mond), 141, 443; William, 84,
Bruff, James, 18, 171; Joseph, 7,
US. 364; Richard, 298.
Bruff's Company, 298.
Bruner, Stephen, 125.
Brushes, 116.
Bryan (Brian, Brien), Capt., 31,
73, 74, 124, 125, 130, 220, 292,
297, 331, 374, 382, 388; Arthur,
67, 92, 127, 424; Daniel, 3, 18,
28, 32, 39, Si, 57, 62, 75, loo,
131, 142, 182, 183, 190, 192, 199,
21 1, 229, 266, 271, 294, 296, 373,
378, 381, 387, 392; Edward,
121; Ignatius, 10, 106; Rich-
ard, 142, 463.
Buchanan, Andrew, 20, 38, 44,
72, 210, 258, 286, 341, 383, 502,
S2S, 530, S3i, S40; Archibald,
25, 8 1, 102, 246, 253, 256, 258,
539; James, 81, 229; John,
544, William (of George),
540; see also Brown, Perkins
& Buchanan.
Buchanan & Co., James, 539.
Buckler, Benjamin, 99; Walter,
Buley, George, 10.
Bull, William, 295.
Bullen, —— , 6, 155, 183, 185, 187,
343; John, 4, 13, 15, 25, 31, 58,
60,62,77,78,96, 116,139, 173,
187, 247, 316, 334, 340, 375, 378.
Bullfinch, —— , 536, 537.
Burch, Benjamin, 74; Chrile,
282; Joseph, 10; Thomas, 387 ;
Walter, 472; Zachariah, 144.
Burgess, Basil, 166; Caleb, 181 ;
Edward, 46, 150, 160, 181, 341,
342, 502; Elias, 169; John, 44,
323, 506; Joseph, 540; Joshua,
50, no, 167, 224; Mary, 540;
Matthias, 54; Michael, no;
Richard, 421; Sarah, 424;
Vachel, 174.
Burk, Benjamin, 5, 31; James,
2; John, 15.
Burkhartt, George, 99.
Burkheart, Christopher, 201, 202.
Burkheart's Company, 201.
Burns, David, 166, 182; Timo-
thy, n, 117.
Burris, Elisha, n, 94; Robert,
10, 199.
Burroughs, Benjamin, 53.
Bussey, Bennett, 293, 344; Jesse,
44, 293, 341, 383, 502; Jesse,
Jr., 87; Jesse (of Baltimore
Co.), 293; Samuel, n, 06.
Butler, Henry, 10, 186; John, 96 ;
Joseph, 10; Timothy, 10; Wil-
liam, 10, 200.
Byron, Patrick, 324.
Byus, William, 387, 392.
Cable, 125.
Cadle, Samuel, 370.
Caecil County, see Cecil County.
Caser, see Vessels.
Cagis Straits (Cages Streights,
Kedge's Straits), 361.
Caile, Elizabeth, 154, 156.
Cain, William, 406.
Caldeleugh, Mrs. Jane, 419.
Calhoun, —— , i, 6, 24, 28, 47;
James, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 18, 20, 29,
44, 105, 155, 190, 277, 341, 383,
Callahan, John, 66, 514; Thomas,
356, 434-
Calvert, Benedict, 123.
Calvert County, 2, 10, 16, 22, 39,
43, 223, 288, 290, 294, 296, 342,
495, 498, 499, 502, 522.
Cambridge, 9.
Camden, see Vessels.
Camden (S. C), 92, 201, 521.
Camden, Battle of, 204.
Camfield, Thomas, 177.
Campbell, /Eneas, 46, 150; Allen,
10, 60; David, 208; Jonn, 443 ;
Leonard, 124; Oneas, 341, 342,
502; William, 58, 77, 216, 441.
Camper, Charles, 224.
Canary Islands, 399.
Candles, 183.
Cannon, 142, 151, 180, 216, 226,
233; carriage, 151; powder, 23,
130, 142, 177, 206, 255, 267, 270,
Cannon, Clement, 268, 358.
Canvas, 73.
Cape Francois, 312.
Capes of Chesapeake Bay, 192,
Capt. Bryan, see Vessels.
Captain Cox, see Vessels.
Carbury (Carberry), —— , 527,
528, 548, 550 ff.; Capt., 536,
537; Henry, x, 523; Patrick,
Carcaud, David, 436.
Card playing, 465.
Carey, John, 255; John D., 99;
John Due, 54.
Carleton (Carlton), Gen., 365,
401, 402; Sir Guy, viii, 258.
Carlile (Carlyle), Basil, 181 ;
John, 51; Norman, 51.
Carlton, see Carleton.
Carlyle, see Carlile.
Carmack, John, 55.
Carnan, Charles, 5; Robert
North, 341, 383, 502.
Carolina, see Vessels.
Caroline County, 7, 10, 27, 35,
45, 79, 223, 224, 292, 341, 371,
439, 503, 533-
Carr, Andrew, 192; Overton, 39 ;
Walter, 76.
Carriages, 218, 257.
Carroll, —— , 79, 122, 132, 330,
383; Charles, 5, 29, 39, 142,
324; Charles, Sr., 518; Charles
(of Carrolton), 73, 518; Dan-
iel 223, 335, 336, 345, 359, 371,
439, 497, 529; Denton, 415;
James, 433, 462; John, 225.
Carroll's Wharf, 85.
Carson, Robert, 337.
Cartel Vessel, see Vessels.
Carter, Sergt., 84; Edward, n,
27, 144; John, 382; Robert,
526; Samuel, 308.
Cartridge (cartouch) boxes, 116,
185, 320, 360, 371-
Cartridges, 116, 360, 371, 4o5;
paper, 325.
Carts, 217, 218, 343.
Carvill, John, 414.
Casey, John, 393.
Casks, 91, 93, 125.
Casson, Philip, 35; Thomas, 27.
Catahouche River, 511.
Cataraguy River, 510.
Gather, Robert, 437, 438.
Cathey, Catharine, 457.
Cathiel, Catharine, 450.
Cutu, see Vessels.
Catoctin Battalion of Militia,
see Militia.
Cattle, i, 6, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25, 28,
36, 40, 221, 469.
Causin, Gerard (Gerrard) B.,
53,. 161.
Caution Money, see Money.
Cavender, John, 123.
Cawood, Benjamin, Jr., 202;
Stephen, 454.
Caze, James, 318.
Cecil County, ix, 7, 10, 1 1, 38, 46,
oo, 191, 193, 262, 274, 288, 292,
341, 418, 437, 438, 502, 545, 546.
Celerity, see Vessels.
Celler, John, 46, 331, 502.
Census, see Inhabitants of State.
Ceronio, Angel, 312; Stephen,
Certificates, passim; see also
Depreciation certificates; Es-
cheat certificates.
Cessation of Hostilities, 399, 400,
401, 407.
Chaille, Peter, 13, 40, 43, 46, 56,
176, 282, 318, 320, 322, 504.
Chalmers, Mrs. —— , 173; Alex-
ander, 540; James, 173, 498,
523, 525, 531, 532, 540, 541,
542, 544; John, vii, 47- 56, 109.
Chambers, —— , 105; Benjamin,
Chamier, Mrs. —— , 245.
Chancellor of Maryland, 32, 185,
441; see also Rogers, John.
Chancery court (British), 426.
Chandler's warehouse, 94.
Chanin, —— , 255.
Channirig, John, 270, 381.
Chaplin, James, 174.
Chapline, Capt., 423; Joseph, 46,
295, 33i, 502, 548.
Chapman, Henry, 166, 275;
Thomas, 10, 194.
Chaptico, 9.
Chaptico warehouse, 94, 354.