Leypold, —— , 416.
Light, Benjamin, 488, 489.
Light horse, see Cavalry.
Light houses, 366.
Lincoln, see Vessels.
Lincoln, Gen. 506, 515; B., 495.
Lind, Lt. Col., 90.
Lindenberger (Landenberger),
—— , 8, 54, 183, 216; George,
80, 180, 198.
Linen, 21, 44, 66, 73, 154, 206,
266, 276, 279, 280, 286, 294,
301, 305, 306, 308, 323, 324,
344, 357, 436, 484.
Lingan (Linghan), Capt., 430,
571; James, 32, 41, 102.
Lingard, Nehemiah, 321.
Liquor, 80, 204, 207-209, 212,
232, 280, 333, 358, 452, 480,
Su, 5T3, 519, 524, 555, 56o,
561, 568, 569; see also
Brandy; Rum; Spirits ;
Whiskey; Wine.
Livingston, Col-, 84; Gov., 384;
Christian, 297; William, 166,
Livres, see Money.
Llewellin, —— , 231, 333.
Llewellin's Warehouse, 231.
Lloyd, Col., 125; Edward, 326,
550, 585; James, 143, 174, 221,
225, 427.
Loans, 79, 107, 562, 567.
" Locust Level," 422.
Logan, Mary, 530; Matthew,
512; Molly, 530.
London, see Vessels.
London (England), 419, 539,
London Town, 52.
Long Island, 11, 43, 44, 85, 296,
Long, Robert, 160.
Lord Cornwallis, see Vessels.
Lormergaz, Dennis, 478.
Lottery, see Vessels.
Love, John, 541; Samuel, 359.
Lowe, —— , 220; Andrew, 350;
J. H., 22.
Lower Cedar Point, 177.
Lower Ferry, 157, 334.
Lower Marlboro, 177, 178, 200,
343, 356-358.
Lowes, Henry, 219.
Lowndes, Christopher, 3, 287.
Loyalist, see Vessels.
Loyalists ( Conspiracies, Insur-
surrections, Non-Enrollers,
Spies, Traitors and Tories),
69, 75, 82, 84, 90, 103, 121,
124, 126, 141, 163, 166, 169,
180, 182, 183, 189, 196, 198,
204, 216, 217, 240, 246, 253,
259, 293, 297, 298, 302, 308,
311, 328-330, 333-335, 337,
339, 341-343, 353, 355-357,
359, 361, 365, 377-379, 382,
389, 404, 408, 413-416, 422,
423, 425, 426, 429, 431, 449,
466-468, 477, 481, 494, 522,
523, 541, 543, 544, 551, 552,
558, 559, 565, 574-
Lucas, Col., 108.
Luck, Joshua, Jr., 458.
Luckett, —— , 55, 296, 479, 484;
Ignatius, 368; Lawson, 252,
253; Notley, 252, 253, 295;
Samuel, 136.
Ludwick, Christophel, 136.
Lumber, 41, 44, 112, 118, 122,
123, 217, 219, 233, 34r, 38o,
416, 474, 488, 406, 497.
Lusby, Jacob, 327.
Lusk, Kannl., 39, 40.
Lutheran Clergyman, 429.
Lux, —— , 83; George, 29, 214,
Luzerne, Chev'. De la, 128, 143,
Lyles, —— , 184; Col, 108, 157,
177, 188, 191-193, 198, 279,
281; Maj., 281; Henry, 188,
193; Samuel, Jr., 458;
Thomas, 320; William, Jr., 16,
24, 25.
Lynch, E, 159.
Lynn, Capt., 477.
Lyons, —— , 216, 217, 218, 220,
259; Capt., 219; Robert, 274.
MeBeane, Duncan, 169.
McBryde (McBride, McBryed),
—— , 104, 120, 121, 135, 224,
297, 367, 502; William, 17, 65,
250, 476, 576, 579-
McCafferty, James, 9.
McCim, Alexander, 313.
McClaster, Capt., 477.
McClellan, Nathaniel, 409.
McColester (McClester), John,
195, 3T3, 361-
McComas, James, 368.
McConchie, William, 252, 253.
McCeney, Philip, 12.
McConnel, Matthew, 478.
McCowan's ford (S. C), 88.
Maccubbin, —— , 571; Joseph,
180; Nicholas, Sr., 486; Za.,
Jr., 48-
McCurty, Andrew, 26.
McDonald, Alexander, 252, 253.
Macdonald, John, 582.
McDowel, Jese, 478.
McFadon, Alexander, 414;
James, 240; Margaret, 240.
McGowen, James, 409.
McGuire, Hugh, 321.
McHenry, —— , 383, 393;
James, 24, 49, 51, 113-116, 127,
162, 167, 182, 394, 395; Jef-
fers & Co., 233.
Mackall, John, 356.
McKean, Thomas, 341, 368, 422,
McKenzie, Aaron, 306.
Mackey, James, 409; William,
McKoy, George, 458.
McLane, Capt., 127.
McLaughlin, William, 99, 131.
McLean, Serg'., 148.
McLellan, —— , 99; John, 206,
McLure, John, 160, 211, 513.
McMechen, David, 160, 327.
McMullen, —— , 361; Capt.,
Macolan, Benjamin, 478.
McPherson (MacPherson),
Maj., 196, 197; W., 189; Wil-
liam, i8r
Maddin, Lt., 568.
Maffit, Samuel, 359, 393, 533.
Magazines (Provisions), 26, 56,
225, 330.
Magill, Henry, 402, 424; John,
Magistrates, 28, 59, 121, 230,
252, 330, 356, 552, 561.
Magothy River, 175, 496.
Magruder, —— , 184; Nathaniel
B., 15-
Magruder's, warehouse, 6, 134,
Mainyard, Henry, 314.
Malaklaun, Matthew, 512.
Mall, John, 465; Thomas, 409.
Mallery, Col., 125, 126.
Malvern Hill (Va.), 371, 374,
382, 383.
Mangan (Mangen); Capt, 218;
M., 162; Matthew, 228.
Mankin, Charles, 252, 253.
Mann & Lea, 578.
Manokin River, 65, 217.
Manufactures, 53, 298, 311, 315,
349, 376, 40i:
Marble, Francis, 208.
Marbois, —— , 67; M. de, 68.
Marbury, Mrs., 85; Col., 85;
Leonard, 55; P. H., 252, 253.
Marine Dept., 39, 66.
Marines, 27, 39, 66; British, 9;
French, 62.
Marion, General, 83, 85, 88, 395,
Marlboro, 161, 177, 178, 279,
287, 304, 324, 344, 347, 434-.
Marlboro Company of Militia,
180, 184.
Marony, Philip, 314.
Marquees, 8, 294, 301, 362, 440 ;
see also Tents.
Marshall, John, 485-
Martin, Capt, 112; James, 63,
460; John, 397; Luther, 7, 254,
313, 517; Thomas, 63.
Martinique (West Indies), 203.
Maryland, see Vessels.
Maryland Line, 15, 78, 83, 86,
102, 123, 131, 143, 145, 262,
341, 374, 435, 527, 528, 533,
536, 547, 577, .579: see also,
Gist, Mordecai; Green, Na-
thaniel; Howard, John