January 21
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 381
whom Advances are made as aforesaid which said Receipts shall
be Witnessed by Mr Luke Wheeler now in New York : And they
further Covenant and agree on the Advances aforesaid to take Notes
of Hand from each Prisoner promising to pay the Governor and
Council of Maryland the Sums respectively advanced in Clothing if
the General Assembly of Maryland should order and direct such
Payment to be made, which Notes of Hands to be Witnessed by the
said Mr Wheeler and delivered to the Governor and Council, on the
Return of the Flag or within such Time as the said Flag might
return. —
In Witness whereof the said Parties have hereunto set their Hands
the Day and Year aforesaid.
Wm Paca
John Dorsey for themselves and
Samuel Chase Company. —
T Johnson Jr
January 21
Liber No. 78
p. 409
[W Paca in Council to Honble Intendant.]
We understand there are some Difficulties, in carrying your Con-
tract of Yesterday, into Execution. In approving of it, we only con-
sidered the Terms of Sale; and Times of Payment. It is indifferent
to us, who gives Bond, relying upon your Care to take proper Security
for the due and punctual Performance of the Contract.
January 22
Liber CB.
No. 24
p. 381
Wednesday January 22d 1783
Present as on Yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to George Pecker
one pounds, six shillings and nine pence specie due him per Account
passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Grant eleven pounds fif-
teen shillings specie agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debts due
from this State per Account passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Sim Lee Esquire late
Governor one hundred and fifty eight pounds, two shillings and six
pence out of the first Money which may come into the Treasury and
not appropriated to any particular purpose agreeable to a Resolve of
the General Assembly the 11 Instant. —
Ordered that Mr Shaw deliver to Thomas Sim Lee Esquire a Gun
which was taken from Philip Thomas Lee in 1776 upon Mr Thomas
Sim Lee's engaging to pay to the State, any Compensation which
has been made for a Gun seized from Philip T. Lee in 1776 or to
have the Certificate returned if any Certificate has been given for
said Gun. —