January 1-December 31, 1781 311
made at this place. In short we are all uneasy at the trouble we give
as well as expence we put our Friends to. I fiater myself your Honble
Board will take the general situation into Consideration & fall on
some method to remove the present inconveniences.
June 23
[Sam Smith, Balt, to Gov. Lee.]
I do myself the Honor to Inclose your Excellys a Deposition for-
warded by Mr Baker Johnson in consequence of which I took up &
Confin'd in Jail, John Parker, on searching his papers there was
nothing found that would Criminate him. He requests a Speedy
Trial declaring his Innocence, I presume It will be easier to Carry
him to Fredk where a Number Concernd are to be tried, than to pro-
cure the attendance of the necessary Evidence here. The Person
mention'd to Gen. Buchanan has been taken. He has a Certificate of
having taken the Oath in Charles Cty
It will be Impossible to Equip Coll. Nicholsons Troop of Horse in
less than one Month. I Have set Ellicott to work on the swords &c &c.
He can make but 10 p week
I Have provided 80 Blanketts since my last which will I presume
nearly be sufficient for the Troops, the Tents will be finish'd To-
morrow & if I knew when the Troops would march, everything
wanting should meet them at George Town. The Guns sent p Mr
Hughes are very handsome but they weigh between 10 & 1100l each.
The Carriages are nearly Compleated. If the Troops do not march
this week I will forward more Clothing, Tents &c to Anapolis. I
should be glad to be Instructed whether Mr Poe's receipt for the
Canvass necessary for Tents, will be sufficient. The making &c. &c
is more in his way than mine — flour still comes in very slow I flatter
myself Mr Muir is supplied with another 100 Hhds Tobacco, if I fail
in my first Contract — I shall be put on the List of public Contractors
& be able to obtain a farther Credit. I should have a return of what
is still wanting for the Troops that I might know how to Compleat
June 24
Red Book
No. 37
Letter 104
[Wm. Bordley, Chester Town, to His Excellcy Thos. Sim Lee, Esq.]
Agreeable to your request I contracted for the making as many
pair of shoes as £ 150 would pay for, upon the best terms I could,
& waited some time for an opportunity to send the order, but none
offering I hired a man for that purpose, the shoemakers pressing
for their money; enclosed you have your order, with Mr Dickinsons
answer, at which I am somewhat surprised & much disappointed
supposing your Excellencies order good, I passed my word for the
payment of £150 the sum mention'd therein. Mr Crane seeing the
necessity of furnishing the soldiers with shoes, has made a pair for
each, trusting to the state, for the payment of the sum exceeding
June 25