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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
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364, 365, 367, 368, 376, 382,
388, 405, 413, 432, 448, 484,
492, 503, 522, 528, 538, 548;
court martial, 263, 381, 382,
503, 538; duty, 263, 268, 269,
291, 473- Fourth Battalion,
298. Thirteenth Battalion, 19.
Fourteenth Battalion, 28.
Twenty-eighth Battalion, 27.
Thirtieth Battalion, 38.
Thirty-eighth Battalion, 298.
Catoctin Battalion, 203, 311.
Elk Battalion, 274. Elkridge
Battalion, 265, 276. Freder-
ick Town Battalion, 54, 296.
Lower Battalion, 344. North
Carolina, 263. Salisbury Bat-
talion, 184. Select, 12, 1 6,
295, 343, 382, 432. Sinepuxent
Battalion, 190. Soldiers De-
light Battalion, 5, 71. Upper
Battalion, 65, 301. Wicomico
Battalion. 180. 100. See also
Burkheart's Company; Combs'
Company; Dennis' Company ;
Gassaway's Company; Hil-
leary's Company; Hooper's
Detachment; Howard's Com-
pany; Jenifer's Company ;
Jordan's Company; Maccub-
bin's Comnany; Mackall's
Company; Nicholls' Com-
pany; Scott's Battalion ;
Shanks' Company; Skinner's
Company; Spiars' Company;
Webb's Company; Weems'
Battalion; White's Company;
Williams' Company; Wilson's
Company; Winchester's Com-
Millard, Francis, 128.
Miller, Abel, 124; Abraham, 53,
103; Benjamin, 308; David,
295; Frederick, 196; George,
178, 240; Henry, 235ff.;
Jacob, 99; James. 371; John,
204, 228; Josias, 83; Michael,
Jr., 498; Samuel, 38, 46, 193,
341; William, 09.
Miller's Company, 38.
Mills, 8, 36, 297; see also
McCubbin's mill.
Mills, Cornelius, 321, 498;
David, 30; James, 175; John,
44, 85, 92; Richard, 182.
Ministers, American, 364 ;
French, 330; of Foreign Af-
fairs, 157; of War, 32.
Ministers of Gospel, 409.
Minor (Miner), Levin, 10, 164.
Minskey, Elizabeth, 284.
Minskie, William, 251.
Mississippi River, 510; naviga-
tion of, 512.
Mister, Abraham, 435; Marma-
duke, 160, 161.
Mitchell, Hannah, 245; John,
27, 47, 167, 184, 406; John
Pope, 383, 504; Joseph, 384;
Josiah, 46, 318, 504.

Mitchell's Company, 27.
Moale, John, 44, 341, 383, 502,
530, 531.
Mockbee, Brock, 42.
Moledge, Samuel, n, 119.
Molleson, Robert, 272; William,
Mollohon (Mollohan), —— ,
90, 94; William, 89, 90.
Monarch, Edward, 108.
Money, passim; caution, 203,
217, 221, 224, 247, 431; Con-
tinental currency, 165, 282,
330; Continental emissions,
15, 22; Convention emissions,
15; current, passim; currency,
529, 530, 539; National re-
sources, 22; new state cur-
rency, 505; paper currencies,
vii, 21; public, 234, 242, 243,
260, 280, 362; State, 101 ;
Treasury, 22. Bank notes,

?&£ ', MarV, -753 : ViarH, vii,

273; hard cash, 117; Mexican
(Spanish) dollars, 43, 62, 63,
69, 79, 89; red, 14, 18, 24, 28,
35, 101, 161, 185, 253, 475,
542; specie, passim; sterling,
477, S", 529, 536, 539- See
also Bills of Credit; Pounds
current, Pounds sterling.
Money, Isaac, 454.
Monocacy (Monococy) Manor,

203, 313.
Montgomery, Ignatius, 7, 88.
Montgomery County, 7, 8, 10,
n, 12, 17, 18, 32, 46, 72, 78,
95, 107, 118, 123, 126, 288,
301, 342, 443, 502, 547-
Moody, Robert, 418.
Moore, Charles, 178; Ignatius,
254; John, 286; Thomas, 213;
William, 7, 123, 549; Wil-
liam, Jr., 540.
Mooser, Francis, n, 145.
Moran, John, 526.
Morelake (Morelick), Moses,
149, 216.
Morgan, Sergt., 84; Benjamin,
68, 286, 291; David, 169; Ed-
ward, 521; John, 466; Rob-
ert, 199, 205; Thomas, 10, n,
194, 247.
Morian, Patrick, 428.
Morland, Jacob, 454; Richard,
454; Stephen, 454.
Morris, —— , 94, 99, no, 157,
215. 2^9. 242. 260, 265. 273,
275, 405; James, 99; John,
n; John Round, 262; Jona-
than, 71, 73, 194, 195, 538;
Robert, viii, 20, 24, 26, 79, 122,
129, 203, 207, 212, 273, 293,
394, 430, 431; William, 14,
193, 235, 262, 318, 456, 504.
Morsell, James, 495.
Mort, John, 311; Matthias, 124.
Morton, John, 45, 501, 531.
Moser, Michael, 146; Valen-
tine, 247, 248.

Mudd, Hezekiah, n, 211; Jere-
miah, 22; Joshua, 191, 350;
Luke, 248; Richard, 113, 324.
Muir, —— , 17, 73, 74, 437!
Adam, 3, 221; John, 7, 19, 43,
60, 68, 108, 139, 322, 333, 344,
346; see also Wallace, John-
son, Muir & Company.
Mullikin, James, 44, 325, 503.
Mumford, Elisha, 282, 283.
Munro, Barney, 13; Daniel, 274,

339, 364.
Murdock, Capt., 385; Lieut.,
387, 388; Benjamin, 144, 494 ;
George, 70, 344, 503; John,
61, 72; William, 64, 88.
Mure, Henry, 227; Thomas, n,
Murphy, Hezekiah, 146; Wil-
liam, 10, n, 100, 123, 187.
Murray, Doctor, loo, 106, 225,
263, 306, 390, 417, 448, 499;

Janaec, 4, 31, 60, 6a, 6?, 163,
l8l, 2O8, 221, 230, 233, 270,

291, 300, 305, 334, 343, 373,
415, 416, 420, 437, 462, 463,
490; John, 65; Valentine, 167.
Murtz, Devalt, 458.
Muschett, John, 225.
Muse, Walker, 7, 14, 165, 252,
Musgrove, Benjamin, 124.
Muskets, musket cartridges,
musket powder, 25, 116, 130,
142, 177, 185, 264, 315, 316,
325, 358, 360, 37L
Mutiny, 117.
Myers, Christian, 112; Freder-
ick, 174; Jacob, 174; Philip,
7, 99-

Nanjemoy warehouse, 94, 225,
Nantes, see Vessels.
Nantes (France), 322.
Nanticoke Guard, 3.
Nanticoke Indians, 205.
Nanticoke Manor, 314.
National Bank, 158.
National Resources, see Money.
Natt, Nero, see Negroes.
Naturalization, 311, 345, 394,
429, 436, 457; act for, 115.
Naval assistance, 312, 313, 330.
Naval department, 422.
Naval officers, 70, 149, 337, 338,
373, 422, 43?, 452; duty of,

330; eligibility for office of,

338. Baltimore district, 339;
Fourth district, 62, 63, 69,
170; Eighth district, 547.
Naval Prisoners, see Prisoners.
Navigator, see Vessels.
Navy, Matthew, 8, 147.
Navy of South Carolina, 178.
Naydin, Hester, 159; Thomas,
Neale, Ann, 461; Bennett, 166 ;
James, 23, 299; William, 123.
Neary, John, 370.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
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