p. 496
Mr Robert Young one of the Justices of the Orphans Court of
Charles County having removed out of the Same the Board appoint
the following Gentlemen Justices of Said Court to wit Walter Han-
son, Daniel Jenifer, John Dent, Richard Barnes and Walter Hanson
Jenifer. —
On a Representation from the Orphans Court of Baltimore County
the Board Proceed to Appoint the following Gentlemen Justices for
said Court to wit Andrew Buchanan, John Moale, Isaac Vanbibber,
John Merryman Junior, Charles Ridgely of William, William Rus-
sell and Lyde Goodwin. —
The Council adjourned 'till Friday the 18 June instant
June 18
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 496
Friday 18th June 1784
The Council met
Present His Excellency William Paca Esqr Governor
The Honorable Gabriel Duvall, John Davidson and Charles Wal-
lace Esquires. —
A Petition from John Daugherty of Talbot County, was presented
to the Board, setting forth that he was Security in a Recognizance
under the Penalty of Twenty pounds Current Money for the Per-
sonal Appearance of a certain Andrew Green at June Court for the
County aforesaid in the present Year charged with having com-
mitted an Assault on a certain Enyon Williams against which Said
Andrew Green no Presentment or Indictment hath ever been found
but the Said Andrew Green hath never made his personal appear-
ance agreeable to the Tenor of his Recognizance whereby the same
is forfeited; that he had used every possible method to compel the
Appearance of the Said Andrew Green but without Effect, and
therefore praying a Remission of the said forfeited Recognizance;
and the Justices of the Said Court having certified that the Allega-
tions in Said Petition are true and recommended a Remission of the
forfeiture The Board taking the Same into Consideration are of
Opinion upon the above State and because it does not appear that
any Assault was committed, that the Said forfeiture be remitted and
do remit the Same accordingly. —
G Duvall
John Davidson
Cha Wallace
Commissions issued to Walter Hanson, Daniel Jenifer, John
Dent, Warren Dent, Richard Barnes, William Harrison, John Parn-