That the said Treasurer pay to Mary Lucas nine pounds, Mary
Johnson, Mary Bowley, Mary Jones each six pounds — Cassandra
Hutton and Mary McNorton each four pounds, Elizabeth Backley,
Ann Dudley, Catharine Dunnagan and Elizabeth Austin each five
pounds, Eleanor Smith Twelve pounds and Mary Fulford seven
pounds the Allowance made them by Ann Arundel County November
Court 1782 and for which they obtained Orders on the Treasurer. —
Memorandum of an Agreement made this 21st Day of January
one thousand seven hundred and Eighty three Between the Governor
and Council of the State of Maryland and Dorsey, Wheeler and Com-
pany which said Company consists of John Dorsey, Thomas Dorsey,
Samuel Chase and Luke Wheeler.
Whereas it is represented to the Governor and Council, that there
are about one hundred and fifty Citizens of this State, Prisoners in
New York, suffering extreme poverty and Distress from their Con-
finement and Captivity and the said Governor and Council being dis-
posed to relieve them as far as possible from their present Distresses
and Sufferings.
It is therefore Covenanted and Agreed that Permission and Flag
or Flags be given to the said Dorsey, Wheeler and Company to ex-
port to New York four hundred and fifty Barrels of Flour and the
said Dorsey and Company Covenant and Agree to purchase at their
own Expence and Ship for New York the said four hundred and fifty
'Barrels of Flour and on Arrival of their Vessel at New York to
apply for Permission to sell and dispn.ee of the come and with the
Monies arising from the Sale to Cloath the said Prisoners as com-
fortably as an Advance in Clothing to each of them to the Amount
of three pounds, five shillings specie will enable them to do it by a
Purchase there of Cloaths — and they further Covenant that if the
Money expended for such Cloaths to such Amount to each Prisoner
as aforesaid belonging as aforesaid to this State shall fall short of the
Sum of Four hundred and eighty seven pounds ten shillings that
the Balance shall be immediately paid into the Hands of the Governor
and Council on return of the said Flag or within such Time as the
Flag might return back to the Port of Annapolis — And they further
Covenant to take all proper Measures to procure an Exchange of the
said Prisoners or a Release on Paroles and that they will transport
to this State all such Prisoners as may be exchanged or released as
January 21
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 380