Liber No. 78
p. 457
[Wm Paca to The General Assembly.]
The Resignations, which have taken place in the Council this Day
have reduced the number of members short of what is sufficient to
constitute a Board for the Transacting of Business : there are now
only two Members, and the thirty fourth Clause of our Constitution
and Form of Government requires three or more to constitute a
Board — The thirty fifth Clause, which provides for filling up Va-
cancies in the Council, directs it to be done by the Members thereof,
but I humbly submit whether a less number than a Board can exer-
cise the Power. I have the Honor to be Gentlemen &ca
Liber No. 78
p. 457
[Wm Paca, Annapolis, Circular, To the Members of the Council.]
Agreeably to the Directions of an Act which passed the last Ses-
sion of Assembly I have thought proper to Notify to you that Public
Business requires the Council to be convened on Monday the fifth
Day of January, at which Time your Attendence is requested.
With great Regard &ca