six pence to Richard Fenwick, five Pounds, sixteen shillings to Solo-
mon Jones, Ten Pounds to Joseph Leigh, two Pounds, five shillings
to Edmund Basey, four Pounds, ten shillings to Vincent Kelly, ten
Pounds, seventeen shillings to John Fenwick and two Pounds, four
shillings and six Pence to William Langly due them per Accounts
That the said Treasurer pay to Abel Garner eleven Pounds eighteen
shillings and four pence, John Ridout four Pounds six shillings and
one penny, & Adam Muir five Pounds of the same Emission due
them per Accounts passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Major John Davidson four Pounds
of the same Emission for Deficiency of Stores per Account passed
and also thirty Pounds of the same Bills in lieu of a Suit of Cloaths
and four Shirts for the present year on Account.
July 24
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 314
[Council to Honble Intendant]
We understand four or five thousand Dollars Specie, transmitted
by our Agent at the Havana, has lately been received by you. As this
Money is subject to our sole Disposition, we request it may be
immediately deposited in the Treasury.
July 24
Liber No. 78
p. 360
Thursday 25th July 1782
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Doctr James
Murray one hundred and eighty two Pounds specie, paid into the
Treasury by him for Caution Money as appears by four Warrants.
That the said Treasurer pay to Clement Hollyday Twelve pounds
five shillings Specie paid into the Treasury by him for Caution Money
as appears by Warrant.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Robert Denny thirteen
Pounds ten shillings specie to be delivered over to Lieut Henry
Gassaway part of the Money directed to be advanced by the Act
relating to Public Creditors on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Samuel Silk a soldier in the Maryld
Line who enlisted last Summer for 3 years twenty two pounds ten
shillings of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emission of Bills
of Credit &ca the Bounty allowed by an Act of Assembly.
A Letter of the 22d Instant from Colo Thomas Price Commissary
of Frederick County this day received, mentioning that he had
July 25
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 314
delivered to Colo Moses Rawlings agreeable to the Order of this
Board, nine hundred and forty Barrels containing 1785 and 2
quarters long hundreds which is equal to one hundred and ninety nine
thousand nine hundred and seventy six & three quarter Pounds short
hundreds of Public flour, and desiring to be informed what is to be
done with the poor Cattle which he had ventured among the Farmers,
was read and referred to the Intendant.
p. 315