Council of Maryland, 1781-1782. 18;
Individuals as Delinquents within the Description of the Act. The
Account of the Expences is now presented to this Board for Pay-
ment, but we do not conceive ourselves authorized to take Order
therein, without the Direction of the Legislature.
June 8
Liber No. 78
p. 353
[Council to John Bullen Esqr]
We request you will deliver over to the Order of General Small-
wood all the Horses, Waggons, and other Articles in your Possession,
belonging to the United States; And to the Order of the Intendant,
all the State Property you may have in your Hands. You will make
Returns to this Board, of the Articles you deliver.
[Council to General Smallwood]
The Intendant informed us, in a Letter of the 6th Instant, that he
would lodge a Sum of Money with you for the Purpose of buying
Forage and the other Necessaries mentioned in yours of the 4th, as
well as to enable you to make Provision for forwarding the Troops.
We have directed Mr Bullen to deliver over to your Order, all the
Waggons, Horses, and other Property in his Possession, belonging
to the United States, and we think the Plan you propose, respecting
the Horses, the best that can be adopted, under our present Circum-
stances. We have given Mr Bullen general Directions to furnish
Barracks whenever they were required, and shall call upon him to
know why he has not complied with your Requisition.
Monday 10th June 1782
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Zadock Harvey
twelve Pounds eighteen shillings. George Wilson thirteen Pounds,
fifteen shillings and nine Pence. Samuel Curtis ten Pounds, five
shillings Noah Hobbs fourteen Pounds, three shillings and four
Pence. Thomas Eubanks seven Pounds, eleven shillings and eight
Pence. James Taylor eleven Pounds, fifteen shillings. James Shaw
two hundred and fifty four Pounds eleven shillings, and eleven
Pence. Capt John Smith ten Pounds, fifteen shillings for Stores on
Account. Tobias Wilson and Richard Smith each eleven Pounds,
six shillings and eight Pence. Azariah Gatton ten Pounds, sixteen
shillings and eight Pence. Andrew Bramble eleven Pounds, thirteen
shillings and four Pence. William Murphy eleven Pounds, eight
shillings and four Pence. Levin Ross eleven Pounds, eight shillings
and four Pence. Nathan Griffin ten Pounds, five shillings and six
Pence and Oakley Hadaway thirty three Pounds, sixteen shillings
June 10
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 293