Tuesday 11 March 1783
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benjamin Stoddert, Gabriel Duvall and James Brice Esquires
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Mrs Fulford
three pounds, fifteen shillings out of the money appropd for Contin-
gent Expences per Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer issue to Nathan Hammond a Certificate
agreeable to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of this State, Credi-
tors of Congress on Loan Office Certificates &ca " for thirty five
pounds, fourteen shillings and four pence due on Continental Loan
Office Certificates adjusted by the Auditor General. —
March 11
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 392
Wednesday 12th March 1783.
Present as on Yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Adams five
pounds three shillings and four pence specie agreeable to the "Act to
adjust the Debts due from this State " per Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer issue to Joseph Howard Senr a Certifi-
cate agreeable to the "Act proposing to the Citizens of this State,
Creditors of Congress on Loan Office Certificates &ca " for thirty
four pounds, fourteen shillings and ten pence due on Loan Office Cer-
tificates adjusted by the Depy Aud.
A Letter from Captain Jonathan Gibson of the Maryland Line an
Officer of great Merit, in the last stage of a Consumption, praying
an advance of three hundred and fifty pounds on the Security of the
Pay due him, to enable him to prosecute his Voyage to Bermuda in a
Flag Vessel hired by Samuel Chase Esquire for the purpose of con-
veying thence the late Mr Giles, and stating the impossibility of his
accomplishing his intentions without the above Advance, being read —
Inconsideration of the distinguished Merit and Critical Situation
of Captain Gibson It was determined that the said Advance be
made. — One hundred and twenty five pounds of it immediately and
the Balance to be paid to Mr Chase out of the first Money which can
be applied to that purpose, or out of the second Payment to be made
by Messrs Dorsey, Wheeler and Company for Tobacco purchased. —
March 12
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 392
[W Paca in Council to The Chevalier De la Villebrune]
We have not had the Pleasure of hearing any Thing about the
Pole Cat, since your Favor of the Ulto, which led us to hope
that she would be prepared for a Cruize down the Bay before this
Time; but we are fearful she required more Repairs than was ex-
pected. The Enemy's Barges and small Vessels still continue their
Depredations upon the Inhabitants on the Shores, and last Week,
a Sloop and Schooner, both very small with only 27 Men, had the
March 12
Liber No. 78
p. 428