380 Journal and Correspondence.
March 12
Liber No. 78
p. 428
Audacity to run up the Bay twenty Miles above Patapsco, where
they captured two or three Bay Vessels, and six or eight, a few Miles
below this, and returned again without being discovered. The whole
Force of the Enemy in the Bay, is very inconsiderable; not equal to
the Pole Cat alone, from the best Information we can obtain : But
we have two strong Barges, well manned and equipped, which, joined
to the Pole Cat. will be quite sufficient to drive the Ttnemy from the
Bay. We are therefore very desirous that the Pole Cat should come
down as soon as she can possibly be prepared, as we are not without
Hopes that some of the Captures lately made, may be retaken before
they leave the Bay, as the Enemy will endeavour to load them with
March 13
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 39«
Thursday 13th March 1783
Present Benjamin Stoddert and James Brice Esquires.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer issue to Thomas Beatty
Esquire a Certificate agreeable to the "Act proposing to the Citizens
of this State, Creditors of Congress on Loan Office Certificates, &ca "
for five hundred and thirty three pounds, seventeen shillings and
seven pence due him of Continental Loan Office Certificates adjusted
by the Auditor General. —
March 14
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 393
Friday 14th March 1783
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benjamin Stoddert, James Brice and John H. Stone Esquires. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Michael Raimer
Exr of John Haas fifty nine pounds, thirteen shillings and four
pence — Andrew Woolf three pounds, fourteen shillings and nine
pence — Sarah Madden four pounds, five shillings and nine pence and
Philip Barger two pounds eighteen shillings and three pence specie
agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debts due from this State per Cer-
tificates & Accounts adjusted & passed. —
That the said Treasurer issue Certificates agreeable to the "Act
proposing to the Citizens of this State, Creditors of Congress on
Loan Office Certificates &ca " forty three pounds, three shillings and
one penny to Stephen Ransburgh — eleven pounds, four shillings and
three pence to Nicholas Toup — Eighty seven pounds, and four pence
to William Murdock Beale, Seventeen pounds, seventeen shillings
and one penny to Michael Stoker, Twenty one pounds, six shillings
and seven pence to William Snyder — Ninety three pounds, nine shil-
lings and two pence to Peter Crapell — One hundred and ten pounds,
thirteen shillings to George Curts — thirty eight pounds eleven shil-
lings and two pence to William Dern — thirty five pounds, seven shil-
lings and three pence to Michael Raimer — Six pounds, twelve shil-