Roxburgh (Roxbury), Maj., 120,
490, 498; Alexander, 491.
Royal Oak, see Vessels.
Ruiici (Ruoci), ——— , i04, £63,
281, 493; Henry, 56.
Rucketts, Lt., 156.
Rudolph & Armitage, 279.
Rudulph, John, 448.
Rum, 17, 209, 249, 281, 319, 322,
382, 410, 419, 422, 436, 445,
Rumsey, John, 541.
Rusk, Thomas, 313, 512; Wil-
liam, 208.
Russell, James, 331, 439, 440;
James & Co., 539; Thomas,
160, 206, 211, 315, 512; Wil-
liam, 160.
Russia, 394.
Russia sheeting, 157, 305, 340.
Rutling, Thomas, 53.
Rutter, Thomas, 179.
Ryan, James, 160, 313.
Rye, 250. :
Saddler, —— , 247.
Saddlers and Saddles, 72, 345,
537; see also Harness.
Sadie, Samuel, 214.
St. Augustine (Florida), 16.
St. Clair, Gen., 162, 296.
St. Croix (W. I.), 279-
St. EuaUtius (W. I.), 41, 236,
St. George Island, 25, 38, 55,
75, 159, 160, 295, 299, 334.
St. Inigoes, 204, 229, 230.
St. James, 55, 69, 81.-
St. Jerome, 127; Creek, 37.
St. Kitts (W. I.),64.
St. Pierre (W. I.), 205.
St. Mary's City, 61; County, I,
2, 36, 38, 39, 4i, H9, 151, 158,
159, 164, 196, 214, 229, 230,
245, 273, 334, 343, 349, 356,
449, 452, 463, 484, 501, 508,
526; River, 39, 148, 160, 204,
273, 295, 299, 357; see also
Blackstone's Island; Cedar
Point; Chaptico; Leonards
Town; St. George Island;
St. Ingoes and St. Jerome ;
Point Lookout; Smith's
Sairs, see Sears.
Salisbury, 104, 122, 240, 285,
337, 338, 390, 419, 425; Bat-
talion of Militia, 194, 195, 218,
360, 361.
Salisbury (N. G), 83, 87, 88,
Sally, see Vessels.
Salmon, George, 149, 316.
Salt, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 25,
26, 29, 37, 45, 47, 48, 50, 56,
65, 69, 91, 112, 119, 133, 232,
246, 292, 325, 356, 357, 370,
423, 426, 439, 492-495, 543,
548, 552, 553, 557, 559, 562,
563, 569, 571, 573, 574, 576,
582; Manufacture of, 41, 186,
514, ace alao Allum oalt.
Saluda River (S. G), 395-
Salvage claims, 53.
Sanders, John, 389; Joshua,
358; William, 133.
Sandy Point, 129, 140.
Sansbury, Benjamin, 194; John,
194; Thomas, 194.
Santee River (S. G), 395, 533-
Sappington, Hartley, 478.
Saratoga (N. Y.), 147, 189.
Sassafras River, 448, 471.
Savage, —— , 315.
Savannah (Ga.), 462.
Savin, Thomas, no, 234.
Saxon, Henry, 526.
Schley, Jacob, 14.
Schnebely (Snabely) Dr.
Henry, 3, 13, 232, 277, 488.
Schnertzel (Snatsell) George,
12, 314-
Schools, 79. 244.
Scire facias, 202.
Scotland, 133, 141, 243, 427, 473.
Scott, - — , 352, 369, 414, 423,
437; Dr., 260; Col., 219, 220;
Daniel, 368; George, 382;
George Day, 421; Gustavus,
22, 242, 257; John, 249, 252,
411, 443; Peter C., 478;
Thomas, 206; William, 411,
Scows, 31, 33, 51, 157, 522.
Scroggin, John, 195; Robert,
Sealing Wax, 72, 436.
Sears (Sairs), 327, 328, 351.
Second Md. Reg't., see Md.
Segor, Capt., 444.
Seham, Mrs., 65.
Seizures of cattle, cloth, horses,
meat, etc., 127, 129, 287, 288,
300, 305-307, 309, 316, 323,
403, 408, 440, 445, 4S7, 477,
480, 501, 557. 561.
Selby, —— , 126, 320; John, 63 ;
Josiah, 320; Nicholas, 244 :
Philip, 380.
Semans, Gilbert, 439; Salomon.
439; William, 439.
Semmes, Edward, 331; Thomas,
252, 253; see also Simmes.
Senate, 47.
Seneca Indians, 130.
Serge, 288.
Servants. 434.
Seth's Mill, 283.
Seventh Va. Reg't., 547.
Severn River, 187, 401.
Sewall (Sewell), 40, 462;
Charles, Jr., 252. 253 ;
Francis, 295; James, 358;
Nicholas, 178.
Shadwick, see Chadwick.
Shaftesburg, 328.
Shallow Ford (N. 0,84.
Sharar, George, 150.
Sharp, Samuel, 280.
Glmw, Basil, 434, 4.35 ', James,
489; William, 194.
Sheaff, Henry, 43, 44.
Shearer, —— , 186.
Sheckells, Richard, 12, 314;
Samuel, 320.
Sheep, 219, 260, 269, 286, 499.
Shekell, see Sheckells.
Shelby, —— 298.
Shell (Shill), Henry, 568.
Shells, 93.
Shelman, John Jr., 314.
Shelmerdine, Stephen, 214, 274.
Shepard, —— , 53; Francis, 252,
Shepherd, —— , 580; Peter, 533 ;
Philip, 457-
Sheriffs, 2, 19, 24, 50, 57, 63-65,
169, 200, 223, 227, 248, 305,
309, 339, 358, 366, 367, 369,
370, 372, 379, 388, 408. 411,
429, 437, 477, 509, 513, 532,
Shields (Shield), Caleb, 61 ;
David, 160; Philip, 160.
Shill, see Shell.
Shills, Francis, 478; Patrick,
Ship, Building and builders, 30,
66, 85, i2z, 1,34. 140, 144, 132,
156, 197, 496; bread, 53;
prisons, see Prisoners; stuff,
50, 51, 71, 136.
Shipley, George, Jr., 245; Tal-
bott, 245; William, 245.
Shirts, 21, 234, 276, 322, 508.
Shockley, —— , 121, 135; B.,
120; Benjamin, 64.
Shoemaker, Capt., 54; Joseph,
3, 4, 7, 8, 46.
Shoemakers, 306, 311, 312, 398,
Shoes, 126, 151, 152, 157, 178,
196, 255, 270, 287, 288, 300,
311, 312, 476, 490, 491, 552,
556, 583.
Short, Thomas, 149.
Shot, 26, 93, 122.
Shovels, 502, 515, 517.
Shriver. John, 432.
Shryock, H., 397, 488; Henry,
350, 405.
Shull, Frederick, 314.
Signals, 170.
Silk, 279, 357; paper, 69.
Silver, see Money.
Simmes, Mrs., 7; James, 331 ;
John, 331; Joseph, 180, 252;
William, 314; see also
Simmonds, Giles, 263; Richard
263; Solomon, 263, 348.
Simpson (Sympson) Green-
bury, 465; Henry, 331; Igna-
tius, 331.
Simsbury (Conn.), 146.