John, 504;
Nathaniel, 12, 75, 191, 207,
300, 539.
Randall, —— , 146, 147; B., 144;
Bale, 143, 158; John, 89, 94,
123, 170, 185, 516.
Ranger, see Vessels.
Rankin, George, 29; Robert, 15.
Ransburgh, John, 404; Stephen,
Ransom, Mary, 15, 66.
Rapier, James, 162.
Rapour, William, 106.
Rasin, Thomas, 191; William,
54, 55-
Ratalick, Simon, 272.
Ratiken, Peter, n.
Ratiker, —— , 288.
Rations, 67, 75, 88, in, 116,
150, 165, 167, 168, 201, 217,
265, 368, 371, 373, 375, 398,
402, 405, 406, 408, 421, 425,
439, 442, 448, 453, 457, 459-
Ratline, 207.
Rawlings, —— , 260; Col., 15,
20, 55, 56, 107, 1 1 6, 233, 234,
235, 240, 242, 243, 277, 278,
316, 317; Daniel, 43, 44, 502;
Daniel, Jr., 39, 342; Francis,
211; Isaac, 15, 168; John, 44,
287; Jonathan, 76; Moses,
14, 35, 36, 79, 99, 221, 441;
Samuel, 76; Sarah, 47; Solo-
mon, 310; William, 308.
Rawlings' Regiment, 15.
Ray, Benjamin, 10, 76; James,
371; John, 298.
Raybold, Jacob, 102.
Raymer, Michael, 174.
Razer, —— , 335.
Reacough, Frederick, 175.
Read, Jacob, 522; Jesse, 476;
Peregrine, n, 115; Philip, 91,
127, 128.
Ream, George, 124.
Reaser, Jacob, 238, 240, 316.
Records, Ann, 312,
Records, restoration by British,
see Archives, records, deeds,
Recovery, see Vessels.
Recruits and recruiting, vii, 2,
43, 48, 50, 59, 62ff., 64, 65, 78,
81, 89, 92, 96, 116, 123, 125,
144, 145, 146, 147, 185, 189,
224, 233, 246, 265, 272, 274,
283, 292, 293, 395, 312, 319,
321, 328, 340, 373, 377, 446,
Red money, see Money.
Redding, James, n.
Redmond (Redman, Redmand,
Redmon, Redmund), Alice
(Elec, Elcy), 5, 35, 88, 114,
148, 175, 200, 222, 244, 268,
295, 308, 326, 350, 370, 391,
403, 421, 435, 440, 450, 457,
475; Joshua, 205; Michael,
Reed, Oliver, 38sf.
Reeder (Reder), —— , 20;
Hezekiah, 28; John, 106.
Reem, Balser, 123.
Reese, David, 200, 247.
Refugees, 507.
Register of Wills, 235.
Registers, 429.
Reid, Capt., 297; Henry, 124;
John, 72, 89, 126, 296.
Reid' s Company, 72, 296, 297.
Reinlistment, passim.
Religion, 409.
Remey, —— , 198.
Rench, Capt., 448; Andrew, 40,
Renol, Christopher, 424.
Reprieves, see Pardons and Re-
Resolution, see Vessels.
Resources, National, see Money.
Resurveys, I33ff.
Reswick, Joseph, 129.
Return, see Vessels.
Revelly, Francis, 47.
Revenge, see Vessels.
Revenue, 22, 234, 241 ff., 280,
281; see also Intendant of
Reynolds, James, 288; Robert,
345; William, 539.
Rheintzel, Daniel, 432.
Rhineheart, George, 381; Val-
entine, 381.
Rhode Island, 293, 330, 335,
385, 386, 510; governor of, x,
385; regiment from, 262.
Rich, Vilett (Vilet), n, 156,
Richards, Ann, 232; Clement,
127; Samuel, 10, 150.
Richardson, Capt., 446; Daniel,
27; Edward, 194; Issabella,
139; James, 208; John, 139,
196; Joseph, 46, 194, 254, 341,