August 10
Brown Book
No. 5
Letter 32
[Jas Calhoun, Baltimore to His Excellency Thomas S. Lee Esqr]
(pr Wm Barney.)
The bearer of this William Barney is Son to a very industrious
reputable Woman of this neighbourhood who has several small
Children to support by her own industry and that of this Youth
as her Husband and eldest son is already in the Army and has been
for several years past.
In the late draft it fell to this young Mans Lot to serve until the
10th of Decr next which will in a great measure break up his poor
Mother & small family. If your Excellency could consistantly dis-
pense with his Service and procure his Discharge it would be a hu-
mane good Act
August 10
Brown Book
No. 5
Letter 33
[The Petition of Sarah Barney of Baltimore County, To His
Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner's Son has been Draughted
under a Law Passed last Session of Assembly to serve in the Conti-
nental Army till the Tenth day of December next. By which your
Petitioner and family must expect to be reduced to the greatest ex-
treamity of want, as he (with what little your Petitioner can do) is
the only Support of your Petitioner and Six small Children, who
entirely depend on the Labour of his hands for a Maintainance and
what still adds more to your Distressed Petitioners uneasiness of
mind is that your Petitioners son which is Draughted has never had
the Small Pox should he be taken with that distemper at this Season
of the year as its more than Probable he may as its so brief at pres-
ent, it may Possibly put an end to his existance. On which depends
in a great measure your Petitioner's future happiness & support in
this world.
Your Petitioner's Husband and oldest son has been in the Ameri-
can Service this six years past and Still Continue in the service for
they are Enlisted during the War
Your Petitioner Therefore most Humbly Prays your Excellency
would take her Case into Consideration and give her such redress as
your Excellency may think meet, And your Petitioner as in Duty
bound will ever Pray
Sarah Barney