Need, Christopher, 311.
Needham, Michael, 10.
Needles, John, 175.
Neff, Adam, 448.
Negle, Richard, n, 154.
Negroes, 7, 196, 271, 366, 466,
512, 519, 521, 547; Nero Natt,
Neill, John, 356; William, 50,
333, 449, 487.
Nelms, John, 416.
Nelson, Lieut., 34; Roger, 85,
165; Thomas, 454.
Nesbitt, see Vessels.
Nesbitt, John Maxwell, 227.
Neth, Lewis, 66, 81, 82, 170,
205, 404, 415-
Newcomer, Barbara, 350 ;
Henry, 3, 165, 307, 350.
New England Troops, see
Newfoundland, 511.
New Hampshire, 510.
New Jersey, 510, 541.
New Orleans, see Vessels.
New Orleans, 255.
New Port (R. I.), 385.
Newspapers, Annapolis, 222 ;
Baltimore, 222.
New State Currency, see
Newton, Arnold, 202; Zacha-
riah, 98.
New York, Governor of, 251;
Legislature of, 251.
New York (N. Y.), vii, viii, 23,
51, 79, 132, 148, 159, 163, 165,
!72, 175, 192, 195, 196, 200,
211, 241, 245, 246, 250, 253,
256, 258, 262, 264, 285, 292,
293, 294, 295, 208, 310, 312,
320, 321, 322, 324, 327, 343,
347, 349, 359, 372, 374, 378,
38i, 383, 385, 388, 389, 390,
394, 401, 406, 407, 425, 438,
442, 453, 5io, 526; Chief Jus-
tice of, 510.
Nicholls (Nickolls), Ace, 10,
13, 252; John H., 61, 301;
Robert Lloyd, 46; Samuel,
307; Simon, 114, 115, 169;
William, 473.
Nicholls' Company, 61.
Nicholson, Alice, 447; Benja-
min, 42, 308, 478, 541.
Nicola, Col., 202.
Nicola's Corps, 202.
Nixon, James, 169; Jonathan,
Jr., 169; John, 406.
Noel, Edward, 46.
Noland, Thomas, 53.
Norfolk (Va.), 264.
Norfolk, John, Jr., 223.
Norman, Basil, 17.
Norris, —— , 47; Arnold, 10,
130; Daniel, 1 1, 128; Edward,
320, 321; Henry, 106; Jacob,
177, 178; James, 319, 427;
John, ii, 106, 152, 424; Mar-
tin, 43, 200, 201.
North, Lieut. Col., 32, 33.
North Carolina, 199, 510; Gov-
ernor, 263; Volunteers, 311;
see also Militia.
North Seas, 399.
Norton, Nathan, 46, 341.
Norwood, Edward, 464; James,
150; Philip, 536; Richard,
458; Susanna, 458.
Notary public, 185, 371.
Nottingham Forges, 540.
Nourse, —— , 430; James, 304.
Nova Scotia, 510, 511.
Nowell, James, 51.
Nugept, Robert, 251.
Nuttall, Mrs. Elizabeth, 172,
Oakley, John, 339.
Oars, 346, 397.
O'Bryan (O'Brian, O'Brien),
James, 45, 341, 527, 516; Jo-
seph, 10, 169; Patrick, 49.
Ocean, 309.
O'Conner, John, 240.
Odle, Rigdon, 10, 112.
ODonald, Roger, 13.
Officers, 27, 180, 405; accommo-
dations for French, 218; com-
missioned, 406; disobedience
of orders, 391, 392; half pay,
338; misconduct of, 391, 392;
non-commissioned, no, 117,
169; removal or suspension
of, 423; see also Barges.
Officers' depreciation certifi-
cates, see Depreciation certifi-
Offutt (Offut), James, 46, 341,
502; Nathaniel, 10, 82;
Zachariah, 429.
Ogdon, Benjamin, 257; John,
10, n, 101, 417.
Ogle, Alexander, 290, 494; Ben-
jamin, xi, 32, 71, 82, 1 1 8, 146,
231, 315, 403, 483, 500;
Thomas, 139, 418, 495.
Oglesby, Charles, n, 129.
O'Hara (O'Harra), James, 142,
257, 315, 389, 452, 508, 524,
532, 534, 535-
OKell, Charles, 10; George, 128.
Oldham, Edward, 85, 95.
Oliver Cromwell, see Vessels.
Olliver, William, 142.
O'Neal (Oneal) —— , 105;
John, 34, 277, 288; Lawrence,
O Neil, Bainard, 478.
Onshilt, George, 322.
Onstutt, George, n.
Oram, Henry, 151.
Ordinary, licence to keep, 439.
Ordnance, see Artillery.
Orendorff, Christian, 211.
Orme, Archibald, 107, 115;
James, 169; Lucy, 246;
Philip, 169; Robert, 99.
Ormelia, De L', 322.
Orphans Court, 39, 44, 45, 46,
67, 100, 140, 201, 204, 217,
223, 245, 282, 318, 323, 325,
331, 334, 341, 343, 344, 355,
371, 408, 420, 458, 501, 502,
503, 504, 505, 506, 516, 521,
530, 531 J judges of, vii, 39, 44,
45, 46, 140, 223, 282, 501, 502,
503, 504, 506, 516; justices of,
420, 458, 521, 530, 531.
Orrick, Charles, 210, 211.
Osborne (Osborn, Osburn),
John, 413; Samuel, 26; Sam-
uel Groome, 45, 182, 183, 285.
Osnabrigs, 85, 299.
Oswald, —— , 330, 335.
Oswald & Company, George,
Oswald, Dennistone & Com-
pany, 296.
Ott, Adam, 167, 168, 169.
Outposts of the American
Army, 51, 79, 159, 163, 165,
173, 200, 211, 258, 259, 262,
264, 292, 293, 294.
Outten, Samuel, 334, 337.
Overalls, 77, 85, 403.
Owens, Grace, 138; Isaac, n.
Owings, John Cockey, 505, 506;
Nathaniel, 167.
Oyer and Terminer and Gaol
Delivery, see Courts.
Oystem, Harris, 96.
Paca, —— , 26, 31, 32, 225; Gov-
ernor (William), x, 351, 459;
Aquila, 206, 535, 537, 538, 539,
540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545,
546,. 547, 549. 55o; William,
Packet, see Vessels.
Padderson, William, 174.
Page, John, 190.
Page's Troop of Horse, 190.
Paine, Mary, 38.
Painter, Henry, 17.
Pancost, John, 126.
Paper, 29, 108, 183; letter, 29,
74, 85; writing, 74, 85, 245;
for troops, 383.
Paper currencies, see Money.
Papers, of Council, 208; of
foreign ships, 422.
Papers, restoration by British,
see Archives, records, deeds,
Pardo, Benjamin, 156.
Pardons and Reprieves, granted
by governor, 423.
Parigon, see Vessels.
Paris (France), 399, 444, 509-
Park, John, 454.
Parker, Daniel, 470; Edward,
293; John, 440; Jonathan,
107, 127, 169, 316, 363; Mar-
tin, 465.
Parkinson, Edward, 337 ;
Thomas, 203.
Parks, John, 142.
Parliament, British, 366, 509.
Farmer, Jacob, 7.
Parnham, John, 45, 501, 530.