[Wm Paca in Council Annapolis to The Intendant.]
We think the Officers and Soldiers of the detached Corps Citizens
of this State though not comprehended in the Letter are within the
Spirit of the Act; for the Same Privileges and Provision have been
from Time to Time extended to them, which were originally granted
to the Officers and Soldiers of the Line and no Reason occurs to Us
which will justify a Partiality so glaring and we must therefore Sup-
pose it was not intended. —
July 4
Liber No. 78
p. 446
Saturday 5th July 1783
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Wallace, John-
son, and Muir Seventy six pounds, sixteen shillings and nine pence
Current Money out of the Money appropriated for the Barges Bal-
ance of their Account passed. —
July 5
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 43 1
Monday 7th July 1783.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor
The Honble Gabriel Duvall, Jeremiah T. Chase & James Brice
Esquires. —
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Frederick Green
Four pounds, three shillings Current Money out of the Money set
apart for Contingent Expences per Account passed for postage of
Letters. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Abraham Claude Twenty one
Pounds, six shillings and six pence Current Money, out of the money
appropriated for the Barges Balance of Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Doctr James Murray One hundred
pounds Current Money on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to John Crisall Fifteen pounds Cur-
rent Money, out of the Money put into the Treasury for the use of
the Hospital on Account
That the said Treasurer issue a Certificate to Eleanor & Thomas
Lansdale agreeably to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of this
State, Creditors of Congress &ca " for One hundred and sixty two
pounds, nine shillings and six pence due them on a Continental Loan
Office Certificate adjusted by the Depy Aud.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Benjamin Bock a soldier
in the third Maryland Regiment, One pair Overalls, one pair Stock-
ings, One Jackett and one Blanket.
A Petition from Robert Cather of Caecil County was laid before
the Board, setting forth that he, and a certain William Lynch were
July 7
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 431