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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 413   View pdf image (33K)
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Council of Maryland, 1782-1783. 413

Money for an Assault on a certain John Rogers who had greatly
abused the Petitioners father; the Board taking the same into Con-
sideration and finding by the Certificate of a Number of Persons
who are well acquainted with the said Nathaniel Porter that he is
a person of a good and peaceable Character, and that he is a person
of a very small Estate, are of Opinion that the greater part of the
said Fine be remitted and do accordingly remit twenty Eight pounds,
ten shillings of the same fine. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer issue a Certificate to
Thomas Hanson Marshall agreeable to the "Act proposing to the
Citizens of this State, Creditors of Congress on Loan Office Certifi-
cates &ca " for three hundred and seventy two pounds, eleven shil-
lings and three pence due him on Continental Loan Office Certifi-
cates adjusted by the Auditor General. —
That the said Treasurer issue a Certificate to Daniel of S4 Thomas
Jenifer Esqr agreeable to the Act aforesaid for five hundred and
seventy seven pounds, ten shillings due him on Continental Loan
Office Certificates adjusted by the Auditor General the 10th Instant. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Baguess Twenty five pounds
on Account. —
That Mr Shaw deliver to Colo Woolford one Barrel of Cannon
Powder for the use of the Militia of Dorchester County. —
A Petition of John Osburn a Serjeant in the Continental Army
was received and Read, setting forth, that he had been recognized
by the Justices of Frederick County Court for his appearance at last
November Court for said County to answer for an Assault, that
soon after he entered into the aforesaid Recognizance and before the
said November Court was held he received Orders from General
Smallwood to march immediately to the City of Annapolis which
Orders he conceived himself bound to obey and did obey accord-
ingly, whereby his Recognizance was unavoidably forfeited, and
that upon his return to Frederick Town he was confined in Jail in
Consequence of said forfeiture, and prayed a Remission of the same ;
and three of the Justices of the said Court having Subscribed their
names to said Petition; and therefore the Board taking the same into
Consideration are of Opinion that the whole of the said Recogni-
zance be remitted, and do remit the same accordingly. —
Ben Stoddert
G. Duvall
J. H. Stone

May 14
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 413

Thursday 15th May 1783
Present Benja Stoddert, Gabriel Duvall & James Brice Esqrs
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer issue a Certificate to
Colo William Richardson agreeable to the "Act proposing to the Citi-
zens of this State, Creditors of Congress on Loan Office Certificates

May 15
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 414

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 413   View pdf image (33K)
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