Council of Maryland, 1781-1782. 245
That the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to James Hodges seven
Pounds, eight shillings and one Penny of the Bills emitted under
the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca two Pounds, nineteen
shillings & two pence thereof to be delivered over to Hannah Mitchell
& the residue four Pounds, eight shillings & eleven Pence to John
Davis allowed them by the Orphans Court of Kent County per
Orders adjusted and passed. —
Furnished Major Davidson with a Ream of common writing Paper
for the use of the troops in this City. —
August 26
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 326
[Council to Abraham Skinner Esqr Commy Genl of Prisoners]
We have enclosed you a Copy of a Parole, given by Capt. John
Penny, since which Capt. Middleton has returned, having been
exchanged for some other Person. Capt. Penny has not returned but
is still, we suppose, in New York. We shall be obliged to you to
effect an Exchange of Capt. Edward Parkinson, late Master of the
Schooner Porpus, carried into New York, for Penny.
August 26
Liber No. 78
p. 369
[Council to Mr George Hanson]
We have just received your Letter, and expected you had purchased
the Horses. The Person appointed to collect Horses on this Shore, has
procured thirteen, the Number assigned to him. We cannot give you
an Order on the Collector, no [r] is it necessary, because, if you peruse
the Law, you will perceive, your Certificate is to be received by the
Collector as Specie in any Tax laid or to be laid in Specie, or the
Holder may receive the Money from the Treasury, as soon as the five
Shillings Tax is collected and lodged there. If you cannot get the
Horses as cheap on Certificates as for Specie, we will not have them
purchased, and wish to be immediately informed, as Capt. Middleton
is now waiting for the Horses, and we can have them purchased on
this Shore.
Tuesday 27 August 1782
Permission is hereby granted to the Schooner Trimmer John Cox
Master, navigated by himself and Milo Urien & John Scott to pro-
ceed to Baltimore & Land the household furniture & Effects of
Mrs Chamier agreeable to an Inventory annexed. —
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to William Hanson
McPherson twelve hundred & thirty five Pounds of Tobacco for the
use of William McPherson for the like Quantity lent the State in
June 1780 per Certificate adjusted. —
That the said Treasurer pay to Allen Quynn Esqr seventy nine
Pounds, three shillings and nine Pence specie due him per Account
passed. —
August 27
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 326