Licence to keep Ordinary, see
Liden, Richard, 27.
Lieutenants of barges, salary,
176, 507.
Lieutenants of counties, see
County Lieutenants.
Light, William, n.
Light dragoons, see Maryland
Likely, John, 298.
Likly, —— , 312; Alexander,
Lilley, Richard, 284.
Lincoln, Gen., 321; Ma j. Gen.,
122, 149, 162, 202, 239, 292.
Lindenberger, George, 44, 216.
Lindsey, John, 43, 48; Oliver,
Linen, 33, 239.
Lingan, James, 31, 77; James
M., 19; James Maccubbin,
Lingenfelter, Ann, 457, 438;
John, 457, 458.
Liningil, John, au.
Link, Adam, Jr., 203.
Linton, George, 8.
Liphart, Simon, 139.
Liquors, 274, 276, 292, 360, 373,
377, 384; sale of, 210, 211,
234, 439, 533, 545; see also
Brandy, Rum, Whiskey, etc.
Little, George, 319; James, 319;
Nathan, 465, 467.
Litton, John, 466.
Livingston, Robert R., 143, 108,
Llewellen, John, 4.
Lloyd, Col., 91; Ann Maria,
344; Edward, go, 91, 170;
James, 168, 191, 270, 341 ;
Richard Bennett, 7.
Loan Office Certificates, 90, 91,
223, 346, 351, 367, 373, et seq.
Loan Offices, 488.
Loans to State, payment of in-
terest on, 362, 363.
Locker, Philip, 10, 148; Wil-
liam, 228.
Loemaria, Count de Kergariou,
Logan, William, 67, 73, 117,
223, 458.
Londammon, George, 310.
London (England), 113, 444.
Long, Jacob, 286; Robert, 493;
Solomon, 190.
Long Island, 141.
Long Lake, 510.
Longden (Longdon), —— , 258;
Abel, 128; John, 257; Ralph,
Longfellow, Arnold, 7, 53;
Gideon (Gedion), 10, 239.
Lontz, Leonard, 296.
Lord Proprietary, 205.
Louttit, James, 46, 341.
Love, David, 4; John, 45, 331,
453, 465, 466, 467, 468, 504;
Thomas, 526.
Loveday, Nicholas, 298.
Lovelin, William, 186.
Lovely, Thomas, 15; William,
Low, Andrew, 54.
Lowe, lohn, 298; John T., 47;
Nicholas, 48.
Lower Battalion of Militia, see
Lowes, Henry, 214.
Lowndes (Loundes), Mrs., 71;
Christopher, 31, 44, 121, 325,
381, 307, 503.
Lucas, Mary, 347.
Luckett, David, 112, 322; Sam-
uel, 102; William, 169, 494;
William, Jr., 45, 344, 503-
Lundergan, Dennis, 7.
Lusby, Jacob, 154.
Lux, George, 44, 326.
Luzerne, Chevalier de la, 322,
Lyles, Henry, 91, 329; William,
91, 329.
Lynch, Capt., 48; John, 13, 55,
56, 74, 91, 94, 185, 264, 343,
524, 529, 541; William, 437.
Lynn, Capt., 34, 77, 385, 387,
392; Lieut., 34, 335; David,
62; Henry, 25, 39; John, 62,
106, 208, 360, 375, 382, 384,
388, 447.
Lynn's men, provisions for, 385.
Lyons, John, II.
Lytel, George, 427; James, 427-
McAllister, Roger, 109.
Macatee, Joseph, 490.
McAuly, Alexander, 208.
McBryde, —— , 126; Hugh, 45,
179, 223, 254, 341; William,
34, 178, 214.
McCain, Marmaduke, 78.
McCallister, John, 45, 138, 344,
433, 503-
McCannon, Thomas, 227.
McCare, John, 99.
McCarty, James, n, 150; John
Baptist, 255.
McCauly, —— , 310, 312.
Maccawley, Ann, 119.
McCay, John, 120; Stephen, 78.
McClannagan (McClanagan),
—— , 371; John, 223.
McClannechan ( McClanechem ) ,
Blair, 125, 223.
McClellan (McClelland), John,
138, 148.
McClemmy, Samuel, 493 ;
Whitty, 493.
McComas (McComus), James,
45, 331, 504-
McCormack, Dennis, 294.
McCoy, Hugh, 289; John, 177.
McCray, James, 146.
McCreary, —— , 324.
McCreery, William, 497.
Maccubbin (Mackubin, McKu-
bin), Elizabeth, 230, 470;
James, 83, 159, 254, 409, 425 ;
John G, 66, 470; John Henry,
164; Joseph, 58; Nicholas, 57,
MA. 427, /ffr*; William, 543.
Maccubbin's Company, 57.
McCubbin's mill, 19.
McCulloch, James, 320, 440,
461, 472.
McDaniel, George, 128; James,
212; John, 212.
McDavit, Daniel, 169.
McDonald, Charles, 95, 96.
McDormont, Owen, 267.
McEldery, Thomas, 255.
McFadon (McFaden), James,
222; John, 174.
McGee, Samuel, 323.
McGill (Macgill), Patrick,
275; Thomas, 10.
McGlamory, Elijah, II.
McGraw, James, 141; Levin,
154; Leonard, 10; Mary, 141.
McGuire (McGwire), Hugh,
55; Nicholas, n, 153.
McHard (McHards), Isaac, 57,
72, 77, 140, 334-
Machen, Charles, 257.
McHenry, James, 44, 210, 341,
367, 383, 502, 503, 520; John,
Mackall, Benjamin, 166, 366,
462; Benjamin, IV, 162, 477;
John, 44, 57, 85, 325, 477, 5oi ;
Levin, 342, 502.
Mackall's Company of Militia,
McKay, John, 222; Richard,
McKean, Thomas, 527.
McKechen, William, 539.
Mackey, William, no.
Mackie, Ebenezer, 311.
McKillup, Joseph, 474.
Mackrill, Benjamin, 269.
Mackubin, see Maccubbin.
McLaland, John, 205.
McLane, —— , 264, A., 301, 415.
McLaughlin, —— , 267; Hugh,
244; William, 61, 151, 190,
286, 525, 538.
McLure, Alexander, 541; John,
154, 196, 214, 253, 256, 390,
McLure & Company, John, 246.
McMachen (McMechen, Mc-
Meachen), David, 42, 165,
302, 308, 326, 476, 524.
McMullen, Alexander, 13 ;
John, 287.
McNass, George, 17.
McNeale, Archibald, 417.
McNeeve, Mrs., 224.
McNemara, Nicholas, 384.
McNess, George, 163.
McNitts, James, 174.
McNorton, Mary, 347.