Council of Maryland, 1782-1783. 389
under your Command. Should you meet with the Enemy's Vessels
in going down, or coming up the Bay, you will take the Advice of
Captn Frazier, as to your Proceedings: but if unforeseen Events
should turn up, or should require, in your Judgment, an Alteration
in the intended Expedition, and a different one to be adopted; I leave
it to your Discretion to act as Circumstances shall direct.
March 21
Liber No. 78
p. 433
Saturday 22d March 1783.
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benjamin Stoddert, Gabriel Duvall and James Brice Esquires
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer issue Certificates agree-
able to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of this State Creditors of
Congress &ca " to Sarah Ijams for one hundred and seven pounds,
seventeen shillings and four pence and to Charles Jones for two hun-
dred and eighty six pounds twelve shillings & six pence due on Contl
Loan Off. Certs adjusted by A G.—
March 22
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 396
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Robert Couden
Esqr Thirty five pounds six shillings and two pence for one Years
Interest on five Certificates issued agreeable to the "Act to adjust the
Debts due from this State." —
p. 397
Tuesday 25th March 1783
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benja Stoddert, Jer. T. Chase, Jas Brice and John H Stone Esquires
Permission given to Herman Stidcher of Baltimore County to go
into the City of New York by Dobbs's Ferry to Transact private
business and return. —
March 25
Liber C. B.
No. 24
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James O'Harra
out of the Money set apart for Contingent Expences four pounds
Current Money for his Support, agreeable to the Resolution of the
General Assembly passed July Session 1779. —
That the said Treasurer issue to Robert Dick a Certificate agree-
able to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of this State Creditors of
Congress on Loan Office Certificates &ca " for one hundred and
ninety pounds six shillings and eleven pence due him on Continental
Loan Office Certificates adjusted the 14th Instant
That the said Treasurer issue to Thomas Richardson a Certificate
agreeable to the Act aforesaid for ninety three pounds seven shil-
lings and six pence due him on Continental Loan Office Certificates
adjusted by the Aud. General. —
p. 397