Troops, passim; see Maryland
Regiments; Continental Army.
Trout, Martin, 338.
Trueman, Capt., 133, 141.
Truitt, —— , 64, 69; George, 63.
Trumpets, 173.
Tshudy, —— , 416.
Tucker, —— , 63; James, 86,
102; Selle, 86.
Tupper, Col., 293.
Turkey Point, 113, 114, 213.
Turnbull, —— , 190, 571 ;
George, 160, 313; John, 172,
Turnbull & Co., 62.
Turner, —— , 256; Beale, 289;
Charles, 9; Jeremiah, 431;
John Beall, 286; William, 194 ;
Zephaniah, 62, 63, 102, 464.
Turnips, 219.
Turpin, John, 500.
Tyler, John, 194; Robert B.,
Tyre, see Tier.
United States, 15, 18, 29, 39,
5i, 58, 59, 77, 79, 82, 85, 86,
102, 257-259, 265, 318, 346,
423, 427; see Articles of Con-
federation; Continental Con-
Upper Marlboro, 14, 56, 133,
153, 157, 235, 263, 281, 307,
352, 369, 385, 406, 407, 414,
423, 437, 492, 495, 547, 573-
Usher, Thomas, 479.
Utensils, 79, 105.
Vagrants, 365, 411, 451.
Van Swearingen, see Swearin-
Vanbibber, Abraham, 313 ;
Isaac, 533.
" Vanbibber's Forest," 533.
Vandome, —— , 63; Edward, 50.
Vandyke, Dr. Thomas, 252.
Vanhollon, William, 538.
Vanhorn, —— , 226; Col., 383;
Gabriel, 34; Gabriel P., 541.
Vardin (Varden), —— , 513,
514; John, 388, 389, 453-
Vashon, Simon, 533.
Veazey, Noble, 411.
Vegetables, 219.
Venable, Joseph, 140.
Vendue Masters, 38, 61, 68; see
also Auctioneer.
Vergennes, Compte de, 202,
Vermillion. —— , 412: Jacob,
434; William, 434.
Versailles (France), 264.
Vessels, 3, 29, 35, 49-51, 53, 64,
66, 69, 85, 92, 93, 96, 99, 101,
108, 109, 112, 113, 118, 120,
130, 140, 156, 163, 167, 176,
178, 180, 185, 186, 191, 192,
199, 212, 223, 234, 240-242,
246, 247, 256, 257, 276, 279.
283, 291-293, 299, 304, 312,
318, 326, 333, 341-343, 346,
348, 356, 357, 359 36o, 364,
365, 380, 381, 410, 423, 428,
433, 439, 440, 448, 454, 462,
470-472, 475, 479, 48i, 488,
492, 494, 499, 500-502, 508,
513, 516, 518, 5T9, 524, 531,
535, 537, 543, 548, 549, 553,
557, 564, 566, 570, 576,. 579,
580; Captures by Americans,
7, 9, ii, 40, 107, 149, 169,
188, 214, 216, 218, 228-230,
261, 262, 308, 337, 338, 339,
353, 390, 459, 481, 522, 534,
559, 562; captures by British,
16, 26, 27, 37, 38, 40, 41, 63,
75, 77, 86, 133, 138, 177, 203,
205, 217, 218, 222, 230, 232,
361, 338, 462, 481; see also
Barges; British; Canoes ;
Cartels; Ferries and Ferry
boats; Flags of Truce; Gal-
lies; Impressments; Letters
of Marque; Pilots; Priva-
teers; Scows; Ship builders
and building; Transports and
the following named vessels :
Active, II, 562; Adamant,
134; Alexandria, 512; Al-
fred, 203; America, 134: An-
napolis, 152, 153; Antilope,2i6,
218, 228, 230, 261; Ardent,
134; Baltimore, 152, 153;
Bedford, 134; Boston, 126;
Buckshire, g; Buckskin, 40,
230; Buckskin Hero, 338;
Cat, 8; Cato, 37, 40, 53, 60,
61, 70, 256; Charles Town,
126; Charon, 522; Confed-
eracy, 203, 205; Conguerant,
134; Conqueror, 144, 152; De-
fence, 53, 230; Dolphin, 222;
Due de Burgoyne, 134; En-
deavor, 221; Europe, 134;
Eveille, 134; Experiment
(barge), 584, 585; Experi-
ment (sloop), 9, 218; Fan-
tasque, 134; Flying Fish, 391 ;
Fox, 53, 202, 325; Guadalope,
134; Gentible, 134; General
Mifflin, 16; General Robert-
son, 9; Good Adventure, 339 ;
Guepe, 134; Hermione, 134;
Hetty, 515 1 Hibernia, 65, 358 ;
Holker, 63, 357; Hope, 188,
189, 206; Hyena, 16; Iris, 26,
37; Jack O'th Lanthorn, 218,
228-230,262; Jason, 134; Katy,
86; Kitty (brig), 63; Kitty
(schooner), 41; Kniphassen,
9; Lady Lee, 79; Lincoln, 27 ;
London, 134; Lord Cornwal-
lis, 230; Lottery, 194; Loyal-
ist, 475; Maryland, 26; Mid-
dleton, 537; Molly, 338;
Nancy, 234; Nautilus, 37, 40,
53, 94, 482; Neptune, 134;
Nesbit, 114, 127, 183, 216,
564; Peggy, 169; Plater, 385,
481, 515, 535, 579; Porpoise,
65, 107, 149, 325, 326, 358,
366, 562, 564; Potomac, 238;
Princessa, 522; Protector,
285, 335, 351, 424; Province,
134; Prudent, 134; Real Bar-
ber, 234; Resolution, 228,
334; Resource, 339', Restorer
tfion, 9; Revenge, 481; Roe-
buck, 203; Romolus, 134;
Rover, 197; Royal Oak, 134;
Sally, 262; Surprise, 169;
Survillante, 134; Susanna,
462; Ville de Paris, 526;
Windsor, 261.
Vests, 509, 566.
Vickars, Ezekiel, 540.
Vienna, 23, 118, 120, 122, 123,
264, 462, 507.
Ville de Paris, see Vessels.
Virginia, 2, 7, 13, 17, 18, 20,
29, 44, 47, 61, 63, 71, 82-84,
86-88, 91, 97, 105-107, 124,
125, 146, 147, 153, 167-170,
174, 196, 205, 259, 261, 266-
269, 275, 279, 282, 285, 293,
294, 298, 316, 330, 329, 335,
337, 339, 355, 380, 392, 422,
40" 1, 4<5.5, 4/9, 482, 486, 488,
493, 500-504, 510, 516, 520,
524, 538, 547, 552-554, 560,
562, 572, 575; see also Ap-
pomattox; Accomack County ;
Alexandria; Alien's Creek ;
Boyd' s Hole; Cape Henry;
Charlotte- Ville; Cherrystones,
Chingoteague; Colchester ;
Culpepper Co.; Dobb's Ferry ;
Dumfries; Elizabeth River ;
Fairfax Co., Frederick Co. ;
Fredericksburg; Gloucester ;
Goochland Court House ;
Goodsbridge; Hampshire ;
Hampton; Hanover Court
House; James River; Jam?s
Town; Malvern Hill; Monon-
gahela River; Mt. Vernon;
New Kent Co.; Newport
News; Nominy Creek ;
Northampton; Onacock ;
Petersburg; Pitts Landing ;
Port Royal; Portsmouth ;
Quantico; Rappahannock ;
Richmond; Smith's Point ;
Staunton; Stemstown; Suf-
folk; Trebell's Landing;
Westover; Wilderness; Wil-
liamsburg; Winchester; York
River; York Town.
Voorhees, —— , 212, 226, 260,
410, 448, 470, 494; John, 99,
101, 206, 318, 409.
Vose, Col., 127.
Wafers, 72, 178, 436.
Wagener, Peter, 169, 170.
Waggaman, Henry, 140.