McPherson, Daniel, 80;
Thomas, 433, 514; William
Hanson, 245, 497.
Madden, Sarah, 380.
Maddin, Joseph, 382.
Maddux (Maddox), Allison,
127; George, 123; John, 10,
197; Mordecai, 494.
Madkin, John, 7, 143-
Madrid (Spain), 309, 510.
Maffit (Maffet), Samuel, 191;
Thomas, 7, 75.
Magazines, 8, 113, 226, 426, 427,
478; guard for, 384, 463; of
provisions, 227, 228.
Magdalen Islands, 511.
Magistrates, 32, 97, ioo, 204,
248, 277, 282, 283, 286, 446,
474, 547; authority of, 423,
SS iff.; charges against, 453.
Magruder, Capt., 463; Alex-
ander Howard, 44; Charles,
58; Nathaniel, 296, 297; Sam-
uel, 46, 341, 502; Samuel (of
Ninian), 469; William, 45,
197, 246, 344, 503.
Mahony, Daniel, 2, 458.
Mahugh, Jonathan, 257.
Mails, see Expresses.
Mainard, Thomas, 153.
Major, Alexander, 342.
Majors, John, 121; Robert, 71.
Mallet, Michael, 318.
Malversation in office, charges
against Justices of Harford
Co., 465 ff.
Manatom, Thomas, 269.
Mangeon, Mrs., 321.
Maniard, Thomas, 172.
Mankin, Charles, 294; John,
454; William, 454.
Manly, John, 494.
Mann, George, 52, 67, 197, 234,
370, 498; George V., 312;
George Vansant, 391.
Manning, John, 7.
Manors, 205, 266, 300.
Mansell, Samuel, 101.
Manspiker, Henry, it, 158.
Manufacture of flour, 259.
Mar, William, n, 150.
Marb.ais, —— , 336.
Marbury, Col., 314; Francis,
224; Joseph, 84; Luke, 175.
Marines, 225, 229.
Market house, 478.
Marlow, Butler, 10, 88.
Marr, Martin, 454.
Marshall. Thomas, 247 ;
Thomas Hanson, 413; Wil-
liam, 414.
Martin, Capt., 50, 69, 70, 80;
George, n; Jacob, 323;
James,, 14, 46, 193, 282, 296;
John, 109, 219; Luther, x, 63,
69, 234, 357, 475, 517; Nicho-
las, 43, 62, 63.
Mary, see Vessels.
Maryland, passim; Convention,
492; finances, 2off., 23, 24, 26,
315, 407, 416, 534; stock in
Bank of England owned by
State of, 444; see also Stock
in Bank of England.
Maryland Artillery, see Artil-
lery. "
Maryland Line, passim; casual-
ties, 88; officers of, 33, 92, 94,
212, 213, 239, 256, 258, 295,
355, 356, 483; pay, 431, 451,
452; surgeons, 121, 222, 419;
recruiting, 59; see also
Maryland prisoners at New
York, see Prisoners.
Maryland Regiments: First, 4,
9, 13, 31, 47, 64, 83, 84, 385,
397, 398, 405- Second, 4, 12,
15, 16, 43, 44, 47, 48, ST, 204,
336, 398, 404. Third, 4, 9, 10,
13, 16, 38, 40, 67, 82, 84, 105,
145, 201, 404 437, 442.
Fourth, 43, 47, 48, 50, 67, 86,
105, 238, 267. Fifth, 8, 31, 44,
78, 80, 84, 85, 93, 105, 201.
Sixth, 5, 7, 47, 191, 209. Sev-
enth, 7, 15. Twelfth Battalion,
Si. First Regimenf of Light
Dragoons, 78. Third Regi-
ment of Light Dragoons, 17,
86, 416. Light horse, 31, 191,
257. Volunteer Troop of
Light Horse, 87. Extra Regi-
ment, 54, 58, 6o, 83, 94, 95,
102, 129, 145.
Maryland Troops, passim.
Mason, Richard, 491.
Massachusetts, 509, 551; Chief
Justice of, 509.
Massachusetts Bay, 330, 510.
Massey, Austin, 228; Hezekiah,
107; Lee, 170.
Masson, Thomas. 193.
Mast, 381.
Master, 229.
Matapony, see Vessels.
Match rone, 271.
Matchet, John, n.
Matilda, see Vessels.
Matrosses, see Artillery.
Mattawoman, 454.
Matthews, George, 105; Igna-
tius, 80, 225; John, 128; Rob-
ert, 115; William, 46, 65, 341.
Matthewson, Alexander, 459.
Matthias, James, 13.
Matthiot, John, 395.
Mattingly, Edward, 127; Igna-
tius, 98.
Mauduet, Hannah, 201.
Maulege, Samuel, n.
Maxwell, Elizabeth, 64, 393;
Mrs. Elizabeth, 373; James,
46, 341; Robert, 45, 340;
Robert, Sr., 141; see also
Stewart & Maxwell.
May, Hannah, 35, 88, 114, 148,
175, 200, 222.
Maynadier, William, 150.
Mayo, Joseph, 290, 419, 488,
489; Joseph, Jr., 288.
Meade, George, 50.
Meade & Co., George, 90.
Meads, Thomas, 27.
Measles, see Diseases.
Meat, 13, 35, 274.
Meddiss, David, 98.
Medford, Macall, 118.
Mediterranean Sea, 399.
Medley, Henry, 85.
Meek, Zekiel, 149.
Meekins, Robert, 10, 129.
Meim, Peter, 139.
Mellon, Joseph, 474.
Memorials, of Clark, James,
113, 114; of French subject,
Mentor, see Vessels.
Mercantile Line, 442.
Merchants, 23, 26, 51, 155, 212,
253, 258, 299, 367, 426, 360,
361, 362, 365-
Meroney, Philip, 285.
Merredith, Simon, 124.
Merrick, John, 10, 123; Wil-
liam, n, 123.
Merrikin, Joshua, 288; Joseph,
Merrikin's Company, 288.
Merryman (Merriman), Benja-
min, 65; Elijah, 65, 71; John,
Jr., 44, 341, 383, 457, 502, 503,
S30, S3i; Micajah, 71; Nicho-
las, 65.
Messenaire, Henry, 151.
Messenger, Joseph, 544.
Messenger to Governor and
Council, 25, 305, 445, 479,
485; see also Fowler, Jubb.
Messennior, Henry, 255, 267.
Mexican Dollars, see Money.
Meyer, John, 114.
Middleton, —— , 85; Capt., 245,
298, 375; Gilbert, 78, 265, 200,
311; John, 256, 266, 371;
Joseph, 47, 292, 311; Sarah,
209; Theodore, 94; W., 381;
William, 209, 272, 287, 412.
Middleton's boat, 85.
Mignot, George, 387, 392.
Milburn, Joseph, 208; Richard,
228; Stephen, 228.
Milcakey, Daniel, 10.
Miles, Edward, 104, 225;
Henry, 45, 87; Nicholas, 11,
Miles River, 97, ioo, 109, 116,
Military stores, 30, 180, 378.
Militia, n, 12, 14, 16, 23, 32,
33, 38, 50, 52, 53, 55 57, 61,
66, 72, 85, 90, 95, 97, 98, 99,
101, 106, 108, 109, 117, 118,
I2i, 130, 138, 142, 143, 146,
152, 154, 156, 159, 160, 162,
163, 167, 172, 174, 184, 194,
196, 201, 202, 204, 225, 247,
248, 249, 252, 253, 265, 274,
276, 3H, 320, 325, 342, 350,