January 1-December 31, 1781 381
returned & send for his scow and beat out the Corn and load him in
the Night Traverse told him that if he took any it would be about
500 bushels & that he would come the next Morning he took it
Traverse told him he knew he could not take it in the day Time but
must take it in the Night Wilson said he would
Brown Book
No. 9
[Thos. Doyle to Gov. Lee]
May it Please yr Excellency I hope you will Excuse my troubling
you But hope you will not suffer my Property to be lost the sloop at
the wharf is now sunk & the condition she is in must undoubtedly
be lost I should be glad you will let me send to have her taken care
of as I am informed I can find Employ for her which will be better
than letting her lay there
[Thos. Doyle to His Excelency The governor & the Council]
The Petitioner having been confined some weeks & not having in
My Power to go to collect my Debts to support my family Prays yr
Excellency & Honours will be kind Enough to order his Account of
Twenty six pounds specie or bills of credit to the value as it Will be a
great help to me & family till I am released & hopes yr Excellency &
honours Will take into your Consideration the Sloop is being eating
up with the worm & let me have her taken Care of & likewise hopes
your Excellency & honours Will permitt me to Enquire in to prop-
erty that Was Detain'd from me When I was waiting on your Ex-
cellency at the State house such as provisions &c & hopes yr Excel-
lency & Honours Will take it into your Consideration & Release me
if your Excellency has any further Commands I shall Be in town
[Sam. Smith to Gov. Lee.]
I did myself the Honor to write your Excelly p post Informing
of the Loss of two Craft with 54 Hds Tobacco, to which I beg your
reference, this will purhaps Injure us in Philaa I must Intreat you
Immy to deliver Mr Muir an order for 100 Hds Tobacco. Mr Kee-
ports Demands on me are equal to f 600 specie & will be more unless
he has Iron delivered to him, It will Cost f 25 p Ton or perhaps more.
Bot by the Single Ton. If I had a quantity of Iron put into my Hands
I could sell it from £25 to £30 p Ton. In Philad, it sells at £35
Expence of Transport about £4 p Ton
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 122
[Stephen Steward to Gov. Lee.]
Pies to tel the Counselr Mr Thomas Tillards Mill is no wais fit to
Receive the Publick wheat for Grat Part of the wheat that was
taken In is now lying there Roting and what flower they maid is In
the same way the People are now Carring In wheat and Puting it
among the Rotten wheat the Mill House I am tould is so lekey that
nothing Can be kept Dry and it has not more Water then to Grind
[July ?]
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 60