pounds, two shillings and two pence due him on a Continental Loan
Office Certificate adjusted by the Aud. Genl —
That the said Treasurer pay to Edmund Plowden nine pounds and
nine pence three farthings for one Years Interest on a Certificate for
one hundred and fifty pounds thirteen shillings and seven pence issued
agreeable to the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this State." —
Commissions issued to Solomon Frazier appointed Captain, Zadock
Botfield first Lieut, William Byus second Lieutenant of the Barge
Fearnought — Daniel Brian Captain, William Wood first Lieut
Thomas Burch second Lieutenant of the Barge Defence — and Olan-
yer Delisle Captain, George Mignot first Lieut and John Yeaten
second Lieutenant of the Schooner Venus in the Service of this
March 21
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 396
[W Paca in Council to Captn Solomon Frazier.]
We have setled the Rank of the Officers of the Barges and
Schooner Venus, as follows. Captn Lynn commans the Expedition ;
next, Captn Frazier; Captn Bryan: Captn Delisle, Lieut Murdock
and Lieut Fickle go as Volunteers, but will have Command over the
Soldiers only. You will proceed down the Bay such Time tomorrow
with the Vessels under your Command, as will enable you to reach
John Deal's on Herring Bay, about ten at Night, from whence you
will, immediately on your Arrival, dispatch an Express to Captn
Lynn, at Stephen Stewards, informing him of being at the Place
of Rendezvous, where you are to wait his Orders. As Captn Lynn
knows very little of Naval Affairs, we have directed him to consult
and advise with you. You will have every Thing prepared this Eve-
ning, not only in your own Barge, but in the others also. Fifteen or
twenty Soldiers will embark from this Place, on Board of the Ves-
sels. Warned by Experience, I hope you will be particularly care full
of your Ammunition. It would be proper, as soon as possible, to
call on the Serjeant of the Troops in Town, and to desire him to have
them in Readiness to embark the Moment you give the Signal. Let
them know they are to go down to Herring Bay, to be under the Com-
mand of Captn Lynn. I think you ought to leave this, as silently as
possible, without any Firing, which may give the Enemy Notice of
your Departure.
March 21
Liber No. 78
p. 432
[Council to Captn Lynn.]
With this you will receive Instructions, as Commanding Officer of
the Enterprize down the Bay. We mean to make the Soldiers Com-
pensation for their receiving no Pay, out of that Part of the Prizes
which will belong to the State, over and above what they will other-
wise be entitled to; but this you will not mention, less it occasion
Uneasiness between the Soldiers & Sailors. We send down in the
Barges, 20 Barrels of Flour, and 12 Barrels of Pork, for the Use of