Bills of Lading, 43, 50, 63.
Bird, Benjamin, 478; Thomas, 4
Birch, Thomas, 392.
Birkhead, Christopher, 309, 403
Biscoe, George, 452; Josiah, 192;
Thomas, 195.
Bishop, Edward, 17; John, 282;
Thomas, 30; William, Sr., 282
Bisset, see Lamar. Hill, Bisset &
Bitts, 116.
Black, Moses, n, 123.
Black Money, see Money.
Blackiston, Herbert, 203; John,
Blackwell, George, 170; Mary
Ann, 305.
Bladensburg!:, 442; warehouse,
154, 405.
Blaik, Aaron, 10.
Blaine, Col., i, 2.
Blair, Charles, 287; John, 96,
190, 390.
Blake, —— , 32; Charles, I, 4,
24, 26, 28, 32, 51, 74, 75, 126,
435; Henrietta, 435; John
Sayer, 45, 341, 516, 527; Jo-
seph, 16; Sarah, 198; Thomas,
Blankets, 8, 17, 19, 27, 30, 31,
142, 207, 239, 267, 272, 273, 283,
349, 3S8, 376, 384-
Blever, James, 368.
Blind soldiers, 315, 452, 508, 524,
532, 534, 535-
Bloodsworth, John, 405.
Blunt, Benjamin, 424.
Boarman, William, 446.
Boats, see Vessels.
Boatswain, 229.
Bock, Benjamin, 437.
Bodfield, Zadock, 143, 227.
Bodkin, Robert, 466.
Boice, see Boyce.
Bolt, Thomas, 479.
Bolton, —— , 119; John, 45, 114,
118, 393, 486, 520.
Bond, Anna, 44; Benjamin, 472;
Richard, 46, 224, 225, 288;
Thomas, 44, 45, 100, 325, 501,
503; Thomas (of Thomas),
504; William, 45, 331, 453, 465,
466, 467.
Bonds, 94, 95.
Boner, George, 124.
Bonwill, George, 145.
Books, Records, of Cecil County,
Boone (Boon), Lieut., 48; John,
35, 74, 343; Samuel, 53, 54;
Solomon, 384; Stephen,' 2 17.
Bordley, James, 45, 341, 516,
527; John Beale, 529; Wil-
liam, 45, 54, 55, 340, 341.
Bosley, Charles, 475, 526; James,
526; Zebulon, 526.
Boston (Mass.), 551.
Boswell, John, 123.
Botfield, Lieut., 323, 329; Za
dock, 328, 387, 391, 392.
Boucher, Jonathan, 381, 506, 515
517, 541, 543, 544.
Boudmot, Elias, 400.
Bourne, Jesse, 43, 44,
Bowden, John, 19.
Bowen, James, 491.
Bower, Timothy, 286.
Bowie, Fielder, 44, 325, 503;
Robert, 123, 208, 222, 230, 231
233, 246, 257, 266, 274, 503;
Walter, 186.
Bowley (Bowly), Daniel, 217,
246, 270, 324, 326, 421, 428, 491,
499; Mary, 347.
Bowman, Simon, 287.
Boyce (Boice), Benjamin, 30;
John, 4, 488, 489; Roger, 246.
Boyd, Abraham, 44, 325, 503;
Andrew, 323; David, 190, 331 ;
Frances, 38; John, 540;
Thomas, 44, 78, 325, 503.
Boyer, Michael, 14, 71, 54, 163.
Bozman, Risdon, 227.
Bracco, John, 46, 141.
Bradford, David, 70, 192, 415,
Bramble, Andrew, 27, 74, 187.
Bran and shorts, 14, 25.
Brand, Gabriel, 257.
Brandy, 276, 292, 296, 360, 545.
Brandywine, Battle of, 458.
Brangle, Lawrence, 417.
Brashears, John, 10, 107; Jona-
than, 83.
Brattin, Nathaniel, 282.
Bread, 256, 274.
Breeches, see Cloth and Goth-
Brent, Robert, 397.
Brevard, Benjamin, 152,411.
Brewer, John, 104, 108, 214;
John, Sr., 436.
Briamant, Peter, 318.
Brian, see Bryan.
Brice, Ann, 403; Jacob, 68, 69, 91,
185, 220; James, xi, I, 51, 55,
58, 60, 73, 78, 84, 90, 108, 112,
113, 115, 149, 163, 169, 185, 193,
211, 235, 237, 248, 249, 299, 305,
317, 322, 324, 329, 331, 336, 338,
340, 344, 345, 353, 354, 356, 357,
358, 359, 360, 365, 367, 372, 375,
379, 38o, 383, 384, 386, 389, 390,
392, 393, 395, 396, 397, 398, 401,
402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 410, 411,
412, 413, 414, 416, 420, 421, 422,
423, 425, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431,
432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438,
439, 440, 441, 442, 444, 445, 446,
447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453,
454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460,
461, 462, 463, 464, 471, 472, 473,
474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 483,
485, 488, 489, 490. 494, 496, 499,
500, 534, 535; John, 50, 323,
Bridewell, Theodore (Thio-
dore), 10, in.
Bridle, 15.
Brien, see Bryan.
Briley, John, 378.
Brim, Henry, 201.
Bringle, Jacob, 139; Lawrence,
139, 252.
Bringman, Martin, 445.
Briscoe, —— , 1 1; Hanson, 9, 44,
223, 325, 371, 501, 503; Henry,
10, 98; Robert, 412; Thomas,
British: Army, 292; deserters,
433; lines, 141, 359; officers,
viii, 130, 172, 366, 385; troops,
32, 382. Captures, 157. Dep-
redations by, vii, viii, 252,
253, 328, 353, '366, 394, 402.
Dominions, 447, 511, 512.
Fishermen, 511. Goods, 132.
Hospital, 180. King, 365, 399,
400. Ministers, 364, 399. Pris-
oners, vii, viii, 5, 20, 55, 61, 72,
117, 122, 130, 132, 153, 154, 159,
167, 175, 192, 204, 241, 296, 297,
3io, 334, 343, 3471 convention
troops, 291. Property, 25, no,
114, 137, 191, 206, 263, 278, 294,
300, 308, 311, 327, 333, 376, 443,
458, 539, 540 ff-, 543, 544- Sub-
jects, 115, 298, 311, 345, 359,
394, 402, 442, 457, 484, SU-
Withdrawal of, 512. Vessels,
131, 148, 157, 252, 297, 324, 336,
353, 366, 388, 389, 447, 485;
barges, 188, 192, 218, 313, 322,
323, 328, 329, 332, 333, 336, 357,
358, 359, 366, 368, 376, 379, 380,
388, 389; cruisers, 269; priva-
teers, 267, 332, 385- See also
Great Britain.
Brittingham, Belitha (Beletha),
IQO, 282; Samuel, 282.
Bromley, Bartholomew, 186.
Broodwick, Henry, 139.
Brooke, —— , 263; Basil, 114;
Catharine, 418; John, 502;
Mrs. Margaret, 494; Roger.
495; Walter, 167.
Brookes (Brooks), Benjamin,
80, 293; John Smith, 6, 23, 24,
32, 39, 40, 44, 80, 168, 299, 325,
396, 503; Mary Ann, 414;
Matthew, 2, 145; Richard, 208.
Jrookes' Company, 80.
Jrown (Browne), Capt. 5;
George; 311; James, 41;
Jethro, 295; John, 8, 9, 44, 45,
325, 341, 503, 516, 527; Joseph,
101; Joshua, 310; Robert, 88 ;
Thomas, 382; William, 207.
3rown, Perkins and Buchanan,
Jrown's Artillery, 5.
Jrownwell, Edward, 404.
Sruce, Andrew, 46, 331, 502;
John, 465; Normand (Nor-