Council of Maryland, 1782-1783. 371
in the Maryland Line, one Suit of Cloaths and one Shirt if in his
Possession. —
That the Issuing Commissary issue rations to Lieutenant Isaac
Hanson until further Orders. —
February 26
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 388
Thursday 27 February 1783
Present His Excellency & all Members —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Turnbull,
twelve pounds, fifteen shillings & eight pence, Levi Gantt three
pounds & James Ray four pounds specie agreeable to the Act to
adjust the Debts &ca per Accounts passed. —
Febraury 27
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 388
Ordered that Mr Shaw deliver to Serjeant Suit for the Guard at
West River seven Muskets with Bayonets, seven Cartouch Boxes
with six rounds of Cartridges to each, to be returned when called
for. —
p. 389
Friday 28th February 1783
Present as on Yesterday. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Dyer two
pounds, twelve shillings and six pence, specie out of the five shillings
specie Tax for Forage supplied Capt John Middleton for Continental
Horses procured under the "Act to furnish twenty Dragoon Horses
for the Southern Army " on Account of the United States per Ac-
count passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to James Miller thirteen Pounds five
shillings and seven pence specie agreeable to the Act to adjust the
Debts due from this State per Account passed. —
Commissions issued to Zachariah Allen appointed Notary Public
of Baltimore County. —
Matthew Driver, Charles Daffin, Philemon Downes, Zebdiel Potter,
and William Frazier appointed Justices of the Orphans Court of
Caroline County — and also to Ignatius Taylor, Hanson Briscoe, John
Shanks, John Ireland and Ignatius Fenwick Justices of the Orphans
Court of Saint Marys County. —
February 28
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 389
[Council to Honble Daniel Carroll Esqr]
In Answer to your Favor, requesting that Measures may be fallen
on for supplying the Delegates to Congress with the per diem Allow-
ance; we have the Honor to inform you, that the Intendant has told
us that he has sent up to you, an Account against Mr McClanagan,
with Orders to receive a Sum due from him to the State, which we
hope will supply your present Occasions, and we will request the In-
tendant, who has the sole Disposition of the Specifics, to take Mea-
sures for raising Money to continue your Supplies, as regularly as
the State of our Finances will permit.
February 28
Liber No. 78
p. 423