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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 388   View pdf image (33K)
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388 Journal and Correspondence.

March 21
Liber No. 78
p. 432

your Post. You will leave, under a Careful Serjeant, such of the
Men, to guard the Ship, as you do not take with you. — Upon Con-
sideration, we shall send the Instructions mentioned, by the Barges.


[Wm Paca in Council to Captn John Lynn]

You are no Stranger to the Depredations daily committed by the
Enemy's Barges in our Bay. I understand the Devil's Island, one of
the upper Tangier Islands, is the Place of their Rendezvous, where
they have collected their Plunder, and there is every Reason to believe
that they have become so confident by Success, that they think any
Precaution for their Security, unnecessary. Added to this, the Num-
ber of Prizes they have taken and sent to New York, must have weak-
ened their Force very considerably. Under these Circumstances, I

p. 433

think it very practicable to surprize them on the Island, and have
therefore formed a little Expedition for that Purpose, of which I
request you will take the Command. A small Schooner of three three
Pounders, and two Barges, will leave this Place tomorrow Evening,
so as to get down to Herring Bay by 10 O'Clock at Night, and I have
directed them to rendezvous near John Deal's, where they will wait
your Orders. There are about 60 Sailors and 15 or 20 Soldiers dis-
tributed among the three Vessels, and you may put as many more
Soldiers in them, as you think Proper. The Schooner is owned and
commanded by a French Gentleman, Captn Delisle, a Man of great
Bravery. I would recommend it to you, to take your Passage in this
Vessel, for the Sake of being better accommodated; but when you
come near the Scene of Action, I would advise you to go on Board
Captn Frazier's Barge, as he is a Man of Sense and Bravery, on
whom I think you may rely for such Advice as, from your Inexperi-
ence in Naval Matters, it will be necessary for you to receive. Captn
Frazier is the first of the Naval Officers in Command, and is well
acquainted with the Situation of the Island, Captn Bryan is next, and
the French Captn whom we have a high Opinion of, the last. Lieut
Murdock, Lieut Fickle, and a Mr Spencer have entered as Volunteers,
you will station the two former, to command the Soldiers only, as you
think proper, they are promised such Command.
When you arrive at the Island, I leave it to your Judgment and
Discretion, to secure the Enemy's Vessels, and to retreat with them
to the Main, or to land on the Island, or to do both according to
Circumstances. Should you find it proper only to take the Vessels,
which I hope can be easily done, you can determine, after retreating
with them to the Main, upon the Propriety of calling on the Militia
to man the captured Vessels, and to return with them to the Island, to
secure the Enemy, or to proceed with the Vessels up the Bay. As
soon as your Object is effected, Vizl the Capture of the Enemy's
Vessels at the Devil's Island, and the Enemy also, if that should be
found practicable, you will return to this Place with the Vessels &ca

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 388   View pdf image (33K)
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