lings and six pence to Valentine Rhineheart — five pounds, nine
shillings and five pence to Christopher Edelin — seventeen pounds,
thirteen shillings and four pence to George Rhineheart — Sixty
pounds, thirteen shillings and six pence to Joseph Beall son of
Ninion, — two hundred and sixty two pounds, fourteen shillings to
George Jacob Schley and Sixty nine pounds eighteen shillings and
four pence to John Gross due them on Continental Loan Office Cer-
tificates adjusted 13th Instant
The Account of Christopher Lowndes against the Reverend Jona-
than Boucher for fourteen pounds, eight shillings and one penny
Currency examined and approved agreeable to " a Supplement to the
Act for the Liquidation and Payment of Debts against persons con-
victed of Treason " —
Commissions of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to John
Channing Master of the Schooner Havana, Sixty Tons burthen,
navigated by fifteen men, mounting seven Carriage Guns — and also
to Hugh Wilison Master of the Schooner Greyhound one hundred
Tons burthen, navigated by twenty men, mounting seven Carriage
Guns belonging Thomas Worthington & others of Baltimore. —
March 14
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 393
[W Paca in Council to Captn Daniel Bryan.]
We expect you will assist, with all the Sailors, to prepare Capt
Spedden's Barge, as well as your own. Mr W. Middleton will assist
in getting a Mast for her immediately, which shall be paid for.
March 14
Liber No. 78
p. 428
Saturday 15th March 1783
Present as on Yesterday. —
Permission is given to Dorsey, Wheeler and Company to export
sixteen hundred & sixty six Bushels of Corn in lieu of one hundred
and twenty five Barrels of Flour the Balance now remaining to be
carried of the two hundred and twenty five Barrels mentioned in the
Permission and Agreement of the 28th January last. —
March 15
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 393
Permission given to Walter Belt master of the Schooner Whynot
a square Sterned Vessel burthen eighty three Tons navigated by him-
self, his Mate and seven men to pass with the said Vessel under
Sanction of a Flag of Truce from the Port of Baltimore in this State
to Vienna in Dorchester County there to take in two thousand, six
hundred and thirty three Bushels of Indian Corn and to proceed from
thence to New York with her said Cargo for the use of the Mary-
land Prisoners there and to return again. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson
Junr Sixteen pounds ten shillings out of the money approprid for the
New Equipment of the Barges on Account
It appearing to this Board that Thomas Wilkes of Fred-k County
was fined twenty pounds by a Militia Court Martial held at Frederick
p. 394