Eager; Rawling's Regt.,
Smallwood, William; Wash-
ington, George.
Maryland Point, 193.
Maryland Regiments. First, 48,
85, 354, 440, 400; Second,
490; Third, 418, 451, 400,
527; Fourth, 235, 288. 312,
475, 477, 489-49T, 498, 505,
524, 527, 547; Fifth, 498; First
Battalion, 541; Second Bri-
gade, 405.
Maryland Troops, passim,
Mason, Col., 170, 188; Richard,
480; Thomas, 312.
Massachusetts, 268, 277, 575, see
also Springfield.
Masters Leigh, 9, 39, 78, 86,
150, 162, 216-219.
Match rope, 26, 33.
Matrosses, see Artillery.
Mattapany (Mattaponi). 135.
Matthews, see Smith & Mat-
Matthews, —— , 474; Col., 46;
Rev., —— , 173, 177; David,
380; Joseph, 389; William, 33.
Mattingly. Luke, 387.
Maurepas, Mons., 202.
Maxwell, Capt., 419; Ann, 585 ;
James, 411, 512; John, 217;
Robert, 249, 252; William,
Maynard, Capt., 178.
Meal, 103, 318, 363, 447-
Meat, 44, 45, 48, 89, 96, 97, 103,
127, 129, 171, 172, 5791 see
also Beef; Cattle; Mutton;
Pork; Sheep; Steers.
Medicine and Medical supplies,
325, 326, 366, 368, 369, 375,
Meek, John B., 375.
Melvin, George, 333.
Meng, see Ming.
Mercantile Co. of Militia, 29, 61.
Mercer, —— , 125; James, 43,
55, 69, 81.
Merchant, John, 380.
Merchants, 97, 105, 238, 256,
266, 344, 386, 398, 400, 423-
Mercier, Andrew, 245; Richard,
Meredith, —— , 197, 198.
Merlens (Merlons), 521.
Merriken, Joshua, 129, 139, 142.
Messengers, 95; see also Ex-
presses and Riders.
Messonnier, —— , 416.
Mey, James, 14.
Middleton, see Vessels.
Middleton, —— , 104, 108, 215,
5T3, S3l, 55T; Capt., 12, 206,
466; Gilbert, 17; Samuel, 252,
253; William, 221, 222; Theo-
dore, 499
Milburn, Austin, 229; Joseph,
Miles, Col., 130.
Militia, passim.
Militia, engagements of, 39, 120,
122, 137, 138, 159, 173, 184,
1 88, 190, 192-194, 197, 462,
Miller, Lt., 568; Andrew, 409.
Millington, Allemby, 476, 485.
Mills, —— , 196, 204, 274, 392,
441; John, 190, 195, 452, 508 ;
Joseph, 478.
Mills and Millers, 46, 73, 120,
187, 213, 225, 250, 268, 269,
283, 290-292, 303, 318, 343,
381, 408, 410, 418, 428, 430,
433, 438, 441, 442, 448, 450,
470, 471, 486, 492, 494, 496,
501, 503, 505, 509, 5io, 5T9,
528, S3l, 532, 535, 544, 548,
549, 553, 556, 557, 559, 563,
571, 572, 580, 581.
Ming (Meng), Georee, 435:
William, 12, 314.
Mingen, Col. de, 91.
Mingoes (Indians), 130.
Minor, William, 523.
Mississippi River, 68.
Mitchell, John, 287, 504, 506;
Samuel, 324.
Moale, John, 72, in, 216, 405,
48i, 533-
Mockabay, James, 568.
Mockbee, Brock, 523.
Mollohon, —— , 316; William,
231, 570.
Molly, see Vessels.
Money, I, 2-6, 10, 13, 17, 19, 23,
28, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 44, 45,
47, 51, 54, 65, 67, 76, 83, 84,
95, 99, 106, 107, 109, 112, 114,
143, 149, 152, 175, 237, 241,
244, 254, 255, 259, 260, 267,
269, 286, 317, 320, 347, 398,
463, 471, 474, 476, 488, 489,
494, 496, 497, 507, 519- Bills
of Credit, 2, 19, 48, 73, 78,
84, 100, 142, 143, 148, 496,
500, 505, 513, 514, 534, 539,
545, 55o; Bills of Exchange,
ii, 12, 14; subscribers to
new emmission, 326, 335,
411, 447, 486, 489, 490, 532,
533, 55o; British, 52; Conti-
nental, 2, 12-14, 3i, 32, 36,
46, 49, 68, 69, 73, 107, 133, 161,
227, 234, 500; Convention,
107, 152; Counterfeit, 488,
489; Depreciation and ex-
change rates, 8, 10, 37. 49, 78,
107, 131, 137, 142, 159, 227,
231, 233, 234, 237, 238, 312,
542; Dollars and hard, 10, 12,
25, 35, 44, 46, 48, 49, 64, 101,
202, 226, 505, 500, 513, 538,
562, 573; Guineas, 44; Gold
and silver, 8, lo, 32, 37, 54,
1 10, 142, 143, 352,' 386, 460,
465, 499, 540; Johannes, 10,
432; Livres, 49. 201; Paper
and type for printing, 73, 176 ;
Red, 496, 511, 562, 573, 582;
Spanish dollars, 84; Specie,
ii, 25, 51, loo, 107; Stivers,
201, 469.
Monks Corner (S. C.), 396.
Monnohon, Thomas. 526.
Monongahela County (Pa.),
Montgomery County, 13, 14, 16,
32, 45, 74, 90, 102, 168, 172,
190, 246, 271, 273, 304, 312,
320, 326, 351, 373, 422, 449.
467, 468, 492, 502, 555; see
also Broad Creek; George
Montgomery, Hugh, 348.
Moody, —— , 42.
Moore, see Hopkins, Wilson &
Moore, —— , 462; Capt., 183,
197, 307; Lt., 248; George,
Jr., 320; Josiah, 248; Nicho-
las, 206; Nicholas Ruxton,
160, 312, 313, 314, 405; Wil-
liam, 320; Zachariah, 194.
Moravian Town (N. G), 81, 87.
Morgan, —— , 82, 85; Capt,
298; Col., 130; Gen. 81, 83,
87, 102, 105, 293, 371; Daniel,
Morgan's Rifle Corps, 130.
Morgen, David, 278.
Morling, Francis, 585.
Morningstar, Philip, 314.
Morrain, Robert, 462.
Morris, —— , 428, 446, 450, 525,
553, 566; Col., 174; Robert,
446, 453, 454, 566, 581;
Samuel, 435; William, 327.
Morrison, Capt., 126.
Morton, —— , 450, 470; John,
Mott, Mary, 263; Richard, 263.
Moulds, bullet, 20; buttons,
" Mount Etna Furnace," 315.
" Mount Felix," 271, 296.
Mount Vernon (Va.), 487, 551.
" Mount Welcome," 85.
Moylan, —— , 297; Col., 78, 371,
406, 456.
Moylan's Cavalry, 456.
Muhlenberg, Gen., 126.
Muir, —— , 172, 308-311, 319,
323, 381, 462, 512; John, 126,
294, 307, 345; see also Mure.
Mullahon, —— , 336, 385, 426,
Mullatoes, 460.
Mullen (Mullin), —— , 229, 230.
Mullhon, William, 538.
Mulliner, Joseph, 538.
Murdock, —— , 45, 74, 149, 154,
255, 264, 286, 300, 556; Col.,