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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 370   View pdf image (33K)
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370 Journal and Correspondence.

February 25
Liber No. 78
p. 422

Effects and Consequences of punctually discharging the Arrearages
of the old Equipment, they directed you, as soon as possible, to sell
Specifics to make the Payment. You were pressed to do it by the
Executive and with uncommon Earnestness and Anxiety; you were
told there were Creditors to the Amount of £1100, and upwards;
that it was in Vain to begin the new Equipment, 'til the Arrearages
were paid; that the Creditors being satisfied, public Faith would be
regarded and extensive Credit obtained, so that, altho' the Monies to
effect the new Equipment would not come in 'til the first Collection

p. 423

of Taxes for the present Year, yet, the Credit of the State being
established, the new Equipment might be effected on that Ground,
combined with the Certainty and Sufficiency of the Funds pledged
for it. Every Argument Sir, was addressed to you that could possi-
bly apply to your private or public Feelings : But, assuming a Power,
and again mistaking the Nature of your Office, to judge of the Prac-
ticability, Propriety, and Utility of the Barge Equipment, and con-
ceiving a different Opinion from us, we have never been able to pro-
cure a Farthing from you, or any Supply whatever. You now indeed
say you will do every Thing to support our Administration; a poor
Consolation this, to those unfortunate fellow Citizens who have felt
the late Outrages of the Enemy.
If Sir, in any former Address of ours, enforcing the Propriety of
our Requisitions, we passed any indirect Censures on your Conduct,
you were right in imputing it to our Sensibility for the Sufferings of
our fellow Citizens, and your Disappointment of us, in the Means
of giving them Protection; but surely a[ny] inadversions, prompted
by such Causes, and justified by Truth, might have been marked and
distinguished by an Expression of more Delicacy and Decency than

February 26
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 388

Wednesday 26. February 1783
Present as on Yesterday.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to William Wood-
ward, forty five pounds, one shilling & three pence and Samuel Cadle

Twenty eight pounds, eighteen shillings and three pence specie agree-
able to the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this State " per Cer-
tificates adjusted. —
That the said Treasurer pay to George Mann seventy eight pounds,
eighteen shillings and one penny specie, agreeable to the Act afore-
said per Accounts passed 24th Instant —
That the said Treasurer pay to Ann Holdston, Mary Connolly &
Alice Redmond, each, one pound two shillings and six pence and
George Mann seven pounds specie due them per Accounts passed. —
That the Intendant be requested to supply Serjeant John Neary
of the Maryland Line with one hat, one Shirt, one Jacket and one
pair of Breeches and one Blanket and also to Caleb Haley a Soldier

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781-1784
Volume 48, Page 370   View pdf image (33K)
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