48 Journal and Correspondence.
January 18
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 205
three pounds, Lt Boone one pound sixteen shillings — Capt Lynch
fifteen pounds four shillings — Lt Hill eight pounds Lieut Belt seven
pounds & Lt Colo Jno Steward twenty six pounds, twelve shillings, on
p. 206
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt Robert
Denny thirteen pounds, ten shillings specie out of the first that shall
be hereafter brought into the Treasury of the money appropriated
to the Officers Serving in the Southern Department to be delivered
over to Lieut Arthur Harris of the 2d Regiment on Account
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to John Lindsey a Soldier
of the late 4th Regimt a suit of Cloaths except a waistcoat, two Shirts,
one pair Shoes and one pair Stockings. —
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Jubb Fowler one Barrel
of Flour charging him therewith on Account of which is to be ren-
dered this Board. —
Commission of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to Samuel
Davis Commander of the Sloop Alphin sixty Tons burthen, navi-
gated by twenty men, mounting six Carriage Guns, two swivels and
fifteen Small Arms, belonging to Nicholas Lowe Philadelphia —
January 18
Liber No. 78
p. 318
[Council to His Excellency Genl Washington.]
We are honored with your Excellency's Favors of the 19th Decr
and 8th Inst the first of which has been laid before the General As-
sembly, who are now on a Bill for the Recruiting Business, and we
doubt not, every Attention will be paid to the Measures you recom-
mend. Before the Receipt of your last, we had supplied, in some
Degree, the most pressing Wants of the distressed Soldiers you
recommend to our Assistance. You may be assured that the Motives
which induced your Excellency to interpose in Favor of Men, whose
meritorious Services deserve so much, will stimulate us to do every
Thing within the Ability of this State for their comfortable Accom-
modations, not doubting that, on similar Occasions, our own Citizens
will experience the like Attention from our Sister States.
[Council to The General Assembly.]
The enclosed Accounts have been laid before us for Payment, but
not esteeming ourselves authorized to pay them, we will be much
obliged to the General Assembly to communicate their Opinion
thereon and direct how they will have them discharged, in Specie or
the Bills of Credit of the last Emission.
[Council to Mr David Poe.]
Instead of sending your Expresses to the Southward by this Place,
you will direct them to proceed to Alexandria by the shortest Route,