Chard, William, 189.
Charles County, 2, 7, 10, n, 17,
18, 45, 46, 53, 81, 95, 123, 140,
149, 156, 217, 225, 294, 334, 354,
367, 454, 50J, 502, 514, 530, &i.
Charleston (S. Q), 4, 9, 14, 30,
68, 91, 92, 93, 94, no, in, 112,
Charlton, Francis, 457.
Chase, - — , 113, 115, 484, 534;
Jeremiah Townly, xi, 1, 64, 107,
109, 161, 211, 220, 249, 254, 305,
306, 307, 308, 309, 312, 318, 320,
323, 324, 329, 331, 336, 338, 340,
345, 346, 349, 351, 353, 354, 365,
367, 372, 383, 386, 389, 390, 391,
392, -395, 396, 397, 398, 402, 405,
406, 419, 424, 425, 427, 429, 430,
431, 432, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438,
439, 442, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448,
449, 450, 451, 453, 454, 455, 456,
457, 458, 460, 464, 470, 472, 473,
474, 476, 477, 483, 485, 486, 488,
489, 500; Samuel, x, 38, 95, 96,
30i, 307, 347, 348, 351, 379, 426,
428, 431, 444.
Chastellux, Chevalier De, 218.
Chatland, Margaret, 275.
Cheatam, Aquila, 96.
Cheesely, see Cheseley.
Cheney, John, 192; Samuel, 472.
Cherryston, 297.
Chesapeake Bay, viii, 51, 57, 97,
103, 106, 107, 109, 131, 132,
148, 151, 153, 157, 170, 175,
183, 188, 189, 218, 226, 228,
241, 255, 264, 267, 269, 297,
313, 328, 329, 332, 335, 336,
356, 357, 360, 361, 365, 366,
377, 379, 38o, 384, 387, 388,
389, 392, 452, 507, 508.
Cheseley (Cheesely, Cheesly),
n, 123; John, 502; Robert, io,
50, 123, 184.
Chestertown, 118, 119, 285.
Chestertown College (Washing-
ton College), 409.
Cheston, James, no, 540.
Chestus, —— , 145.
Chever, John, 38, 75, 84, 101, 198,
Chew (Chews), Bennett, 539;
Richard, 233; Samuel, 39, 156,
203, 223, 290, 342, 502, 543,
Chickens, 547.
Chiney, —— , 149, 161, 162.
Chinworth, Arthur, 71; Charles,
71; William, 71.
Chipley, John, 27.
Chiply, William, 27.
Chippy, Joshua, 27.
Chisholm, John, 139.
Chiverall, John, 455; William,
Choate, Richard, 71.
Christ, Philip, 494.
Christie, James, 372, 524, 539;
James, Jr., 542; Robert, 476,
525, 539, 540, 541; Robert, Jr.,
372, 474, 542.
Quinn, Lancelot, io, 105.
Citizens, complaints of, 423;
protection and distress of, 297,
328, 353, 360, 361.
Civil officers, 278 ff.; payment
of, 519.
Clagett, Alexander, 3, 502; Ho-
ratio, 80, 247, 276; John, 246 ;
Thomas, 44, 325, 503; Wil-
liam, 299.
Clandennin, James, 170.
Clare, Edmund, 192; Isaac, 39,
290, 342.
Claret, 58.
Clark (Clarke), Daniel, 473;
Elijah, 27; George, 209; Isaac,
251; Joshua, 315; Richard, n ;
Thomas, 228; William, 139.
Clarkson, Edward, 186.
Clash, Jonathan, 122; Richard,
Claude, Abraham, 437.
Claypoole, James, 45, 340, 341,
Clements, Basil, 129; Bennett,
n, 104; Francis, 264; Henry,
99, 202, 219; Henry H., 117;
John, n, 104.
Clerk, James, 113, 114, 115.
Cline, Nicholas, 272.
Clinkscales, Levi, 117; William,
Clinton, Governor (of N. Y.),
Clio, see Vessels.
Cloth and Clothing, passim.
Coachman, John, io, 114.
Coale, Philip, 466, 486; William,
288, 465; William, Jr., 466;
see also Cole.
Coats, see Cloth and Clothing.
Coats, John, 19.
Cock, Samuel, 54, 206.
Cockayne, Samuel, 431.
Cockey, Edward, 341, 383, 502.
Cockin, Jonathan, 298.
Cockran, John, 412.
Coe, Clarkson, 18; William, 488.
Coffins, 290.
Coghlan, Cornelius, 209.
Coho, Thomas, 108.
Cole, Charles, io, 193, 209;
George, 206; John, 485; Philip,
38; Thomas, 116; see also
Cole's Creek warehouse, 414.
Collection of duties, see Tariffs.
Collector of stores, see Stores.
Collectors, 396, 432, 475.
College at Chestertown, see
Chestertown College.
Collier, —— , 262.
Collins (Collings), —— , 262;
Jacob, 124, 492; Levin, 17, 470 ;
Robert, 128, 216; Thomas, 214.
Celston, Jeremiah, 143.
Combs, Bennett, 172.
Combs' Company of Militia, 172.
Comedians, company of, ix, 425.
Commerce, Maryland, 232, 332,
360, 361; treaty of, 150.
Commercial people, 251.
Commissaries of Issues, provi-
sion, purchases, stores, etc.,
passim; of prisoners, 188, 192,
262, 310, 336, 368.
Commissary General, 24, 47, 61,
70, no.
Commission to settle and adjust
accounts of Maryland troops
in the service of the United
States, 69, 71, 207, 239, 289,
430; see also Nourse, —— .
Commissioners for sale and pres-
ervation of British property,
114, 222; see also British
Commissions, passim; blank, 04,
Common Sense, see Vessels.
Common Warrant, see Warrant.
Compte de Grasse, see Vessels.
Compton, Stephen, 446, 464.
Conan, James, 454.
Condon (Condron), William, io,
n, 142.
Confederation in matters of War
and Peace, 423.
Confederation vs. State Powers,
551 ff-
Confiscated British property, see
British property.
Congress, 346; secretary of, 94,
108; see also Continental Con-
gress; Thompson, Charles.
Connally, Jeremiah, 7; Matthew,
Connecticut, 510.
Connecticut River, 510.
Connelly, see Connolly.
Conner, see Connor.
Connerly, Roger, io, 164.
Connolly (Connelly), Hugh, 67;
John, 7, 123, 211, 252; Mary,
35, 88, 114, 148, 175, 200, 222,
244, 268, 295, 308, 326 350,
370, 391, 403, 421, 435, 440.
Connor (Conner), Daniel, io,
164; David, 384; Patrick, 66,
Conoway, Rachael, 234; Vachel,
Constables, 215, 465.
Consuls, foreign, 238, 422, 429,
430, 501; see also French con-
Contee, Alexander, 272; Thomas,
Continental : Army, 350, 413,
499. Commissary, 191. Con-
gress, xi, 59, 94, 157, 202, 212,
509 ff. Horses, 340, 346, 371-
Line, 360. Officers, 365. Re-
ceiver of taxes, 204, 311, 431,
458, 472. Service, 86, 87.
Treasury, 235, 319, 431. See