D'Anmour (D'Anmaurs, D'An-
mours, d'Annemours), Le
Chevalier, xi, 218, 238, 422,
Darby, Daniel, 230; George,
Dare, John, 342; Samuel, 165;
Thomas Cleverly, 195.
Darling, Mary, 35, 66.
Darnall, Henry, 344, 503; Rob-
ert, 308, 472; Thomas, 382.
Dashiell, —— , 49; Capt., 216,
226, 323, 327, 329, 334J Col.,
173, 377; Charles, 284;
George, 109, 152, 153, 326,
364, 428; John, 182; Joseph,
51, 182, 184, 252, 253, 320,
325, 326, 364, 504; Josiah, 45,
184, 419; Levin, 493; Robert,
143, 160, 162, 224, 328.
Daugherty, John, 530.
Dauphin of France, 191, 195,
196, 198, 203, 231, 332.
David, Valentine, 18.
Davidson, —— , 234, 239; Maj.,
58, 150, 173, 245, 319, 326,
345; Hamilton, 539; J-, 515!
James, n, 94; John, xi, 27, 64,
66, 87, 221, 240, 285, 301, 309,
326, 328, 334, 336, 337, 339,
343, 365, 368, 500, 501, 502,
503, 504, 505, 5o6, 507, 508,
514, 516, 517, 522, 523, 524,
525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530,
531, 532, 533, 534, 544, 545,
546, 547, 548, 549, 550; Sam-
uel, 214, 240, -no, 529.
Davidson & Wallace, see Wal-
lace & Davidson.
Davis, Caleb, 10, 86; Cornelius,
6, 86; David, 10, 123, 164;
George, 41; Jesse, loi; John,
216, 245; Joseph, 240, 467;
Levin, 282; Moses, 228;
Peter, 10, 161; Philip, 262;
Randolph, 454; Rezin, 105 ;
Richard, 46, 331, 502; Samuel,
45, 48, 340; Thomas, 7; Wil-
liam, 126, 334, 454-
Dawkins, Charles, 169.
Dawson, George, 298; Impey,
309; Thomas, 67, 68; Wil-
liam, 46, 141.
Day, John, 183.
Day ley, Bryan, 152.
Deakin, Pearce, 15.
Deakins, —— , 105; Francis, 78,
85, 95, H4, 154, 181,214,489;
William, 61; William, Jr.,
Deale (Deal), Henry, 10, 148;
John, 246, 387, 388.
Deane, John, 212.
Deans, Hugh, 542.
Deaver, Samuel, 101; William,
178, 201, 442.
De Barrass, Capt., 386.
De Blegier, John Burel, 198.
De Butts (De Butte), John, 44,
45, ioo, 325, 501, 503.
Decker, Frederick, 150.
Dee, Thomas, 472.
Deeds, restoration by British,
see Archives, records, deeds,
Defence, see Vessels.
Defence of State, see State.
Deford, Joseph, 200.
DeGrasse, Count, viii, 231.
Delaware, 439, 510, 528; presi-
dent of, 356.
Delaware Bay, 157.
Delegates in Congress, 92, 94,
223, 230, 250, 272, 275, 284,
289, 352, 37i, 375, 383, 393,
509, 5io.
Delisle, Capt., 385, 387, 388,
452; Olanyer (Olanger), 384,
387, 391, 392-
Demare, —— , 198.
Dennis, Benjamin, 225; John,
Dennis' Company, 225.
Dennison, James, 15, 224.
Dennistone & Co., see Oswald,
Dennistone & Co.
Denny, Capt., 74, 77, 1 1 6, 148;
Benjamin, 533; James Earle,
150, 417; Robert, 2, 4, 9, 14,
29, 30, 38, 39, 41, 43, 47, 48,
55, 66, 69, 74, 80, 93, 96, 108,
no, 120, 143, 144, 155, 160,
167, 169, 171, 178, 195, 199,
220, 221, 327, 328.
Dent, —— , 33, 314; George,
119, 202, 331, 421, 495; John,
45, 46, 501, 502, 530, 531;
Samuel, 10, ioo; Warren, 45,
501, 530.
Depreciation certificates, offi-
cers, 460.
Deputy Auditor, see Auditor
Dern, William, 380.
Derochbroom, John, 305.
Derr, Martin, 139.
Deserters, 117, 251, 252.
Destruction of Property, 117,
Detached Corps, officers and
soldiers of, 437.
Develbiss, George, see Devil-
Develt, Valentine, 241.
Dever, Samuel, n.
Devilbiss (Develbiss), Freder-
ick, 203; George, 53, 139, 404;
John, 139.
Devil's Island, 388.
Deye (Dye), Thomas Cockey,
57, 195, 4io, 542.
Dick. James, 70, 72, 181, 461 ;
Robert, 296, 389.
Dickinson (Dickenson), Henry,
45, 165, 223, 231, 255, 34i;
John, 46, 523, 535.
Dicks, John, 10, 199.
Dickson, William, 391.
Digby, Admiral, 352, 372, 374;
Robert, viii, ix.
Digges, Edward, 446; Edward,
Jr., 205; George, 486, 487;
Ignatius, 460; John, 46.
Diguer, Frederick, 396.
Dillapin, Joshua, 491.
Dillion, Thomas, 193.
Dillon, William, 4.
Oilman, John, 121.
Dinney, James, 101.
Diseases, fever, 397; measles,
396; smallpox, 3, 8, 396.
Disney, Rachel, 420.
Dispatch, see Vessels.
Dispatches, see Express.
Distilling business, 524.
Dixon, John, 9; Solomon, 114;
Thomas, 227; see also Dixon
& Company.
Dixon & Company, Thomas,
Dobb's Ferry, 310, 320, 321, 322,
343, 349, 357, 378, 383, 385,
389, 390, 394.
Dolera, Patrick, 252.
Doll (Dolls), Conrod, 138, 448,
530; Joseph, 202.
Dolphin, see Vessels.
Donaldson, Alexander, 302.
Donnally, Charles, 7.
Donnavan, Timothy, 13.
Donnellan, Thomas, 166.
Dooley, William, 67.
Dorchester (Dorset) County, 3,
7, 8, 10, 17, 37, 46, 131, 142,
176, 286, 301, 314, 327, 344,
365, 381, 402, 413, 502, 535.
Dorhorty, see Dougherty.
Dority, see Dougherty.
Dorman, Isaiah, 306.
Dormand, William, 198.
Dorset County, see Dorchester
Dorsey, Capt., 13, 25; Caleb,
541; Elias, 5; Elie, 71, 262;
Ely, 541; Flora, 109; Hen-
rietta Maria, 541; Henry, 17,
117; Henry (son of Joshua),
276; John, 96, 124, 125, 207,
271, 281, 325, 347, 348;
Joshua, 276, 451, 488; Nicho-
las, 19; Nicholas (of Henry),
44; Richard, 148, 202;
Thomas, 98, ioo, 347.
Dorsey & Co., John, 83.
Dorsey, Wheeler & Co., 281,
300, 347, 35i, 375, 379, 381,
385, 415, 438, 453, 515.
Dorsey's Matrosses, 13, 25.
Dougherty (Dorhorty, Dority),
John, 93, 194, 298; Joseph,
Dougherty's (Dorhorty's) Com-
pany, 298.
Douglas (Duglass), Joseph, 27,
45, 223, 341, 503; Richard L.,
449; William, 47, 141, 179,
iqo, 254, 441.
Doull, James, 114.
Dove, John, 75, 149, 212, 353,
366; William, 446.