Sturgis, —— , 181, 364; Elijah,
339, 34l, 3S3, 380, 390.
Subalterns, 212, 222.
Substitutes, 43, 117, 161, 236,
261, 339, 364, 365, 372, 384,
388, 390, 412, 419, 420, 425,
433, 435, 438, 440, 442, 449,
452, 460, 464, 465, 468, 477,
485, 486, 514, 526.
Suffolk (Va.), 371-
Sugar, 2, 17, 19, 217, 319, 322,
325, 436.
Suits at law, 107, 109.
Sullener, Godfrey, 365.
Sullivane (Sullivan), —— , 130;
James, 50, 129, 273, 323, 409,
450, 489, 542.
Sullivant, Denis, 458.
Summers, John, 274.
Sumner, Gen., 396.
Sumpter, Gen., 16, 88, 205, 395,
Superintendent of Finance, 581.
Supplies, passim.
Surgeons see Physicians and
Surgical instruments, 410.
Surprise, see Vessels.
Surveyors, 422, 573.
Survillante, see Vessels.
Susanna, see Vessels.
Susquehanna!:, 64, 184; ferry,
189, 196; River, 34, 139, 226,
" Susquehanna!] Manor," 533.
Sussex (Del.), 121.
Swan, —— , 322; John, 144, 456 ;
Matthew, 427.
Swan Bridge, 187.
Swanson's Creek, 180.
Swaringin, Benone, 271.
Swearingen, Joseph, 12, 314;
Van, 129.
Swine, 5, 44, 46, 50, 51, 120, 138,
291, 382, 509.
Swords, 180, 294, 297, 430, 568;
belts; 274; makers, 311, 345,
Sydebottram, —— , 191.
Syhert, John, 34.
Sympson, see Simpson.
Taffe, George, 189.
Tailors, 398, 455.
Talbot County, 97, 98, 107, 143
155, 163, 164, 200, 212, 216,
225, 278, 285, 300, 332, 360,
377, 390, 470, 471, 476, 485,
497, 507, 514, 550; Court
house, n, 97, 98, 523, 525,
548; see also Choptank River ;
Eastern Bay; Oxford; Tilgh-
man's Island; Wye Mills.
Tall, Anthony, Jr., 321.
Tallow, 12, 14, 37, 120, 196, 495,
Taloe, John, 228.
Tangier Island, 357.
Tannehill, see Tannyhill.
Tanneries and Tanners, 400, 552,
Tarbutton, Rachel, 301; Wil-
liam, 301.
Tarlton, —— , 516; Gen., 258.
Tars, Uriah, 380.
Tasker, Mrs., 366.
Tate, James, 194.
Taverns, 80, 226, 229, 343, 357.
Tawnyhill (Tannehill), Capt.,
129, 130; Serj., 547.
Taxes, Collections, Collectors
and Commissioners; I, 6, 45,
55, 56, 59, 64, 71, 72, 76, 84,
99, 106, 109, no, 120, 122,
126, 129, 131, 137, 152, 155,
158, l6o, l62, 187, 194, 202,
214, 227, 233, 236, 237, 241.
240, 255, 273, 278, 280, 284,
290, 300, 347, 367, 370, 372,
375, 379, 385, 403, 408, 4",
424, 435, 441, 448, 493, 510,
529, 532, 535- 543. 545, 549.
556, 557, 563-565, 573, 574,
583; French subjects exempt
from, see D'Anmours Le
Taylor (Tayler), Capt., 419;
'Maj., 37, 40, 53, 75; J., 214,
368; James Jones, 458; Jesse,
479, 504; John, 229, 230, 240,
206, 449, 541; Robert, 136;
Thomas, sfi: William, 160,
3T3, 3i6.
Tea, 217, 436.
Tear, see Tiar.
Telfair, —— , 258.
Temple. Col., 406.
Tents, 60, 72, 94, 275, 294, 297,
301, 308, 309, 311, 322, 345,
362, 377, 403, 4io, 436, 49i;
see also Marquees.
Theater, 46, 91.
Theobalds, James, 229.
Third Md. Reg't., see Md.
Thomas, —— , 190; Capt. 223;
Col., 147, 203, 553, 567; A.,
309; J. A., 168, 24; 566;
James, 402; John, 159, 160,
481; Levin, 321; Nathan G.,
12; Nathaniel, 314; Nicholas
98; P., 341, 399, 435, 49Q:
Philip. 415; Dr. Philip, 13.
382. 542, 572; Samuel, 533;
William, 402, 540.
Thompson (Thomson), —— ,
169; Col., 55, 188, 202, 478;
Charles, 30, 319, 341, 542;
David, 139; John, 64; John
D., 28, no, 234, 278, 411;
John Dockery, 443; Richard,
312; William, 391.
Thread, 138, 178, 340, 468.
Tiar (Tear, Tyre), Francis,
295; Joseph, 295; Raphael,
295; William, 389; William,
Jr., 295.
Tibbets, Henry, 585; Thomas,
Ticklenbursr, 201, 469.
Tilbrook, John, 310.
Tilden, Capt., 154, 155, 181, 222.
Tilghman, —— , 10, 317, 318;
Col., 551; B., 221; Edward,
125; James, 585; Matthew,
125, 163, 174, 181, 194, 200, 303,
205, 206, 215, 216, 280, 285,
360, 514, 523, 525, 548, 585;
Matthew, Jr., 225; P., 125;
Peregrine, 585; Richard 4th,
84, 239, 520, 532, 548, 550,
579, 581; Tench, 485-487, 547.
Tilghman's Island, 585.
Tillard, —— , 571; Thomas, 381,
Tilley, Capt, 170; Ann, 170;
Robert, 320; Thomas, 179.
Tilliskey, Jacob, 458.
Timmons, John, 334; Michael,
334; William, 334.
Tin ware, 436.
Tindell, Samuel, 420.
Tinkles, —— , 330.
Tobacco, 2, 3, 13, 16, 29, 30,
32, 36, 41, 43, 44, 45, 57, 66,
67, 69, 73, 75, 84, 104, 107-
109, 129, 160, 173, 177, 178,
191, 202, 231, 233, 238, 247,
251, 266, 273-276, 280, 284-
ofi6, -590, 394, 396, 397, 301,
303, 305, 306, 309-311, 316,
319, 321-323, 333, 334, 336,
338, 343, 344, 352, 356-358,
377, 381, 385, 397, 4io, 426,
427, 452, 455, 463, 495, 534.
539, 540, 569, 564, 583-
Todd, Benjamin, 274.
Toole, James, 214.
Tootle, James, 133.
Tories, see Loyalists.
Townsend, Thomas, 444.
Tracey, Bazil, 274.
Traitors, see Loyalists.
Transports, 49, 51, 89-94, 96, 97,
101, 105, 108, in, 112, 116,
117, 119, 130, 138, 145, 146,
159, 391, 484, 496, 501, 506,
538; see also British.
Trapnell, James, 274, 530.
Travers, (Traverse, Tra vis),
Capt., 280; John, 308, 335,
337-339, 34T, 353, 364, 377-
380, 465, 466; Matthias, 402.
Treasurer and Treasury, 22, 73,
122, 126, 157, 171, 172, 235,
238, 247, 270, 273, 321, 334,
359, 369, 437, 477, 484, 495,
498, 517, 523, 567. 585; East-
ern Shore, 54, 106, 107, 164,
185, 186, 191, 202, 236, 237,
312; Western Shore. 54, 72,
99, 106, 107.
Trebell's Landing (Va.), 515.
Trego, Roger, 321.
Trenton (N. J.), 166, 191, 199.
262, 538.