Patten, Mathew, 3T3-
Patterson, —— , 302; Capt., 65 ;
George, 392; W., 113; Wil-
liam, 115, 116, 192.
Pattison, Richard, 458.
Patuxent River, 2, 3, 38, 94, 98,
108, 151, LS7, 177, 180, 184,
204, 216, 218, 220, 306, 309,
333, 338, 356, 357, 358, 45L
462, 482, 484, 528, 535.
Paul, John, 180, 183, 216; Jona-
than, 190, 216.
Payn (Paynp), dpevr&P, A£\&\
Joseph, Jr., 540; Joseph, Sr.,
Peace Negotiations, 264.
Peacock, —— , 485.
Pearce, James, 99.
Peas, 219.
Pedee River (S. C), 87.
Peggy, see Vessels.
Penna!, John, 9.
Pennsylvania 8, 51, 54. 105, 106,
127, 133, 162, 174, 225, 228,
262, 268, 282, 315, 329, 384,
416, 423, 453, 553, 554, 575;
see also Bedford Co.; Brandy-
wine River; Conococheague ;
Lancaster; Monongahela Co. ;
Pittsburg; Reading; Red
Lion; York Co.; York Town.
Penny, John, 221.
Pens, 72.
Pensacola (Florida), 202.
Pensioner, 302.
Peoper. 436.
Perry, James, Jr., 104; William,
Perry's Store, 184.
Peters, Richard, 70, 150, 186,
277, 553.
Petersburg (Va.), 17, 25, 29.
Pewter, 258, 340, 362.
Peyton, John, 13.
Philadelphia, passim.
Phillips, Maj. General, 196, 248;
F. H., 295; James, 195, 361.
Philpott, Bryan, 313.
Physicians, Surgeons and Sur-
geon's Mates, see Armstrong,
——; Baker, William; Bond,
John; Bouchell, Slyter ;
Brihon, ——; Brown —— ;
Gustavus R.; Brownson, —— ;
Carrole, B.; Crockett, Sam-
uel; Denwood, ——; Good-
ing, ——; Goodwin, —— ;
Harrison, ——; Heuston.
——; Hose, John; Howard,
Ephraim; Jenifer, —— , Dan-
iel, William H.; Johnson,
——; Murray, James ;
Reeder, ——; Robinson, —— ;
Schnebely, Henry; Scott,
——; Smith, ——; Alex-
ander, Clement; Thomas,
Philip; Van Dyke, Thomas;
Waters, Nicholas; Watts,
——; Weir, ——; Wiesen-
thall, Charles; Winder, —— .
Pickaxes, 502, 512.
Pickens, Gen., 88, 396.
Pickerel, Thomas, 294, 295.
Pickering, Timothy, 92, 97, 135,
136, 554-
Pig Point, 157.
Pigot (Picket), 196; Walter,
189, 190, 216.
Pilots and Pilot boats, 7, 169,
Pine Treps, 2OO
Pipe Creek, 501.
Piper, Joseph, 195, 361.
Piracies and pirates, 140, 195,
335, 355, 538.
Piscatoway, 6, 57, 108, 161, 191,
279, 290, 304, 359, 400, 419,
457, 504; Creek, 157, 188, 189,
Pistols, 274, 430.
Pitt (Pitts), —— , 407; Capt.,
323; Robert, 337-339, 364,
389, 390.
Pitts Landing (Va.), 337, 364.
Pittsburg (Pa.), 258.
Plater, see Vessels.
Plater, —— , 131; Col., 444;
George, 245. 340, 566.
Pleacker, Yost, 298, see also
Plowden, Edmund, 326.
Plummer, John, 332; Solomon,
332; Thomas, 332.
Plush, 455.
Pocomoke, 333; Hundred, 105;
River, 380; Sound, 308.
Poe, David. 32, 33, 36, 88, 112,
118, 126, 132, 149, 153, 156,
160, 183, 214, 294, 308, 311,
322, 391, 427, 455, 500, 508,
5i6, 538, 546, 547, 569.
Point Lookout, 38, 228, 229, 357,
Point of Forks (Va.), 293.
Poisoning, 502.
Polk, —— , 69, 407; Gillis, 140,
195, 220, 338, 421; Josiah, 64,
140, 285, 360; William, 140.
Poison, Joseph, 478.
Poole, James, 458.
Pools Island, 31, 1^8, 175, 213.
Poor House, 3.
Pork, i, 2, 6, 8, 10, 12, 17, IQ,
20, 23, 25, 32, 36, 37, 47, 48,
50, Si, 65, 71, 95, 97, 99, 108,
112, 135, 141, 158, 206, 218,
240, 250, 318, 319, 388, 389,
502, 573, 574, 576.
Porpoise, see Vessels.
Port Royal (Va.), 448.
Port Tobacco, 19, 24, 25, 136,
168, 170, 172, 173, 191, 197,
233, 276, 286, 289, 300, 324,
34i, 349, 358, 368, 382, 383,
420, 431, 439, 453, 457, 478.
479, 484, 487, 492, 5io, 513,
517, 569-572, 575; Parish, 252.
Porter, Adam, 345; James, 245 ;
McKimmey, 195, 361.
Portmanteaus, 72.
Portsmouth (Va.), 55, 63, 68,
82, 86, 87, 97, 123, 163, 206,
243, 263, 308, 337, 338, 341,
342, 353, 357, 358, 37i, 374,
375, 380, 393, 402, 551.
Portugal, 416.
Posey, Belairs, 389; Francis,
331; Humphrey, 136.
Poet and Poet Ridere, 13, 43, 6S,
74, 81, 259; see also Express.
Potomac, see Vessels.
Potomac, 16, 67, 63, 412; River,
2, 13, 16, 26, 75, 105, 157, 168,
177, 180, 184, 190, 196, 198,
199, 204, 223, 235, 261, 264,
271, 273, 276, 280, 281, 284,
297, 299, 303, 333, 334, 357,
386, 424, 481, 507, 571.
Pots, 105.
Potts, —— , 426; R., 316, 336;
Richard, 385.
Powder, 23, 29, 32, 46, 52, 75,
76, 77, 93, 139, 140, 155, 160,
163, 170, l8l, 222, 278, 488.
Power of Attorney, 584.
Prather, —— , 474.
Presbury, George B., 139; Jo-
seph, Jr., 139.
Preston, Mary, 579, 580;
Thomas, 579.
Price, —— , 474, 513; Capt., 184,
278; Col., 171, 400, 433, 500,
556, 572; Benjamin, 123;
James, 289; Samuel, 12;
Thomas, 285, 302, 399, 419,
430, 435- 505, 542, 552, 555,
560; William, 411; Zachariah.
252, 253.
Prince George County, 15, 24,
25, 39, 57, 68, 74, 89, 95, 108,
109, 117, 133, 158, 161, 172,
178, 179, 188, 190, 192-194,
200, 253, 259, 272, 304, 309,
320, 333, 334, 359, 4O3, 406,
407, 413, 430, 431, 433, 437,
443, 552; see also Bel Air;
Bladensburg; Bowie's store ;
Crane Island; Marlboro Not-
tingham; Piscataway; Swan-
son's Creek; Upper Marl-
Princess Ann, 419; Battalion of
Militia, 40, 360, 361.
Princessa, see Vessels.
Pringle, Mark, 160, 313; see
also Ridley & Pringle.
Printing, 73, 176, 583.
Prisoners, 146, 147, 186, 225,
228, 262, 297, 304, 308, 317,
3i8, 335, 338, 339, 364, 377-
379, 381, 391, 408, 523, 524,
526, 551, 555, 558, 567, 573,
574, 581. Deputy Commissary