484 Journal and Correspondence.
Liber No. 78
p. 455
General Assembly and making use of Violence to obtain Satisfaction
of their Demands upon the Public — And as it is probable some riotous
attempt may be made upon the Treasury for the same Purpose I do
hereby in Pursuance of the Powers entrusted me by the Act entitled
"An Act to revive and continue the Acts of Assembly for regulating
the Militia and to empower the Governor to call out the Militia to
suppress Insurrections and quiet Disturbances," authorize and direct
you to order a Company of Militia of this City, immediately to equip
and compleatly arm themselves and be in readiness on a Moments
Warning to assemble to suppress such Riotous proceedings, if any
should happen.
Yr hble Servt
December 2
Liber No. 78
p. 455
[Wm Paca, Annapolis, to The General Assembly.]
The enclosed Calculation which is made by the Register of the
Land Office for this Shore, induced the Executive to decline Execut-
ing your Resolve of the last Session which directed them to appoint
p. 456
a fit and proper person or Persons to make Extracts of all Grants and
Certificates relative to the Lands on the Eastern shore &ca. By the
Calculation it would take one Clerk Twenty three Years to make the
Extracts, or Twenty three Clerks for one Year. The Expence we
conceived was not foreseen besides previous appropriations had swept
the Funds; and Clerks were not to be had on Credit.
[Wm Paca, Annapolis, to General Assembly.]
I have the Honor to lay before you copies of the Hon'ble Mr
Chase's appointment and Commission, Bond and Instructions. The
Instructions suggest the Reason which determined the Executive to
direct the Money which might arise on a Transfer and Sale of the
Bank Stock to be placed in the Hands of Bankers in preference to
having it remitted. As there are some grounds to hope the Bank Stock
may be obtained, at least a part of it and as Mr Chase in his Letter
communicated to your Honorable Houses a few Days ago thinks it
impracticable to remit specie — I humbly submit the propriety of tak-
ing this Subject into Consideration and adopting Provisional mea-
sures for drawing the Money out of the Bankers Hands. —
I have also the Honor of laying before you a Letter which I have
just received from Mr Ridley dated the 12th September : the first part
of it throws a fresh Light on the Subject of his Agency, and the lat-
ter part of it gives Information of a Fraudulent Plan which British
Subjects are adoping to introduce British and Irish Convicts into
the United States. With the Highest respect & Attachment
I have the Honor &ca