also Hanson, John; Money;
Loan Office Certificates ;
Troops; etc.
Contingent expenses of Govern-
ment, 354, 364, 366, 367, 373,
379, 389, 390, 391, 392, 396,
403, 405, 417, 421, 428, 429,
435, 437, 449, 450, 451, 455,
456, 457, 458, 460, 474, 475,
Contingent fund, 359.
Contracts on behalf of State, 340.
Convalescents, see Wounded,
disabled, sick soldiers.
Convention emissions, see
Convention president of Penn-
sylvania, 510.
Convention troops, see British
Convicts, British and Irish, 484.
Conway, John Span, 45, 420;
Richard, 329; Thomas, 329;
Vachel, 405.
Cook, 252.
Cook, Richard, 471. .
Cooke, Charles, 251.
Cookerly, John, 124.
Cool and Easy, see Vessels.
Coolidge, Judson, 92, 93.
Cooms, Joseph, 264; William,
Coop, Barruch (Barraciah), n,
Cooper, Horatio, 288; John, 8,
123; Nathaniel, 298.
Copeland, George, 27.
Corbitt, David, 309.
Cordage, 207, 271, 325.
Cormorant, see Vessels.
Corn, see Indian corn.
Cornelius, Daniel, 418.
Cornet, 190.
Cornwall, Sarah, 542.
Cornwallis, surrender at York-
town, vii, viii.
Coroners, viii, 30, 126, 149, 191,
312, 344, 403, 420, 499, 515,
520, 522.
Corps, 239.
Corps of Invalids, 454.
Correquedor, see Vessels.
Corrick, Leanhart, 28, 104.
Corsica, 32.
Coskery, Francis, 247.
Coste, —— , 159.
Couden, —— , 265, 292; Robert,
61, 66, 83, 163, 206, 353, 373,
389, 404, 409, 451, 516.
Coulter, John, 383, 502.
Council, 26, 39, 40, 41, 113, 155,
passim; books and papers of,
208; clerks, i, 208, 305, 485,
514, 517; contracts with Dor-
sey, Wheeler & Co., 438, 453,
515, and Nicholas and Jacob
Van Staphorst, 483; members,
xi, i, 12, 305, 401, 410, 412, 452,
450, 459, 483, 488, 499, 500,
520, 534, 535, 537; messengers,
305; secretary, 416; see
also Fowler, Jubb; Johnson,
Thomas, Jr.
Council of Safety, 428, 473.
Count de Grasse, see Vessels.
Count Rochambeau, see Vessels.
County: Clerks, 224, 235, 236,
286, 288, 350, 474; collectors,
78, 432; commissaries, 18, 22,
23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32, 34, 39,
41, 43, 51, 55, 61, 62, 69, 70,
78, 83, 118, 126, 159, 221, 253,
345, 364; commissioners, 105,
476; courts, 100, 131, 210, 211,
235ff-, 277, 286, 319, 383, 413,
438, 505, 542; election, 454;
justices, vii, 215, 223, 235ff.,
249, 413, 434, 438, 447, 453,
454, 465, 468, 469, 470, 471,
477, 485, 5oo, 505, 506, 519,
520, 521, 531, 533, 536, 546,
549; lieutenants, 5, 1 1, 12, 20,
33, 38, 49, 53, 72, 112, 131,
282, 291, 320, 365, 432, 473;
secretary, 235; see also Jails ;
Magistrates; Sheriffs; Sur-
veyors; etc.
Coursey, William, 27, 28.
Court martial, 23, 42, 103, 247,
249, 269, 282, 291, 342, 391,
302, /|/(8, -|E£, 533, 538.
Court Records, 144.
Courtenay, Hercules, 31, 126,
Courtier, 426.
Courts : Admiralty, 42, 386 ;
judge's salary, 478. Appeals,
31; clerk's salary, 192, 415,
471; judge's salary, 4, 161,
162, 326, 327, 415, 416, 441,
462, 477. County, clerks of,
319, 415, 495; records and
proceedings, Frederick Co.,
235ff. Oyer and Terminer
and Gaol Delivery, 447, 488,
535. Supreme, 210; of Penn-
sylvania, 527. See also Crimi-
nal Courts; General Court;
Orphans Court.
Courts, John, 98; William, 186.
Covey, William, 178.
Cowan, Alexander, 285, 504.
Coward, William, 246.
Cowman, Joseph, 327.
Cox, Capt., 315, 343, 349, 367,
375; John, 46, 245, 341, 372.
Crab, Ralph, 382.
Cradock, John, 44, 341, 383, 502.
Crackalls, Thomas, 339.
Crackler, Thomas, 80.
Cracroft, Bladen, 469.
Crager, Michael, 181.
Craik, James, 9, 121.
Cramphin, Thomas, 200, 201,
Crane, David, 53, 54.
Crane's Company, 53.
Crapell, Peter, 380.
Crawford (Craufurd"), David,
44, 269, 325, 503; Hugh, 10,
163; Joseph, 101.
Craycroft, Ignatius, 397.
Crazier, Adam, 124.
Creditors of Congress, 379.
Cregar, Valentine, 203.
Crem. (Cream) Tartar, see
Cremer, George, 458.
Cresap, Michael, 4; Thomas,
Crews, of barges, 316; of ves-
sels, 361; see also Barges ;
Crimes and misdemeanors, 434.
Criminal cases, power of execu-
tive in, 550 ff.
Criminal Court, 210, 427, 519,
521, 549-
Criminal law, revision recom-
mended, 408.
Criminal pleas, 234.
Crisall, —— , 19, 124, 126, 127,
263, 384, 406, 421, 439; John,
34, 35, 44, 57, ioo, 102, 125,
161, 182, 195, 190, 203, 205,
233, 263, 346, 358, 375, 378,
390, 429, 431, 433, 437, 440,
445, 449, 455, 459, 464, 473,
Crist. Jacob. 172.
Crockett, John, 223.
Cromwell, Francis, 288; James,
241; Thomas, in; Richard
(of John), 44,
Croney, William, I o, 182.
Cronise, John, 172.
Crookshanks, Charles, 307.
Crookshanks' Company, 307.
Cross, Bristow, 10; George, 70.
Cruckley (Cruckly), Benjamin,
10, 94.
Cruise, Christopher, 46.
Cummings (Cummins), Na-
than, II, 123; William, 474.
Currency, see Money.
Current money, see Money.
Currin, James, 384.
Curritue Inlet, 263.
Curry, William, 543.
Cursen, see Curson.
Cursing, 465.
Curson (Cursen), Mrs., 401;
Richard, 253.
Curtis, Francis, 525; James,
227; Samuel, 10, 187;
Thomas, 127.
Curts, George, 380.
Cutlasses, 116.
Cutter, see Vessels.
Daffin, Charles, 45, 223, 341,
371, 503; James, 177; Rob-
ert, 228.
Dallam, Richard, 40, 41, 81, 183,
206, 220, 230, 232, 233, 487.
Dalzel, David, 296.
Daniel, Oliver, 198.