March 1
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 389
Saturday 1st March 1783
Present Benjamin Stoddert, Gabriel Duvall, Jeremiah T. Chase
James Brice and John H Stone Esquires. —
Permission given to John Cox Master of the Schooner Trimmer
navigated as expressed in Admiral Digby's Passport to pass from
hence to New York, having on Board two hundred Bushels of In-
dian Corn, seven Barrels of Flour, six hogs, salted, in a Hhd, and
one Barrel nine hundred pounds thirty hams, two Kegs of Hogs Fat.
Permission given to James Belt Master of the Schooner Celerity
fifty Tons burthen, navigated by himself Osburn Belt, Mate and
seven Men, being a square sterned Vessel forty feet Keel, to pass
with the said Vessel under Sanction of a Flag of Truce to Wye
River in this State to take in thirteen hundred and fifty bushels of
Indian Corn, and to proceed from thence to the City of New York
with the said Cargo, for the use of the Maryland Prisoners there and
to return again. —
The following Accounts examined and approved agreeable to " a
Supplement to the Act for the Liquidation and payment of Debts
against Persons convicted of Treason " Frederick Green against
Henry Riddle three pounds, sixteen shillings & six pence — Daniel
Stephenson one pound eight shillings — Robt Christie junr one pound
thirteen shillings, Danl Dulany of Walt, four pounds three shillings
& six pence — Robt Alexander six pounds, eight shillings & three
pence — Robt Eden six pounds, six shillings & eight pence — Lloyd
Dulany five pounds & three pence & Jas Christie £5..4..6
March 3
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 390
Monday 3d March 1783.
Present His Excellency The Governor.
Benjamin Stoddert, Gabl Duvall, James Brice & John H Stone
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Notley Whit-
combe Six pounds, ten shillings specie agreeable to the "Act to adjust
the Debts due from this State " per Account passed. —
March 4
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 390
Tuesday 4th March 1783
Present His Excellency the Governor
Benjamin Stoddert, James Brice & John H Stone Esquires. —
Permission given to Henry Geddis Master of the Sloop Leopard
a square sterned Vessel forty eight Tons burthen navigated by him-
self, Samuel Williams Mate and four Men to pass with the said Ves-
sel under the Sanction of a Flag of Truce from hence to the City of
New York with a Cargo of one hundred Barrels of Flour, and six
hundred and eighty three Bushels of Corn for the use of the Mary-
land Prisoners and to return again.