Thursday 21st August 1783.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor
The Honorable Benja Stoddert, Jeremiah T. Chase & James Brice
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Shaw &
John Crisall Forty six pounds, eight shillings and seven pence half
penny, out of the Money set apart for Contingent Expences due
them p accounts passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. John Hamilton Seventy six
pounds, and six pence Current Money on Account of the Recruiting
service per Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to John Crisall Seven pounds ten shil-
lings out of the Money put into the Treasury for the use of the Hos-
pital on Account
August 21
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 438
Friday 22d August 1783.
Present the Honorable, Benja Stoddert, Jeremiah T. Chase and
John Hoskins Stone Esquires. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Alexander Contee
Hanson Esqr One hundred pounds for a Quarter's Salary due him
the 1st of May last
That the said Treasurer pay to Zephaniah Turner Esqr Twenty
two pounds, four shillings and five pence Current Money due him
for Twenty Days Salary as Auditor being the Time of his Resig-
nation. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard L Douglass Thirteen
pounds, five shillings specie agreeably to the "Act to adjust the Debts
due from this State " per Account passed the 16th Instant
August 22
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 438
Saturday 23d August 1783.
Present the Honorable Jeremiah T. Chase, James Brice and John
Hoskins Stone Esquires. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Crisall Ten
pounds Current Money out of the Money put into the Treasury for
the use of the Hospital on Account
The Honorable Benjamin Stoddert & Gabl Duvall Esqrs attended
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer issue a Certificate to
William Neill agreeably to the " Act proposing to the Citizens of
this State &ca " for Two thousand three hundred and sixty seven
pounds, nineteen shillings & eleven pence half penny due him on
Contl Lo: Off. Certs adjusted by the Depy Audr the 7th Instant
His Excellency the Governor attended
August 23
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 438