Singleton, Capt., 137-
Sitler, Abraham, 208; Isaac,
Skinner, —— , 480; Capt., 216;
Col., 553; Lt., 3l; Abraham,
555; Doc. Alexander, 241 ;
Clement, 458; James, 20, 321 ;
Richard, 98.
Slaves, 55, 224, 249, 251, 431;
see also Negroes.
Slaymaker, Capt., 230.
Slocum, —— , 408.
Slocom, Reyle, 390; Rugby, 353.
Smallwood, Bayne, 252, 25^3;
John, 478; Thomas, 252, 253 ;
William, 25, 86, 87, 232, 235,
255, 294, 333, 340, 366, 372,
376, 388, 392, 403, 405, 4i8,
419, 420, 425, 427, 435, 442,
443, 446, 451, 452, 460, 464,
477, 484, 487, 490, 498, 514,
517, 518, 526, 527, 579, 58o.
Smith, —— , 43, 136, 158, 162,
447, 448, 450; Capt., 4i; Col.,
135, !78, '180, 207, 267, 269,
299, 316, 318, 346, 355, 363,
4i5, 432, 450, 459, 471, 472,
480, 578; Dr., 174; Maj., 186,
228, 290; Alexander, 489;
Clement, 337; David, 533;
James, 201; John, 20, 256 ;
John ist, 464; John, Jr., 464;
Johnston. 26, 33; Joseph, Jr.,
458; Nacey, 437; Nathaniel,
376; Patrick Sim, 12, 19, 47,
112, 177, 187, 227, 246, 306,
307, 357, 364. 397, 445, 457,
508, 520, 528, 535, 563; Rich-
ard, 477; Robert, 325, 326;
S. L., 45; Samuel, 29, 37, 40,
60, 61, 70, 183, 197, 200, 203,
206, 209, 213, 222, 235, 247,
256, 265, 275, 276, 283, 284,
294, 297, 300, 308-311, 319,
322, 323, 330, 338, 340, 344,
345, 352, 362, 363, 377, 381,
391, 405, 408, 410, 413, 414,
421, 426, 442, 455, 501, 508;
Thomas, 35, 103, 189; Thoro-
good, 313; W., 60, 145, 160,
211, 376; William, 53, 61, 62,
70, 71, 232, 346, 454.
Smith & Mathews, 28, 33, 410.
Smith's Creek, 72.
Smith, Snatsall & Co., 52.
Smith's Point (Va.), 483.
Smithson, William, 368, 541.
Smoot, Capt., 120; William, 252,
253; William B., 295.
Smott, John, 103.
Smyth, Col., 274; Richard, 238 ;
Thomas, 85, 260; Thomas,
Jr., 252, 200.
Snatsall, see Smith, Snatsall &
Snow Hill, 135, 240, 279, 308.
317, 318, 335, 369. 389, 408,
419, 424, 507, 549.
Soap, 319, 322, 362, 426.
Soaper, Nathan, 6.
Socks, 527.
Sogour, —— , 461.
Soldiers Delight Battalion of
Militia, 516.
Sellers, (Sollars), Thomas, 179,
Somerset County, 17, 24, 40, 64,
66, 104, 107, 118, 140, 163,
194, 195, 216, 219, 220, 224,
240, 243, 246, 278, 337, 338,
360, 361, 367, 378, 380, 408,
413, 419, 421, 442, 477, 478,
501, 502, 559, 579; see also
Annemessix; Chatham; Green
Hill; Manokin; Princess
Anne; Quantico Co. of Mi-
litia; Salisbury;. Tangier Is-
Somerwell, John, 582.
South Carolina, 18, 59, 83, 123,
293, 368, 453, 518, 575; see
also Back River; Beaver
Creek; Camden; Carolines ;
Catawba; Charles Town ;
Chesterfield Ct. House; Con-
garee River; Cowpens; Dor-
chester; Edisto River; Eden
Town; Enoree River; George
Town; McCowan's Ford ;
Monks Corner; Ninety Six ;
Orangeburg; Pedee River ;
Saluda River; Santee River ;
Wandow Landing; Wilming-
ton; Winnsborough.
South Mountain, 329.
South River, 232.
Southern Campaign, passim.
Spades, 502, 512, 517.
Spain, 66, 202, 264, 416.
Spalding, Clerk, 387; Michael,
463; 464.
Spanish Dollars, 84.
Spark, Henry, 526.
Spear, John, 313; William, 72,
Special Council, see Eastern
Special Court, see Courts.
Specie, see Money.
Spelan, John, 465.
Spencer, —— , 174, 537.
Spicknall, John, Jr., 458.
Spies, see Loyalists.
Spirits, 204, 340, 362, 414, 449,
Spoons, 138, 491.
Springfield (Mass.), 234.
Sprigg, —— , 171; Col., 258;
Edward, 109; Thomas, 34,
150, 184, 271, 208, 308, 403,
Spunges, 76.
Spurrier, —— , 277; Dennis,
502; W., 465.
Standforth, John, Jr., 458.
State boats, 38, 51, 71, 97, 140,
141, 175, 213, 222, 236, 262,
285; see also Barges and
Staten Island (N. Y.), 522.
Staunton (Va.), 521.
Steele, John, 462.
Steers, 36, 46, 71, 227.
Steinmets, —— , 54.
Stemstown (Va.), 502.
Stephens, Capt., 503, 506; Rev.,
195; see also Stevens.
Stephenson, —— , 415, Col., 130.
Sterling, see Stirling.
Stermont, Nathaniel, 478.
Sterrett, —— , 316; John, 261 ;
Maj., 459-
Steuart, Col., 507; James, 337;
John, 313.
Stevens, —— , 103; Gen., 137;
John, 369, 370, 372; R., 104,
242; Robertson, ^65; Vachel,
306; see also Stephens.
Stevenson, Henry, 72.
Stevenson's Rifle Corps, 130.
Stewart, see Bowly & Stewart.
Stewart (Steward), —— , 107,
386; Mrs., 52; Col., 115, 396,
495, 521; Maj., 108; Charles,
497, 524; David, 160, 211, 303,
316, 321, 517; George, 297;
James, 337, 458; John, 7, 243,
247, 249, 372, 440, 562; S., 13,
63; Stephen, 86, 102, 108, in,
134, 152, 156, 186, 197, 360,
365, 366, 376, 381, 432, 474,
496, 497, 509, 534, 535, 564,
571; Stephen, Jr., 405, 534,
535; William, 195, 361; Wil-
liam Veale, 351.
Stiles, Joseph, 35.
Stinchcomb, Nathaniel, 560.
Stinnett, William, 458.
Stirling (Sterling), —— , 361;
James, 313.
Stivers, see Money.
Stockades, 555.
Stockings, 42, 49, 61, 78, 100,
126, 527.
Stocks, 266.
Stodder, David, 160.
Stoddert, —— , 86; Benjamin,
334; Benjamin Canada, I.
Stone, —— , 68, 355; Col., 261,
352; J. H., 38, 142, 370, 423,
441, 481; James, 240, 306, 307,
358; John, 499; John H., 57,
136, 256, 420. 484; John Hos-
kins, I; T., 197; Thomas, 233.
Straw, see Forage.
Strawbridge, William, 140.
Stricker, Col., 374; George, 332,
350, 308, 520, 574.
Stringer, Richard, 465.
Stuart, see Stewart.
Steuben, Baron de, 82, 86, 87, 93,
96, 119, 196, 222, 277, 293, 316.
Stull, —— , 400; John, 488.
Stump & Co., 64.
Stump, J., 55; John, 34, 35, 64,
541, 543, 544; John, Jr., 523.