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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 599   View pdf image (33K)
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Leypold, —— , 416.
Light, Benjamin, 488, 489.
Light horse, see Cavalry.
Light houses, 366.
Lincoln, see Vessels.
Lincoln, Gen. 506, 515; B., 495.
Lind, Lt. Col., 90.
Lindenberger (Landenberger),
—— , 8, 54, 183, 216; George,
80, 180, 198.
Linen, 21, 44, 66, 73, 154, 206,
266, 276, 279, 280, 286, 294,
301, 305, 306, 308, 323, 324,
344, 357, 436, 484.
Lingan (Linghan), Capt., 430,
571; James, 32, 41, 102.
Lingard, Nehemiah, 321.
Liquor, 80, 204, 207-209, 212,
232, 280, 333, 358, 452, 480,
Su, 5T3, 519, 524, 555, 56o,
561, 568, 569; see also
Brandy; Rum; Spirits ;
Whiskey; Wine.
Livingston, Col-, 84; Gov., 384;
Christian, 297; William, 166,
Livres, see Money.
Llewellin, —— , 231, 333.
Llewellin's Warehouse, 231.
Lloyd, Col., 125; Edward, 326,
550, 585; James, 143, 174, 221,
225, 427.
Loans, 79, 107, 562, 567.
" Locust Level," 422.
Logan, Mary, 530; Matthew,
512; Molly, 530.
London, see Vessels.
London (England), 419, 539,
London Town, 52.
Long Island, 11, 43, 44, 85, 296,
Long, Robert, 160.
Lord Cornwallis, see Vessels.
Lormergaz, Dennis, 478.
Lottery, see Vessels.
Love, John, 541; Samuel, 359.
Lowe, —— , 220; Andrew, 350;

J. H., 22.

Lower Cedar Point, 177.
Lower Ferry, 157, 334.
Lower Marlboro, 177, 178, 200,
343, 356-358.
Lowes, Henry, 219.
Lowndes, Christopher, 3, 287.
Loyalist, see Vessels.
Loyalists ( Conspiracies, Insur-
surrections, Non-Enrollers,
Spies, Traitors and Tories),
69, 75, 82, 84, 90, 103, 121,
124, 126, 141, 163, 166, 169,
180, 182, 183, 189, 196, 198,
204, 216, 217, 240, 246, 253,
259, 293, 297, 298, 302, 308,
311, 328-330, 333-335, 337,
339, 341-343, 353, 355-357,
359, 361, 365, 377-379, 382,

389, 404, 408, 413-416, 422,

423, 425, 426, 429, 431, 449,
466-468, 477, 481, 494, 522,
523, 541, 543, 544, 551, 552,
558, 559, 565, 574-
Lucas, Col., 108.
Luck, Joshua, Jr., 458.
Luckett, —— , 55, 296, 479, 484;
Ignatius, 368; Lawson, 252,
253; Notley, 252, 253, 295;
Samuel, 136.
Ludwick, Christophel, 136.
Lumber, 41, 44, 112, 118, 122,
123, 217, 219, 233, 34r, 38o,
416, 474, 488, 406, 497.
Lusby, Jacob, 327.
Lusk, Kannl., 39, 40.
Lutheran Clergyman, 429.
Lux, —— , 83; George, 29, 214,
Luzerne, Chev'. De la, 128, 143,
Lyles, —— , 184; Col, 108, 157,
177, 188, 191-193, 198, 279,
281; Maj., 281; Henry, 188,
193; Samuel, Jr., 458;
Thomas, 320; William, Jr., 16,
24, 25.
Lynch, E, 159.
Lynn, Capt., 477.
Lyons, —— , 216, 217, 218, 220,
259; Capt., 219; Robert, 274.

MeBeane, Duncan, 169.
McBryde (McBride, McBryed),
—— , 104, 120, 121, 135, 224,
297, 367, 502; William, 17, 65,
250, 476, 576, 579-
McCafferty, James, 9.
McCim, Alexander, 313.
McClaster, Capt., 477.
McClellan, Nathaniel, 409.
McColester (McClester), John,
195, 3T3, 361-
McComas, James, 368.
McConchie, William, 252, 253.
McCeney, Philip, 12.
McConnel, Matthew, 478.
McCowan's ford (S. C), 88.
Maccubbin, —— , 571; Joseph,
180; Nicholas, Sr., 486; Za.,
Jr., 48-
McCurty, Andrew, 26.
McDonald, Alexander, 252, 253.
Macdonald, John, 582.
McDowel, Jese, 478.
McFadon, Alexander, 414;
James, 240; Margaret, 240.
McGowen, James, 409.
McGuire, Hugh, 321.
McHenry, —— , 383, 393;
James, 24, 49, 51, 113-116, 127,
162, 167, 182, 394, 395; Jef-
fers & Co., 233.
Mackall, John, 356.
McKean, Thomas, 341, 368, 422,
McKenzie, Aaron, 306.

Mackey, James, 409; William,

McKoy, George, 458.
McLane, Capt., 127.
McLaughlin, William, 99, 131.
McLean, Serg'., 148.
McLellan, —— , 99; John, 206,
McLure, John, 160, 211, 513.
McMechen, David, 160, 327.
McMullen, —— , 361; Capt.,
Macolan, Benjamin, 478.
McPherson (MacPherson),
Maj., 196, 197; W., 189; Wil-
liam, i8r
Maddin, Lt., 568.
Maffit, Samuel, 359, 393, 533.
Magazines (Provisions), 26, 56,
225, 330.
Magill, Henry, 402, 424; John,
Magistrates, 28, 59, 121, 230,
252, 330, 356, 552, 561.
Magothy River, 175, 496.
Magruder, —— , 184; Nathaniel
B., 15-
Magruder's, warehouse, 6, 134,
Mainyard, Henry, 314.
Malaklaun, Matthew, 512.
Mall, John, 465; Thomas, 409.
Mallery, Col., 125, 126.
Malvern Hill (Va.), 371, 374,
382, 383.
Mangan (Mangen); Capt, 218;
M., 162; Matthew, 228.
Mankin, Charles, 252, 253.
Mann & Lea, 578.
Manokin River, 65, 217.
Manufactures, 53, 298, 311, 315,
349, 376, 40i:
Marble, Francis, 208.
Marbois, —— , 67; M. de, 68.
Marbury, Mrs., 85; Col., 85;
Leonard, 55; P. H., 252, 253.
Marine Dept., 39, 66.
Marines, 27, 39, 66; British, 9;
French, 62.
Marion, General, 83, 85, 88, 395,
Marlboro, 161, 177, 178, 279,

287, 304, 324, 344, 347, 434-.
Marlboro Company of Militia,
180, 184.
Marony, Philip, 314.
Marquees, 8, 294, 301, 362, 440 ;
see also Tents.
Marshall, John, 485-
Martin, Capt, 112; James, 63,
460; John, 397; Luther, 7, 254,
313, 517; Thomas, 63.
Martinique (West Indies), 203.
Maryland, see Vessels.
Maryland Line, 15, 78, 83, 86,
102, 123, 131, 143, 145, 262,
341, 374, 435, 527, 528, 533,
536, 547, 577, .579: see also,
Gist, Mordecai; Green, Na-
thaniel; Howard, John

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
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