May 16
Liber No. 78
p. 441
[B Stoddert in Council to The Honorable The General Assembly.]
We have the honor to lay before you two Letters of the 6th and
9th Instant from his Excellency the President of Congress, and a
Letter of the 12th from the Superintendent of the Finances with
their enclosures
May 17
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 416
Saturday 17th May 1783
Present Benja Stoddert, G. Duvall & James Brice Esquires. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer issue Certificates agree-
able to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of this State, Creditors
of Congress on Loan Office Certificates &ca " to John Henry Esqr for
ninety six pounds, fourteen shillings and five pence — and Benjamin
Purnell for one hundred and eight pounds, six shillings and two
pence, due them on Continental Loan Office Certificates adjusted by
the Aud. Genl 14 Inst. —
That the said Treasurer issue a Certificate to John Nelms agree-
able to the Act aforesaid for one hundred and sixty nine pounds three
shillings and three pence due him on Continental Loan Office Cer-
tificates adjusted by the Deputy Audr —
That the said Treasurer pay to Joshua Smith twelve pounds, five
shillings — John Nelms nine hundred and sixty eight pounds three
shillings and eleven pence — Thomas Cresap forty pounds, fourteen
shillings and three pence — and Capt Philip Quinton forty eight
pounds, eight shillings and two pence, Specie agreeable to the "Act
to adjust the Debts due from this State " per Certificates, Accounts &
payroll Examined & passed
That the said Treasurer pay to Allen Quynn Esqr two hundred
and nineteen pounds six shillings and six pence specie agreeable to
the Act aforesaid per Account passed the 16th Instant. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Benjamin Garnett of the
third Regiment of Light Dragoons, thirteen pounds, ten shillings
specie part of the Advance directed by the "Act relating to Public
Creditors " on Account. —
May 19
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 416
Monday 19th May 1783.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor
Benja Stoddert, Gabriel Duvall & John H Stone Esquires. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson
Junr Sixty two pounds, ten shillings Current Money for a Quarters
Salary to the 1st Instant. —