Waggoneers and waggons, 5,
14, 26, 35, 52, 56, 57, 67, 74,
84, 115, 146, 151, 153, TS6,
157, 167, 181, 190, 192, 196,
205, 212, 213, 226, 228, 236,
237, 24O, 268, 269, 2/1, 272,
279, 291, 294, 297, 308, 315,
317-318, 325, 336, 344, 349,
350, 352, 368, 377, 384, 392,
398-400, 403, 405, 410, 424,
428, 430, 43', 436, 447, 462,
484, 490, 502, 511, 513, 520,
521, 53T, 553-555, 557.
Wailes (Wales), Capt., 25;
Andrew, 287; Levin, 17;
Joseph, 195.
Waiters, 405.
Walker, —— , 344; Isaac, 434!
James, 310; Joseph, 287.
Wallace, Charles, 30.
Waller, William, 195, 361.
Walley, Capt., 285, 339, 353, 389,
390, 424, 501, 502, 514; Zede-
kiah, 140, 335, 390; Zadock,
Walls (Wall), oo, 91; Instant,
Walton, Rev., 204.
Wandow Landing (S. C.), 85.
War Office, 70, 150, 186, 222,
258, 277, 552.
Ward, David L., 252, 253;
Henry, 252, 253; John, 253,
327; Thomas, 252, 253.
Warder, Philip, 252, 253.
Ware, Col., 172, 191, 233;
Francis, 24, 136, 252, 253, 276,
295, 389, 39T; Jacob, 295.
Wareham, Henry, 561.
Warehouses, 160.
Warfield, Capt., 55; Alexander,
314; Philn., 186.
Warner, John, 190.
Warwick, —— , 342.
Washington, Mrs., 490, 507;
George, 26, 101, 117, 130, 134,
135, 163, 170, 205, 221, 234,
247, 269, 275, 282, 340, 342,
455, 475, 481, 482, 486, 487,
490, 498. 503, 506, 515, 521,
524, 526, 527, 533, 534, 536,
551, 576; Ma j. George, 428;
Col., 456.
Washington County, 150, 186,
228, 277, 208, 308, 328-330,
350, 373, 382, 403, 425, 426,
433, 451, 473, 474, 488, 489,
494, Soc, 504, 507, 5", 526,
552, 553; see also Antietam;
Elizabeth Town; Funkstown;
Wasteney (Westeney), —— ,
496, 497.
Water carts, 94.
Waters, Capt., 118; Col-, 218;
George, 140; Jonathan, 27;
Nicholas, 412, 433, 434; Peter,
353; Thomas, 361; William of
William, 140.
Wates, Maj., 16.
Wathen, John Baker, 331.
Watkins, Samuel, 182 Thomas
G., 432.
Wats Island, 308.
Watson, Mary, 446; William,
SU, 512.
Watts, Dr., 242, 243; William,
Wax, 72, 436.
Wayne, General, 162, 174, 225,
256, 261, 277, 286, 316, 356,
Weatherby, Daniel, 570.
Webb, George, 520.
Wedderstrandt, —— , 76, 80;
C. T., 50, 514; Theo., 77.
Weedon, General, 17, 26, 31, 82,
271, 277, 299, 386.
Weems, Capt., 366; David, 30,
in; John, 140; Lock, 458;
William, 325, 326.
Weir, Gen., oo, 148.
Welch, James, 6q.
Wells, James, 464, 484; Joseph
Welsh, George, 206; William,
Weltner, Col, 45, 58, 74.
Wesenthal, see Wiesenthall.
West, —— , 172, 176, 179, 190,
480; Capt., 514; S., 14, 177;
Stephen, i, 157, 184, 504.
West Indies, 78, 142, 214, 225,
239, 247, 3i6, 356, 359.
West Point, N. Y., 27, 320, 474
West River, 27, 86, 102, 108,
in, 156, 186, 360, 496, 497,
509, 564, 571; Battalion of
Militia, 182.
Westeney, see Wasteney.
Western Shore, 430, 510, 521,
524, 537, 547; Commissary
General, see James Calhoun ;
see also Treasurer and Trea-
Westover (Va.), 258.
Whalland, Joseph, 104; Joseph,
Jr., 334-
Wheat, passim, see Mills and
Wheat fly, 53, 470, 478.
Wheatly, Capt., 257.
Wheeler, —— , 29; Capt., 457;
George, 526; Hezekiah, 304,
359; Ignatius, Jr., 403;
James, 9; John, 321; Joseph,
252; Samuel, 194.
Whees, James, 9.
Whetstone Point, 410, 455, 461,
464 517; see also Forts.
Whigs, 23, 82, 121, 298, 308,
404, 435, 494, 550, 552, 565.
Whiley, John, Jr., 458.
Whipping, 361.
Whiskey, 281, 419, 500, 524,
Whitaker, A., 541.
Whitchocks, Ezekiel, 321.
White, —— , 320; Capt., 350,
568; Col., 371; Charles, 306;
James, 481; John, 9, 320, 439;
Joseph, Sr., 465; Nicholas, 14.
White Haven Company of Mi-
litia, 195, 361.
White's Cavalry, 463.
Whitehead, Capt., 7, 108, 114.
Whitely, Arthur, 326, 372; Wil-
liam, 114, 237, 476, 485.
Whiteside, Peter & Co., 457.
Whitesides, —— , 385.
Whooping Cough, see Diseases.
Wickes, Benjamin, 53, 174.
Wickham, Henry, 558.
Wicomico River, 123, 204, 217,
218, 334, 338, 421.
Wiesenthal, Dr., 504; Dr.
Charles, 368, 777.
Wilderness (Va.), 277.
Wilkins, William, 145.
Wilkinson, —— , 176; Col., 342,
343, 355; James, 73; Joseph,
20, 31, 151, 178, 214, 216, 270,
356, 458.
William, —— , 50.
Williams, —— , 67, 76, 185, 102,
212, 225, 400, 470; Col., 21, 83,
464; Barruch, 28, 55, 57, 58,
91, 101, no, 171, 224, 241,
250, 290, 318, 363, 409, 411,
582; Benjamin, 230; Elie,
451, 488, 498; James, 152;
John, 140; Nathaniel, 465;
Osborn, 188, 193; Otho H.,
22; Planner, 104; Thomas, 83,
133, 558; Thomas Devin,
434; Walter, 194.
Williamsburg (Va.), 46, 69, 81,
159, 3'5, 492, 507, 548, 555-
Williamson, —— , 458; Capt.,
372; Charles, 444; James,
Willitt, Charles, 136.
Willock, Andrew, 512.
Wills, 359; Register of, 487,
Wilmington, (Del.), 182, 213,
226, 366, 416; (S. G), 16, 85,
Wilson (Wilison), —— , 380;
Benjamin, 458; Denwood,
140; James, 194; John, 9;
Samuel, 342; William, 9, 40,
Wilson, see Hopkins, Wilson &
Wincester. Capt, 567, 568; Wil-
liam, 568.
Winchester (Va.), 119, 146,
154, 199, 529, 578.
Wind Mill Fort, 127.
Winder, Dr., 194; John, 243,
326; William, 140.
Windsor, see Vessels.
Wine, 29.
Winnsborough (S. G), 395.