That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson Junr Ten pounds
ten shillings out of the Money appropriated for the Barges on
Account. —
That the said Treasurer pay to John Smith Esqr one hundred and
thirty six pounds, one shilling specie due him for two Horses sup-
plied Colo Lee's Legion February 1781 per Certificates of A McLane
adjusted by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to David Bradford Twenty five
pounds specie due him for six months Salary as Cl of the Court of
Appeals per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Denton Carroll sixteen pounds
seventeen shillings and six pence specie agreeable to the "Act to adjust
the Debts due from this State" per Certificates adjusted 15th
Instant. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Sarah Haskins fourteen pounds
thirteen shillings and seven pence — William Tilghman ninety nine
pounds, two shillings and eleven pence and to Richard Tilghman
Junr One hundred and ninety nine pounds, eight shillings and five
pence specie agreeable to the Act aforesaid per Certificates adjusted
the 12th Instant. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Solomon Wright Esquire One
hundred pounds Specie for six Months Salary as one of the Judges
of the Court of Appeals ending fourth April last per Account
passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Dorsey, Wheeler & Co two hun-
dred and fifty three pounds, seven shillings and one penny Current
Money due them on Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Lewis Neth, forty nine Pounds,
eleven shillings and eight pence Current Money for his Salary as
Clerk to Intendant to 12th instant. —
That the said Treasurer issue Certificates agreeable to the "Act
proposing to the Citizens of this State, Creditors of Congress on
Loan Office Certs &ca " to James Murray Esqr for four hundred and
fifty nine pounds, twelve shillings and ten pence — Sarah Haskins for
thirty three pounds, eight shillings & six pence and to Thomas Sher-
wood Esqr for One hundred and twenty two pounds, one shilling and
eleven pence due them on Continental Loan Office Certificates ad-
justed the 12th Instant
That the Intendant be requested to deliver to David Bradford
thirty three Bushels and one third of a Bushel of Wheat at Balt0
Town or the Head of Elk due him for his last Years Salary as Clerk
of the Court of Appeals per Account passed. —