Thursday 18th December 1783.
Present The Honorable Gabriel Duvall, John H Stone & James
Brice Esquires
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Wasteneys
for the use of Stephen Steward Eighty five pounds, six shillings and
eleven pence current money for one Years Interest on a Certificate
issued under the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this State " to
the iith September 1783 No 603. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Mary Ghiselin Twenty five pounds
two shillings and one penny current money for one Year's Interest on
a Certificate issued under the Act aforesaid to the 5th October 1782
Number 181.
That the said Treasurer pay to Mary Ghiselin Twenty five pounds
two shillings and one penny current money for one Year's Interest
on the aforesaid Certife to the 5th October 1783. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Reverdy Ghiselin for the use of
Doctr James Murray Twenty pounds, eleven shillings and five pence
half penny current money for one Year's Interest to the 9th Novernr
1783 on six Certificates issued under the Act aforesaid Numbered
from 719 to 723 inclusive issued 20th Novemr 1782 to the 5th Feb-
ruary 1783 on Number 302 issued and dated 5 February 1782. —
That the said Treasurer pay to John Rogers Fifty three pounds
Seventeen shillings and ten pence current money for one years Inter-
est to the 15th October last on a Certificate issued under the Act afore-
said, issued 16 Octr 1782 Number 681. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Joseph Wood junr nine pounds, ten
shillings and six pence current money for one year's Interest to the
1st Instant on a Certificate issued 23d January 1782 agreeably to the
Act aforesaid number 282. —
That the said Treasurer pay to John Turnbull Fifty pounds three
shillings and nine pence current money for one year's Interest on
three Certificates issued under the Act aforesaid Number 496 & 497
dated & issued 27 June 1782 & 679, dated & issd 16th Octr 1782.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Smith One hundred and two
pounds, one shilling and one penny current money for one Year's In-
terest on a Certificate issued under the Act aforesaid to the 15th In-
stant number 243. —
That the said Treasurer issue Certificates agreeably to the "Act
proposing to the Citizens of this State &ca " to Wallace & Davidson
for nine thousand, three hundred & fifty four pounds three shillings
& to Joseph Macatee for six pounds, thirteen shillings & ten pence
due on Continental Loan Office Certificates adjusted by the Depy
Audr 27 October last