[William Bayly Jr., Geo. Town, to Gov. Lee.]
In the List I handed into your Excellency of those who were De-
sirous of an Appointment in the Horse to be Raised by this State,
I Omitted mentioning the name of Mr Leonard M. Deakins a young
Gentleman who served as a Capt, in the Flying Camp, if it shou'd be
necessary for a Surgeon to be appointed to the Horse Mr Clement
Smith wou'd Act in that Department if appointed.
July 5
[Joseph Dashiell, Salisbury to Governor Lee] (fav'd by
Mr. Saml Gerock)
In consequence of a pece of Information I Recd from John Travers,
relitive to the Conduct of the Barer Mr Samuel Gerock, that he had
gone to Portsmoth with him, and had taken a protection, and had
Intered in to a Scheem of Trade With the Enemy, to furnish them
with Sundarys &c. Mr Garock Immediately ariving heare in a small
Schooner, Loded with flower Iron &c Oblidged me to Credit what
Travis has aledg'd, but as no papers are found upon Mr Garock, I
have taken his Bond with Good security, to appear Before your Ex-
cellency & Co, in five days, to answer the Charges against him; the
Vesel he is in Belongs to Mr Robt Pitts at Pitt's Landing in Virginia,
the Flower Mr Garock says Belongs to a Mr Gray in Baltimore, the
other part of the Cargo to Capt Furneval and Mr Gerock. I am ex-
tremly sorry that Mr Gerock has fallen into this Disagreable Setua-
tion, he is a person that has fought Bravely in our Service, in the Be-
gining of the War, and if the Charges should be prov'd which Travers
Ashured me Could it must prove fatal to him, If your Excy & the
Councill should Detain Mr Garock plese Give Directions by Capt.
Leven Handy or the first opportunity how I am to proceed with the
Vesel and Cargo, if Mr Gerock is Gilty of the Charge against him I
make no Doubt the Vesel & Cargo is forfeted, I have Unrig'd her &
put a proper officer on Bord, to preserve the Cargo &c Pray let me
hear from you as soon as posable, and in the Interem you may rely
I shall leave no stone unturned to, Detect the Disaffected.
NB. Wheather Mr Gerock was now Bound to Portsmoth or not
I Cannot Undertake to say, but I have not a single doubt but that
he has bin their latly and from what Travers says has Taken a pro-
tection and fitted him self to Trade with the Enemy and his Connec-
tions, of Robt Pitts & Gray is in my oppinion much against him
I have IncloStd you a Deposition of James Stuart, One of the hands
which I have that Mr Gerock Informed him that the Cargo Belonged
to him & Capt. Furnewell
July 5
Brown Book
No. 9
[James Stewart's deposition, Somerset County.]
James Stewart aged Thirty six years or thereabouts being Sworn
on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God deposeth and Saith, that he