Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 182
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Robert Denny five pounds of
the same Emission of the money aforesaid to be delivered over to
Thomas Wood a soldier in the late 2d Regimt returned from Captivity
in Charles Town and to be accounted for. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Firmin Eccleston one hun-
dred pounds of the same Emission, of the money appropriated for
the Defence of the State to be delivered over to James Murray one
of the Judges of the Court of Appeals in part of his Salary on
Account. —
That the said Treasurer pay to John Horsey eighteen pounds, two
shillings of the same Emission of the money aforesaid six pounds,
six shillings part thereof to be by him retained, seven pounds, six-
teen shillings to be delivered over to James Turner and four pounds
to Joseph Ward per Accounts passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Bird six pounds, eight
shillings of the same Emission, of the Money aforesaid per Account
passed by the Aud. Genl —
That the said Treasurer pay to John Allen Thomas Esqr ten
pounds, eleven shillings and four pence of the same Emission, of
the money aforesaid to be delivered over to John Llewellen per
Account passed by the Aud. Genl —
That the said Treasurer pay to Michael Cresap two hundred and
twelve pounds, thirteen shillings and three pence specie agreeable to
the Act to adjust the Debts due from this State p Acct passed by the
Aud. Genl
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Matthias Turner, David
Love & William Dillon soldiers of the Ith Thomas Smith of the 2nd
and John Boice of the 3d Maryld Regiments each, one suit of Cloaths,
two shirts, one pr Shoes, one pair Stockings and one hat and also to
Thomas Wood of the 2d Regiment one Shirt. —
Liber No. 78
p. 304
[Council to John Bullen Esqr]
You are requested to make an immediate Return of all the Horses
you have received under the late Law, the Disposition thereof and
what now remains on Hand; a Committee of the Assembly are now
waiting for the Return, you will therefore not delay it. We request
you will immediately impress and send over to Mr Charles Blake, two
Vessels, proper to transport salted Beef.