oo, 170; George, 2, 8, 13. 44.
Si, 52, 56, 95. "2, 114, "9,
172, 270, 374, 500, 542, 548:
John, 168, 246, 271-273, 304,
326, 35i.
Mure, —— , 238; see also Muir.
Murphy, Billy, 487; Henry, 409.
Murray, Capt., 8, 54, 114; Dr..
114, 445, 526; Alexander, 107;
James, 21, 354, 369, 383, 402,
480; Dr. James, 512.
Muschett, John, 252, 253, 510,
Muse, —— , 156.
Musgrove, Benjamin, 314.
Muskets, 23, 139, 140, 142, 151,
160, 181, 205, 304; Balls, 132,
365; Powder, 26, 155.
Mutiny, 68.
Mutton, 273, 501.
Myers, Charles, 313.
Myler, Mathew, 558.
Nails, 41, 46, 185, 256, 317, 408,
447, 448, 5T5, 532.
Nancy, see Vessels.
Nanjemoy, 375, 423.
Nantes (France), 79.
Nanticoke Point Co. of Militia,
Nanticoke River, 66, 123, 462,
Nautilus, see Vessels.
Naval engagements, 214, 562,
Naval Officer, 96, 359.
Neale (Neill), —— , 382; John,
400; Raphael, 389; William,
Negroes, 3, 26, 37, 39, 4o, i",
140, 148, 164, 167, 170, 177,
196, 204, 224, 229, 230, 250,
293, 334, 366, 379, 4T8, 437,
444, 459, 460, 462, 489, 502,
515; see also Slaves.
Neilson, Col., 166; John, 478.
Nelson, —— , 70; Gen., 14, 31,
520, 521 ! Joseph, 252, 253 ;
Roger, 123; Thomas, Jr., 473,
492, 529.
Neptune, see Vessels.
Nesbet, Ann, 467, 468.
Nesbit, see Vessels.
Nesmith, John, 585.
Newby, John, 478.
New Castle (Del.), 166, 182,
186, 647.
New Castle (N. C), 393-395-
Newcome, Robert, 585.
Newcomer, Henry, 298, 328, 329.
New England States, 453.
New Hampshire, n, 575.
New Jersey, 166, 181, 231, 234,
383, 384, 453, 569, 575; see
also Trenton.
New Kent Co. (Va.), 315.
New London (Conn.), 117.
New Market, 375.
Newport (R. I.), 117, 134, T7S,
Newport News (Va.), 26.
New Providence (Bahama Is-
lands), 9, 78, 15o, 162.
Newton, —— , 287; Nitnrod,
462; Zachariah, 526.
New Windsor (N. Y.), 26, 275,
New York (City), 7, 8, n, 16,
27, 35, 39, 40, 43, 46, 52, 64
69, 79, 94, ioo, 114, 118, 133,
142, 149, 159, 166, 168, 174,
181, 189, 197, 203, 205, 214,
218, 221, 222, 243, 247, 259,
261, 263, 279, 284, 328, 329,
356, 357, 37i, 374, 383, 393
399, 427, 459, 467, 473, 5?2,
525, 552, 562, 565.
New York (State), 453, 5^9,
575; see also Continental Vil-
lage; Gardeners Bay; Staten
Island; West Point.
Nicholls (Nicols), Capt., 326,
568; Lt., 326; Francis, 581;
Henry, 84; J. H., 375; John
Hammond, 169, 170.
Nicholson (Nicolson), —— ,
280, 345; Capt., 39, 127; Col.,
294, 297, 311, 376; Benjamin,
5, 179, 274, 530; J., Jr., 473;
James, 52, 175, 181; Thomas,
Niemanne, Charles Fr., 558.
Ninety Six (S. C.), 395, 39<5.
Nixon, Col., 221.
Noble, William F., 331.
Noland, Samuel, 12; Thomas,
12, 3T4-
Noland's Ferry, 105, 106.
Nolle prosequi, 80, 97, 477, 511.
Nominy Creek (Va.), 296.
Non-Enrollers, see Loyalists.
Nonjurors, 84, 195, 364, 367,
375, 384, 441.
Norris, —— , 47, 458; Lt., 31;
Ahram, 362; Benjamin Brad-
ford Ct. House; Haw River;
North, C, 578.
Northampton (Va.), 507.
North Carolina, n, 18, 81, 84,
85, 103, 167, 168, 241, 453,
575; see also Cape Fear;
Charlotte; Carolinas; Guil-
ford Ct. House; Haw River;
Hillsborough; Moravian
Town; New Castle; Salis-
bury; Shallow Ford; Yadkin
North Point, 203, 213.
Norwood, Edward, 48.
Nottingham, 117, 133, 157, 161,
184, 288, 309.
Nottingham Company, 417, 418.
Nuller, Lt., 568.
Oakley, John, 193.
Oakum, 422.
Oarum, Henry, 387.
Oath of Allegiance, 55, 258, 279,
311, 462, 558, 565.
Oats, 95, 483, 545-
Ochiltre, Dun., 106.
Oden, Benjamin, 194.
Office of Finance, 446, 453, 454
537, 566.
Ogg, —— , 355, 3S6, 358; Alex-
ander, 342, 343, 357.
Ogle, —— , 154-
O'Hara, James, 48, 487, 541.
Onacock (Va.), 308.
O' Neale, Lawrence, 327, 375.
O'Neill, Bernard, 41, 312, 314;
Daniel, 462.
Onions, 219.
Onions, Henry, 194.
Orendorff (Orndorf, Ornorf),
—— ;, 329, 333; Capt., 298;
Christopher, 328.
Orangeburg (S. C.), 396.
Ordinaries, 511.
Ordnance, see Artillery.
Orme, Jeremiah, 304.
Orphans Court, see Courts.
Osborn, —— , 534: Samuel
Groom, 139; Syrus, 139.
Ott, Capt., 568.
Overalls, 266, 354.
Owens, James, 458; Patrick,
Owings, Christopher, in;
Ephraim, 274; Nathaniel, 32;
Richard, in.
Oxen, 40, 477, 494, 545, 550.
Oxford, 507, 525.
Oznaburgs, 201, 203, 307, 344,
Paca, —— , 22, 83, 125, 570, 579,
580; Aquila, 310; William,
224, 585.
Pamonkey (Va.), 406.
Paper, 31, 67, 69, 72, 73, 140,
178, 368, 425, 436, 583.
Paper Currency, see Money.
Pardons, 254.
Paris (France), 202.
Parker. —— , 523; Capt., 400,
502; Fielder of William, 458 ;
Fielder, Jr., 458; John, 311,
501; Scarborough, 514; see
also Parks, John.
Parks, John, 297, 330, 382, 413-
415, 423, 425, 426; Mrs. John,
400, 414, 423, 425, 426; see
also Parker, John.
Parnham, John, 136, 358.
Paroles, see Prisoners.
Parsnips, 219.
Parsons, —— , 205; George, Jr.,
Partisan Corps, 449.
Passes and Passports, 6, 52, 69,
118, 147, 189, 243, 348, 356,
423, 426, 427, 459.
Patapsco Neck, 183; River, 132,
213, 376.
Patrick, J., 541; John, 523, 544.