[July ?]
Brown Book
No. 9
my Country if yr Excellency will be pleased through your great
Clemency to reinstate me for the sake of a Worthy family I am con-
nected with. May it Please your Excellency if from the Ploughman
up to the Statesman deals with them, which I make no doubt will be
made appear when Opportunity Permits tho I never traded nor got
one Six penny worth of wares from them I Humbly beg your Excel-
lency will be pleasd to let me out into the other part of the Jail & take
of my Irons yr Excellency may depend that I will not Behave dis-
honourable in any respect as I am fully convinced that I must be laid
up sick.
Brown Book
No. 9
[Information about John Traverse]
John Traverse has been in the Country abt 15 yrs an only child
to a worthy man and to receive 50£ a year from him heard his cousin
had arrived in Virginia & had Letters for him from his Father went
down in a schooner boat of his own to Portsmouth with Passengers
whilst there he was advised by Jacob Hayward a Quaker to take a
Protection which he consented to & which was brought to him by
said Hayward acknowledges the paper addressed to His Excy Genl
Leslie to be of his hand writing that it was a Copy for paper delivered
to him by Capt McMullen commander of one of the Enemys Barges
saw Gerock at Portsmouth on Whitsunday he went down voluntarily
he was not taken by the Enemy Gerock told him he was going to
settle a Trade between Portsmouth & Balto & Hayward was with
him does not know that Gerock has a Protection he went down with
him (Traverse) in his Vessel with David Matthews on Whitsunday
3 June last & his son Uriah Tars and Jno Merchant on Pocomoke
all of Somt County Gerock said Vessels of his own were to come
from Portsmouth & meet those he should sail from Baltimore & take
the things to Portsmouth lodged a Sum of money with D Heuston
to purchase plank Gerock said he intended to carry the plank to
Portsmh where it sold high & that he should purchase a large French
Schooner for the Purpose Gerock & Hayward were together the
whole Time Gerock got back to Worcester in a Boat belonging to
Elijah Sturgis he left Portsmo the same day he did Philip Selby was
at Portsmouth when he was there said he was taken was on board
with Doyle & owned part of the Vessel Jacob Hayward was at
Portsmouth same time, told him he had carried several loads of corn
down & was then going up for one carried his corn from Virginia
told him he had every necessary paper to carry on Trade — appeared
to be very busy and very much acquainted there offered his Services
to every body that went down. Asked Mr Wilson if he had any corn
to sell he told him he had & would sell it at 2/6 hard money per bushel
he had about 1000 bushls Traverse told him he shd carry it below.
Wilson said he did not ask him where he was going with it he said
he would sell it to him & receive part down & the residue when he