August 27
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 326
p. 327
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to John Shaw four Barrels
flour on Account.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Hezekiah Griffith
six Pounds, ten shillings and eleven Pence — John Clagett three
Pounds, ten shillings and seven Pence — John Willing ten shillings and
eight Pence — Daniel Whalin one Pound eleven shillings and seven
Pence, Lucy Orme three Pounds eighteen shillings and one Penny —
Samuel Turner two Pounds one shilling and James Groome two
Pounds specie agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debts due from this
State per Accounts passed. —
Commissions of Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to George
Duck Commander of the Brigantine Sea Bell one hundred and fifty ,
Tons burthen, navigated by twenty one men, mounting six Carriage
Guns belonging to John McLure and Company of Baltimore — Roger
Boyce Commander of the Brigantine Ranger one hundred and thirty
Tons burthen navigated by thirty Men, mounting ten Carriage Guns,
belonging to Daniel Bowley and others of Baltimore — and also to
William Coward Commander of the Schooner Squirel one hundred &
one Tons burthen, navigated by twenty two men, mounting four
Carriage Guns belonging to Archibald Buchanan and others of
Baltimore. —
Permission given to Mary Laycock late the wife of a Private
soldier taken at the Reduction of York in Virginia who died in this
City, to return to New York in the Trimmer Captain Cox a Flag of
Truce now lying in the Harbour. —
August 27
Liber No. 78
p. 369
[Council to Honble Intendant]
Upon further Consideration, we are satisfied the Money remitted
to you by our Agent in the Havana, and delivered over by you to
General Smallwood, is subject to our Order alone, and although it
is appropriated to the Recruiting Service, it is to be disposed of by
p. 370
us when, and in such Manner, and in such Sums as we may deem most
eligible, and therefore repeat our Request, that it be immediatelv
lodged in the Treasury.
August 28
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 327
Wednesday 28th August 1782
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Deale
six Pounds, William Ford junr two Pounds, and John Baltzer eight
Pounds seventeen shillings and three pence Specie agreeable to the
Act to adjust the Debts due from this State per Accounts passed. —
That the said Treasurer pay to George Scott Esqr seventy Pounds
specie out of the money arising from the Specie Tax due on a Certa
given to William Magruder by Robert Bowie one of the Persons
appointed in Virtue of the " Act to furnish the Southern Army with
twenty Dragoon Horses." —